On the occasion of 24 January, under the auspices of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, two events dedicated to the celebration of the Union of the Principalities took place. On 23 January, in New York, was held Symposium of the Union of the Romanian Principalities – XXIXth edition, 163 years since the great historical event . On the day of the Union, in Iasi, took place Scientific Symposium “Cuza’s Union, a fundamental historical act in the constitution of European Romania”.

Symposium of the Union of the Romanian Principalities in New York was organized by the Academy of Romanian Scientists – USA Branch together with the Union of Professional Journalists of Romania, the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitanate of the Americas, the Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality – New York and took place on Sunday, 23 January, at 3.00 pm, at the “Saints Peter and Paul Apostles” Church in the American metropolis. The main organizer and host of the event was Fr. Prof. Dr. Theodor Damian, President of the American Branch of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and of the Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality. At the opening, three historical songs with deep historical and patriotic reverberations were sung: “Wake up Romanian”, “Anthem of Stefan Voda”, “Anthem of Bessarabia”. The session, moderated by Prof. Nicole Smith, approached the Union of the Principalities from several perspectives: historical, political, cultural, spiritual, giving a complex and substantial picture of the event. The presentations, given by emblematic names of the Romanian diaspora in the USA, were: Ștefan STOENESCU (essayist, comparatist and translator, Ithaca, New York), “The Union of the Principalities as an event in Eminescu’s formative consciousness”; N . RUSU (critic and literary historian, editor-in-chief of the magazine Clear Light, New York), “Princess Ileana and the photographer Alexandru Petit on the Romanian unitary space”; Prof. Doru TSAGANEA (Professor of Mathematics at the Metropolitan College of New York), “January 24, 1859, an important moment for the creation of the unitary and sovereign Romanian national state”; Prof. Valentina CIAPRAZI (writer, professor of French language and literature, LaGuardia College, New York), “Napoleon III and the Union of the Romanian Principalities”; Dr. Flaviu RIȚIU (St. Peter and Paul Church, New York), “The Union of Moldavia and Romanian Country in the European geopolitical context”; Theodor DAMIAN (writer; Professor Emeritus of Social Sciences and Education at the Metropolitan College of New York; President of the American Branch of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and of the Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality, New York), “Archimandrite Melchisedec Ștefănescu and the Union of the Principalities”.

Scientific Symposium “Cuza’s Union, a fundamental historical act in the constitution of European Romania” was organized by the Academy of Romanian Scientists, with the support of the Section of Historical and Archaeological Sciences of the Iași Branch of the AOSR, and the Institute of History “A. D. Xenopol” of the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch and was held on 24 January, starting at 10.00 am, in the Costin Catargi House, H Building, Faculty of History of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, in hybrid format (online and with physical presence). The moderators of the event were: Prof. Dr. Ion SOLCANU, President of the Historical and Archaeological Sciences Section of AOSR and President of the Iasi Branch of the institution and Prof. Dr. Gheorghe CLIVETI, Director of the Institute of History of the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch.

The symposium was opened by Prof. Dr. Adrian BADEA, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, who, referring to the fundamental meaning of the historical moment and its significance for today’s Romania, said:”The date of 24 January 1859 remains a landmark on our political and spiritual map unfolding over time, an epochal event in the long and difficult centuries-long process of uniting Romanians into a single country. We believe that we must always return to the event of 24 January, not formally and festively, but through an act of substantial scientific reflection on the premises, framework, processes, personalities and meanings of the great historical act, which still offers us a high lesson in history.“The event had a special guest, Mr. Bogdan Ilie Cuza(great-great-grandson of the ruler), who gave the lecture “Alexandru Ioan Cuza, creator of the Union of the Romanian Principalities and supporter of the first academic structure in Romania”.

The symposium in Iasi, dense in substantial communications, supported by personalities of education and academic research, has outlined a framework of historical and cultural exploration of a fundamental moment in the constitution of Modern Romania from different thematic perspectives and angles of interpretation. The programme of the event included the following presentations: Prof. Gheorghe CLIVETI (Director of the Institute of History of the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch), “The Union of the Principalities and Cuza’s reign under the European guarantee”; Prof. Cristian PLOSCARU (Faculty of History, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi), “The Union of the Principalities with a Foreign Prince. From the strategy of diplomacy to the Romanian national project”; Prof. Petru ANDEA (Scientific Secretary of A.O.S.R.), “The reforms during the reign of Al. I. Cuza”Prof. Dumitru VITCU (University “Ștefan cel Mare” – Suceava), “Cuza and the autocephaly of the Romanian Orthodox Church”; Prof. Mihai COJOCARU (Faculty of History, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi), “A fighter for the unification of the Principalities: Anastase Panu”; Prof. Ion I. SOLCANU (Univ. Al. I. Cuza” Iași), “The Romanian School in the counties of Moldavia – Cahul, Bolgrad and Ismail –and south of the Danube during the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza”; Prof. Dr. Corneliu LUNGU (Vice-President of the History Section of A.O.S.R.), “Documentary evidence of the union of the Principalities and the personality of Al. I. Cuza”; Prof. Radu Ștefan VERGATTI (Honorary Director of the “D. Stăniloaie” Interdisciplinary Research Centre), “The election of Al. I. Cuza ruler in Bucharest. The achievement of the “Little Union” of The Danube Principalities – a model for Western Europe”; Prof. Mihai DRECIN (University of Oradea), “The Echo of the Union of the Romanian Principalities in Transylvania (1859-1914)”, Commander (rtg.), Prof. Dr. Jipa ROTARU, “Modernization of the Romanian Army under the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Prof. Dr. Sorin IVAN, “Titu Maiorescu” University of Bucharest – “Alexandru Ioan Cuza’s contribution to the modernization of Romanian education”; Prof. Valentin CIORBEA (Ovidius University, Constanta), “The progress of the navy and ports under the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Prof. Mihai BĂDESCU (ASE, Faculty of Law), “Alexandru Ioan Cuza’s reforming legislation – a premise for the formation of the modern Romanian legal system”, Prof. Narcis-Stelian ZĂRNESCU, “A paradigmatic binomial: Cuza – Eminescu. Landmarks for a philosophy of national history”
The two events, Symposium on the Union of the Romanian Principalities in New York and The Scientific Symposium “Cuza’s Union, a fundamental historical act in the constitution of Modern Romania” in Iasi, is part of the Program of the Academy of Romanian Scientists for 2022, which includes a variety of projects, activities and events with national and international participation. Through its programmes and activities, the Academy of Romanian Scientists, an institution founded in 1935, participates in the process of building European Romania through education, science and research.
Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
(Contact: )

U nirii of the Romanian Principalities – XXIXth edition 163 years since the great historical event
FromWednesday 23 January 2022 at 3:00 PM after St. Liturgy at the Church “Sf. Ap. Peter and Paul” (St. George’s Episcopal Church) in Astoria, 27th Ave. corner of 14th Street Subway Q or N at Astoria Boulevard station, Bus Q 18
Opening protocol Pr. Prof. Dr. Theodor Damian,
President of the American Branch of the Academy of American
Romanian Institute of Theology and Orthodox Spirituality
“Wake up Romanian”
dby Andrei Muresanu
“Anthem of Stefan Voda”
“Anthem of Bessarabia”
Communications – Moderator: Prof. Nicole Smith – ȘTEFAN STOENESCU, essayist, comparatist and translator – Ithaca, New York – “The Union of the Principalities as an event in Eminescu’s formative consciousness”; – N. RUSU, critic and literary historian, editor-in-chief of the magazine ClearLight, New York – “Princess Ileana and the photographer Alexandru Petit on the Romanian unitary space”; – Prof. univ. dr. DORU TSAGANEA, Professor of Mathematics at the Metropolitan College of New York – “24 January 1859, an important moment for the creation of the unitary and sovereign Romanian national state”; – Prof. univ. VALENTINA CIAPRAZI, writer, professor of French language and literature, LaGuardia College, New York – “Napoleon III and the Union of the Romanian Principalities “; – Dr. FLAVIU RIȚIU, St. Ap. Peter and Paul, New York – “The Union of Moldavia and Romanian Country in the European geopolitical context”; – Priest prof. univ. dr. THEODOR DAMIAN, writer; professor emeritus of social sciences and education at the Metropolitan College of New York; President of the American Branch of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and of the Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality, New York – “Archimandrite Melchisedec Stefanescu and The Union of the Principalities”.
AOSR Research Project Competition 2022-2023
The event will take place in a hybrid format, with physical and online participation. For online access, click HERE
10.00 – 10.15: Opening speech – Prof. dr. eng. Adrian BADEA, President of A.O.S.R 10.15 – 10.30: Bogdan Ilie CUZA (great-grandson of the ruler) – “Alexandru Ioan Cuza, creator of the unification of the Romanian Principalities and supporter of the first academic structure in Romania” 10.30 – 10.45: Prof. Gheorghe CLIVETI, Director of the Institute of History of the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch – “The Union of the Principalities and Cuza’s reign under the European guarantee” 10.45 – 11.00: Prof. Cristian PLOSCARU, PhD, Faculty of History Univ. Al. I. Cuza” Iași – “The Union of the Principalities with a Foreign Prince. From diplomatic strategy to Romanian national project” 11.00 – 11.15: Prof. Petru ANDEA, Scientific Secretary of the A.O.Ș.R. – “Reforms during the reign of Al.I.Cuza” 11.15 – 11.30: Prof. Dr. Dumitru VITCU, “Ștefan cel Mare” University – Suceava – “Cuza and the autocephaly of the Romanian Orthodox Church” 11.30 – 11.45: Prof. Mihai COJOCARU, PhD, Faculty of History, Univ. Al. I. Cuza” Iași – “A fighter for the union of the Principalities: Anastase Panu”
11.45 – 12.00: BREAK
12.00 – 12.15: Prof. Dr. Ion I. SOLCANU, Univ. Al. I. Cuza” Iași – “The Romanian School in the counties of Moldavia – Cahul, Bolgrad and Ismail –and south of the Danube during the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza”. 12.15 – 12.30: Prof. Dr. Corneliu LUNGU, Vice-President of the History Section of A.O.Ș.R. – “Documentary evidence of the union of the Principalities and the personality of Al. I. Cuza” 12.30 – 12.45: Prof. univ. Dr. Radu Ștefan VERGATTI, Honorary Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre “D. Stăniloaiei”-“The election of Al. I. Cuza ruler in Bucharest. The achievement of the “Little Union” of The Danube Principalities – a model for Western Europe” 12.45 – 13.00: Prof. Mihai DRECIN, PhD, University of Oradea – “The Echo of the Union of the Romanian Principalities in Transylvania (1859-1914)” 13.00 – 13.15: Commander (rtg), Prof. Dr. Jipa ROTARU – “Modernization of the Romanian Army under the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza” 13.15 – 13.30: Prof. Sorin IVAN, PhD, “N. Titulescu” Bucharest – “Alexandru Ioan Cuza’s contribution to the modernization of Romanian education” 13.30 – 13.45: Prof. Valentin CIORBEA, PhD, “Ovidius” University, Constanta – “The progress of the navy and ports under the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza” 13.45 – 14.00: Prof. Mihai BĂDESCU, PhD, ASE, Faculty of Law – “Alexandru Ioan Cuza’s reforming legislation – premise for the formation of the modern Romanian legal system” 14.00 – 14.15: Prof. Dr. Narcis-Stelian ZĂRNESCU – “A paradigmatic binomial: Cuza – Eminescu. Landmarks for a Philosophy of National History”


Eminescu and the spiritual unity of all Romanians in the light of the 150th anniversary of the First Celebration of Romanians Abroad – Putna – 1871 Sunday, January 16, 2022, 2:00 PM at the Romanian Orthodox Church “Sf. Ap. Peter and Paul”, Astoria, New York (14-20 27th Ave.). VIDEO

1 December 2021 Happy birthday, Romania! Happy birthday Romanians, wherever you are!

The Academy of RomanianScientistsNew YorkChapterRomanianOrthodoxMetropolitanof theAmericasRomanianInstituteofOrthodox Theology and Spirituality, New York Invites you to the celebration of the National Day of Romania This theme will be evoked through the following presentations: 1. Pr. Prof. univ. Dr. Theodor Damian, The Sacred Dimension of the National Day 2. Prof. univ. Dr. Doru Tsaganea, Celebrating the Great Union 3. Critic and literary historian M. N. Rusu, The contribution of the Romanian exile to the achievement of the GreatUnionWe are waiting for you! The event will take place on Sunday, November 28, 2021, at 3:00 PM at the Church “Sf. Ap. Peter and Paul” at 27th Ave and 14th Street, Astoria (14-22 27th Ave., Astoria, NY)
On 18-20 November 2021, the National Autumn Scientific Conference of the Academy of Romanian Scientists took place, an event which, together with the Spring Conference, is part of the tradition of the institution, a hallmark event of the scientific and academic environment in Romania. This year’s edition, held under the title “Traditions and Progress in Romanian Science”, enjoyed a large participation, gathering, as authors and communicators, professors, researchers, scientists and cultural people from AOSR and other scientific environments. A notable aspect is the participation in the event of young researchers, some of them doctoral students, in various fields of research and knowledge, which attests, once again, the special openness of the Academy of Romanian Scientists towards young people, the programmatic support of new generations of scientists.…..more
Theme: “Traditions and progress in Romanian science”
18-19 November 2021, in hybrid format (physical and online presence)

The presidency of AOSR sadly announces that on November 5, 2021, Prof. univ. Dr. Dan SCHIOPU, Founding Member, AOSR Vice President, President of the Department of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, member of the Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.), of the Society of Agronomic Engineers, of the Romanian National Society for Soil Science and of the Society of Agrarian History and Retrology.
He was born on October 4, 1930 in Galaţi, graduated from the Faculty of Horticulture at the Iaşi Agronomic Institute (1954) and obtained the scientific title of Doctor of Agronomy, Agrotechnical Specialty, in 1975. He pursued a prodigious university teaching career, starting as head of laboratory 1955-1966, then becoming assistant professor 1962-1969, head of papers 1969-1991, Associate Professor 1991-1993 and University Professor since 1993, at the Faculty of Agronomy of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest. Its didactic activity has been harmoniously combined with scientific research focused mainly on soil studies, directing vegetation factors, increasing the efficiency of variance analysis in field experiments, integrated weed control and the remaining effect of herbicides, problems of agricultural ecology and environment protection. Among his many publications are books of great scientific and practical value, such as: Ecology and Environmental Protection , Methodology for studying pollution of agricultural origin. Consequences pour l’environnement, Practical works of agrotechnics and experimental technique, Guide for the correct and efficient operation of agricultural machinery and equipment, as well as scientific articles that have promoted the most valuable results of research, the most important of which are: The influence of temperature, humidity and fertilizers on the mobile forms of nitrogen in a gray forest soil; Gheorghe Ionescu-Şişeşti – the face and work of a Romanian school creator ; Agriculture and pollution; Animal husbandry and agricultural ecosystems; Observations on the influence of alternative technologies with different degrees of chemicalization on the structural hydrostability of reddish-brown soil; Essay on biodiversity functionality; Aspects Regarding Ecological Condition of Pastures of Romanian Mountain Areas; Weeds and agricultural ecosystems; Integrierte Bekämpfung von Unkräutern in Soja und Maïs mit Herbiziden in Verbindung mit Maschienenhäcke; Essay on the application of fundamental biocenotic principles in agricultural ecosystems; Research on weed control in maize cultivation on reddish-brown soil in southern Romania. His contribution to the development of scientific research has been important, leaving to the present and future generations an outstanding scientific literature through his published books and articles. For his merits he has been honored with numerous distinctions, awards and medals. Our Academy loses a teacher, a scientist and a wonderful colleague! He left us, but in our hearts he will always remain as a man of exceptional value, culture, professionalism, honest, friendly, generous and good! My sincere condolences to the family! God rest him in Peace!
The Academy of Romanian Scientists expresses its deep sadness at the departure of Dr. AUREL VAINER. President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Romania, and later Honorary President of FCER, Mr Aurel Vainer was a prominent personality of the Romanian world, who promoted the values of peace and harmonious coexistence, respect, tolerance and love between people, beyond their differences. Trained as an economist, he has developed a prodigious professional career, coupled with a career as a researcher and teacher in higher education. He has been a researcher at the Institute of Commercial Research and at the Institute for Domestic Trade and Commerce Research, vice-president, first vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest, vice-president of the Romanian Statistical Society and president of the Board of Directors of the Charity Foundation, Honorary President of the Romania-Israel Cultural Friendship Association, President of the Central European Initiative – Parliamentary Dimension (since 2005) and, between 2005 and 2007, member of the Executive Committee of the European Jewish Congress. He was a member of the Romanian Parliament and Vice-Chairman of the Political, Economic, Reform and Privatization Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. Dr. Aurel Vainer was a university professor, author of scientific studies and books in the field of economics (economics of trade, marketing, domestic trade). His work and merits have been appreciated at the highest level with a series of Distinctions and decorations: the Order of the Star of Romania, in the rank of knight, the National Order of the Legion of Honour, in the rank of knight, awarded by France, diplomas of excellence, distinctions and diplomas, the title of Doctor Honoris Causa. Dr. Aurel Vainer was an honorary member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (Section of Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences), deeply attached to our institution, actively participating in its programs and events. With the departure of Dr. Aurel Vainer, our world loses a personality of great professional and scientific value, a noble and bright spirit, a good and just man, a man among people, dedicated to human values, a tireless promoter of respect, understanding and harmony in Romanian society. Our Academy loses a distinguished member, a chosen man and a great friend. We express our deep regret and deep sadness for this loss and send our condolences to the bereaved family! We ask the Good Lord to place him among his Righteous, in eternal light! Academy of Romanian Scientists 31.10.2021
The members of the Academy of Romanian Scientists express their deep sadness at the death of Professor emeritus Dr. Eng. Paul E. STERIAN (22 November 1946, Com. Râca, Argeș County – 21 October 2021, Bucharest) full member and President of the Section of Information Science and Technology (2008-2021). Director of the University Centre for Optical and Photonic Engineering “FOCUM” (founder, 1997). President of the Romanian Optoelectronics Society (founded in 1990). Director of the Department of Physics, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest (2004-2005) and Founder of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of UPB (2005), Initiator and Coordinator of the Master Program of “Photonics” (UPB) since its foundation (1995) and accreditation, Professor STERIAN was the author of the first treatises in Romania on “Optical Transmission of Information” (vol.I and II, 1981, Technical Publishing House) and “Photonics” (2000, Printech Publishing House). Main author of the treatise “LASERS AND MULTIFOTONIC PROCESSES” (1988, Technical Publishing House); – Founding Director of the University Centre for Optical Engineering and Photonics “FOCUM” (since 1997). PhD supervisor in “Technical Physics” and “Optoelectronics” (since 1991); – Director of the “FOTON MD” programme funded by the World Bank: “Advanced studies of PHOTONICS through Master and PhD in Romania” (1998-2002); Senior Editor of the journals. Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists – Science and Technology of Information; Romanian Journal of Optoelectronics, Scientific Bulletin, Bucharest Polytehnical University (Series Editor: Mathematics and Physics); Bulletin of the Romanian Society of Optoelectronics, Professor Paul Sterian left a rich scientific legacy in the fields of quantum electronics and optics, lasers, optical information transmission, optoelectronics, open systems, photonics, optical communications, quantum information theory. We express our deep regret and deep sadness for this loss and send our condolences to the bereaved family! We ask the Good Lord to place him among his Righteous, in eternal light!
AOSR Medical Sciences Section press release on vaccination against COVID-19
The Medical Sciences Section of the Academy of Romanian Scientists considers vaccination as one of the greatest medical discoveries in history, comparable to the discovery of antibiotics, asepsis, antisepsis and anaesthetics. Without vaccinations the human species would today be almost defeated by microbial and viral species. In the current conditions, we ask Romanians to trust us and to help defeat the pandemic through vaccination. It is very important that every citizen applies all the rules indicated by doctors. We have to accept that there may be, as in any therapeutic procedure, cases of failure, infinitely few in number, which cannot take away the huge benefits of the more than 98% of those who are successfully vaccinated. The changes in our environment force us to prevent further possible attacks by microbial or viral species. Within the Academy of Romanian Scientists, there is only the opinion of saving through vaccination, prevention and all treatments that sanction the effects of these viral attacks on the body functions. We call on the people of Romania to accept the perceptions of doctors, who have a large sample of casualties in this war on the pandemic. Please go for vaccination, trust the doctors, beware of the unknowing who give their opinion! The AOSR medical section has illustrious doctors who have expressed their opinion, such as: Acad. Bălăceanu-Stolnici, the great neurosurgeon Vlad Ciurea, Professor Sorin Rugină, General Professor Dan Mischianu and Professor Irinel Popescu, and at our annual sessions evidence about this condition was presented by renowned medical specialists: Professor Streinu-Cercel, Irina Dumitru, Camelia Diaconu, Sebastian Ionescu and many others. I call you to stand with the army of white coats and, if you want to know the truth about this scourge, address your questions to our section members with the official contact addresses of the AOSR, an institution that has been serving the sciences in Romania for over 80 years since its foundation and is currently highly rated internationally. Prof. Dr. Sârbu Vasile, President of the AOSR Medical Sciences Section.
The Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR) organizes on Thursday 21 October 2021, 17:30, the online launch of “#HalateAlbe, People who make us well”, which contains 108 interviews with leading personalities of Romanian medicine, author Ioana Brușten, journalist. The event is both a tribute to the founders and the continuing physicians of the AOSR and a recognition of the excellence of contemporary medicine in Romania. The launch will be addressed by Acad. Irinel Popescu, Prof. Dr. Viorel Jinga, rector of UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest, representatives of Radio Romania, of the publisher, as well as other personalities of medicine, present in the book to be launched. This event is the first of a broad project entitled “Romanian Science Ambassadors” through which AOSR will bring to the forefront outstanding personalities, real ambassadors of Romanian science and culture. Moderator: Prof. Doina Banciu, Vice President of the AOSR.

The Academy of Romanian Scientists, Constanta Branch and the National Museum of the Romanian Navy, organized on Saturday 9 October, at 11 am, at the Museum of the Navy, the launch of the book Valentin Ciorbea, PhD Professor, 75 In Honorem. The Apprentices’ Report, ExPonto Publishing House, Constanta, 2021, 595p (editors Dr. Nicoleta Paraschiv, Dr. Luminița Stelian).
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On 22-24 September 2021, at the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, the workshop entitled Optimal Health of Organizational Systems -SOSO (fluctuating well-being and organizational psychopathology) ……..more
COMPETITION “POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH PROJECTS – 2021” The competition stimulates the participation of young people in research in all fields of science. A single candidate or a group may apply. Participants must have a PhD and be no more than 40 years old. The maximum value of a project is 20.000 lei and payment will be made on the basis of royalties. Authors of papers/patents based on the results of the project will mention the affiliation: “Academy of Romanian Scientists, 3 Ilfov str, Bucharest, Romania”.…….more

THE ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS PROTESTS AGAINST THE SLAUGHTERING AND DISCRIMINATION OF THE INSTITUTION IN THE NAME OF POLITICAL INTERESTS The Academy of Romanian Scientists has noted with surprise the existence of a legislative initiative to abolish the AOSR. The arguments behind this political gesture are abusive and do not correspond to the truth. A number of clarifications are necessary in this respect. 1. The initiative to abolish the Academy of Romanian Scientists expresses a purely political project, which uses arguments alien to the truth and the field of scientific research, based only on null and void “value” judgments, persistently conveyed in the public environment, in a kind of collective indictment, supported by slanderous definitions.…..more

On Tuesday 14 September, the Arges County Council, together with the Popular School of Arts and Crafts and the Museum of Viticulture and Pomiculture of Golești, organized in Pitesti, the International Conference on “Tradition and Continuity in the Valorization of Intangible Cultural Heritage”. Doina Banciu, vice-president of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and Prof. Nicolae Panea, pro-rector of the University of Craiova, Dr. Iustin Dejanu, manager of the Golești Viticulture and Pomiculture, Elena Iagăr, manager of the Popular School of Arts and Crafts of Pitesti, as well as academics and directors of cultural institutions in the country.….. more
“The XVth International Conference “Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems”(DGDS-2021) 26 – 29 August 2021 * ONLINE * [Bucharest, Romania] DGDS-2021 is organized under the auspices of the following Institutional Organizers: – University Politehnica of Bucharest – Faculty of Applied Sciences, – Balkan Society of Geometers, – Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy, – Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, – The Academy of Romanian Scientists, – Technical University of Civil Engineering – Bucharest, – The Romanian Simulation Society, – CCEPM/CREPM Research Center of DMA, University of Craiova.

“500 years from Neacșu’s Letter to today’s digital communication” The Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu” (ICAI) was one of the organizers of the 13th edition of the symposium “Slove Muscelene”, together with other prestigious cultural institutions in Romania: the “Carol f” University Foundation, the “Carol I” Central University Library in Bucharest, the National Museum of Romanian Literature, ICI – National Institute for Research and Development in Computer Science in Bucharest, the “George Barițiu” County Library in Brasov and the DigiLib Muscel Association. This 13th edition was held in a hybrid format, i.e. both physically at the Aula of the Central University Library “Carol I” in Bucharest (July 15) with live webcasting, and online (the next day, July 16, the session of scientific communications).…more

PRESS RELEASE, 24 June 2021 At its sitting of 24 June 2021, the Constitutional Court, in the framework of the control of laws after promulgation, by a majority of votes, admitted the exception of unconstitutionality raised by the People’s Advocate and found that the provisions of Article 38 of the State Budget Law for 2021 No. 15/2021 are unconstitutional. The Court found that Article 38 of Law no. 15/2021 violates the constitutional provisions of Article 1(5) on the principle of legality, by reference to Article 65(1) and (2)(b), Article 76(2) and Article 138(2) of the Constitution. At the same time, the Court also found a violation of Article 1(3) of the Constitution on the rule of law. The provisions found to be unconstitutional are worded as follows: “Until 31 December 2021, by way of derogation from the provisions of Article 20 of Law no.31/2007 on the reorganization and functioning of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, with subsequent amendments and additions, the financing of the institution’s expenses shall be provided from its own revenues.” * The decision is final and generally binding. The arguments used to justify the Constitutional Court’s decision will be presented in the decision, which will be published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.
Sponsorships and donations to the SCIENTICA Foundation can be made to the following account:
Account: RO45RNCB0081106967430001
B.C.R. Izvor Branch
Fiscal code: 24708650
Awards and Conference of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, under the sign of quality and academic performance On 10 June 2021, in the Aula of the Central University Library Carol I, three events were held under the aegis of Academy of Romanian Scientists: General Assembly, Awards Ceremony for 2019 and AOSR National Spring Conference. The agenda of the The General Assembly included the following items: presentation of the AOSR activity report for 2020, presentation of the AOSR financial situation for 2020 and projection for 2021, approval of amendments to the AOSR Statutes, reception and promotion of new members within the AOSR. Please note that, since 2020, by political decision, AOSR has lost financial support from the state budget, which is fundamental for the functioning of the institution. Even though it is going through difficult times, AOSR continues its work through the combined efforts of its members. The Academy of Romanian Scientists, founded as the Romanian Academy of Sciences on 29 March 1935 by Dr. Constantin Angelescu, a prominent politician, Minister of Public Instruction and prestigious physician, remains faithful to its mission of being an academic forum of science and knowledge and, in this spirit, carries on its mission despite all vicissitudes.…..more
PRODUCTICA 2021 – June 04 Innovative technologies, products and services / Innovative technologies, products and services On-line, Microsoft Teams
Conference schedule
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The Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR) – through the section of Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences – organized on 13 April 2021 (from 10:00) the online debate on the theme “The impact of the pandemic on the business environment in Romania”. The event was attended by some outstanding specialists, invited as keynote speakers: prof. univ. dr. Ștefan Daniel Armeanu, Vice President of the Financial Supervisory Authority, prof. univ. dr. Ioan Popa, Dean – Faculty of Management, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, prof. univ. dr. Florina Pînzaru, Dean – Faculty of Management, National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA).….more
For the “package” of anxieties to be complete, lack of coherent and empathetic communication, lack of understanding and arrogance have a way of making people angry. Rightly so! The last few days have seen a mixture of complicated situations for Romanian society. We have all seen explosions of extremism, then street demonstrations against the restrictions imposed by the authorities and, despite Prime Minister Cîțu’s assurances that the economy is doing quite well, we are witnessing a rapid deterioration of the economic environment……more
We invite the members of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and especially those of the section of Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences to participate in the online debate on the theme “The impact of the pandemic on the business environment in Romania” and to express their opinions on the topic Meeting ID: 813 8742 7453 Passcode: 316347
Dear Colleagues, I would like to begin by thanking those who participated in the series of scientific events dedicated to addressing the issue of the pandemic and its effects, held on 26 January this year – “Vaccination, between the power of science and the power of misinformation” and on 25 February this year – “Vaccination, between the power of science and the power of misinformation”.c. – “The impact of epidemics on societal security”, an expression of the interest shown by the AOSR in this topic during the National Scientific Conference of 26 Nov. 2020, entitled “Pandemic in scientific and cultural vision”. The success of these events reinforces our hope that you will also appreciate the webinar entitled “A New Geopolitical Agenda for the Black Sea” organised by AOSR and UAS, which we invite you to honour us with your participation on Thursday, 25 March 2021, starting at 12 noon: Meeting ID: 838 2228 5921 Passcode: 072912

Romania does not need scientists, but politicians without culture and common sense!
Prof. dr. doc. Alexandru-Vladimir Ciurea, Member A.O.Ș.R.
I’m outraged and sad at the same time!… For the second time in a row, the Academy of Scientists (AOȘR) is left without a budget by the Romanian Parliament. A wave of lies has poured from the pens of the so-called progressives, eager to destroy – without putting anything in place! – any symbol of Romanian society that does not “fit” under their control. Or, even worse, about which they know nothing, but feel that their superficiality and ignorance threaten them. And they are threatened by an attempt at political construction very similar to that of the Marxist regimes, which standardised everything or silenced any voice that did not correspond to the policies of the single party. Folks, it’s come to the challenge in the US of George Washington, one of the founding fathers of that great state, just because Procust’s new bed won’t fit those who don’t agree with progressives!… Stupid ideas become the punch lines of political demonstrations into which unsuspecting people are skillfully lured by clever propagandists.…..more
COMMUNICATION THERomanian Academy ofScientists:STATEMENTS IN THE NAME OF TRUTH AND POLITICAL CORRECTNESSTheRomanianAcademyofScientists has become the target of undignified attitudes and attacks from some media and political forces, aimed at discrediting the institution in the public environment, distorting its image and undermining its status. All this is based, on the one hand, on a gross lack of information, on the other hand, on opinions circulated in the tabloid press, and seems to express a political project. A political project not dedicated to the development of science and education in Romania, but focused strictly on a single goal: the abolition of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. At the same time, our institution is facing a new wave of slander and denigration carried out by some publications or websites, which aim to misinform, mislead and manipulate public opinion……more
Interview by Mr. President Adrian Badea, on DCNews, during the show “What’s going on?”
Academy of Romanian Scientists
by Ioan ScurtuOn the occasion of the discussion of the 2021 budget, the “civists” unleashed a new wave of insults and slander against the Academy of Romanian Scientists and its members. I have called them “civists” to distinguish them from the true exponents of civil society. These “civists” act like the Stalinists of the 1950s, who destroyed the economy, education and science – in fact Romania – in the name of an ideology. The Academy of Scientists operates on the basis of a law, but in Romania breaking laws, starting with the Constitution, has become common practice. In the three decades since the 1989 “change”, the national economy has been destroyed, but no one has been held accountable for the – admittedly fraudulent – privatisations. Neither presidents, nor heads of government, nor ministers, nor negotiators, nor signatories of contracts that are detrimental to the Romanian state. Justice – the “independent” one – has not heard, has not known and does not know that the Romanian fleet, the Tractor Plant in Brasov, the Electroputere Plant in Craiova, the 1 Mai Plant in Ploiesti, the Sowing Plant in Bucharest have disappeared, nor of the liquidation of the Pig Breeding Combine in Timisoara (Contim), nor…nor…nor. It all floats in a hazy anonymity, cloaked in the formula “we destroyed the national economy” – a collective and unidentifiable subject……more
ANSWER TO THE DENIGRATORS of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOȘR) has once again become the target of unworthy attitudes and attacks, facing a new wave of slander and denigration carried out by some publications or websites, which aim to misinform, mislead and manipulate public opinion. The public image of the AOȘR promoted by these media is a rudimentary one, based on poisoned definitions and fake news: “phantom institution”, “phantom Academy of Scientists”, “Academy founded by Ecaterina Andronescu, headed by Ion Iliescu, as honorary president” “Academy affiliated to a certain party, without personalities, lacking scientific value, without activity and results, consuming budget money, etc. etc.” Incorrect, malicious statements – which AOȘR does not deserve! This profoundly untrue and unfair image for the identity, history, activity and outstanding results of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, offensive to its members, formed the necessary and sufficient framework for the recent political decision of the government to cut the budget of the institution for the second consecutive year.…..more
Dear Colleagues, It is our pleasure and honour to invite you to participate in the celebration of the 75th birthday of Prof. Dr. Ing. Adrian Alexandru Badea, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. The event will take place on 05 February, 12 noon, online, on the Teams platform, at the following link: Link in invitation can only be accessed directly by UPB members. Members of the Academy can enter the platform by accessing the invitation from Microsoft Teams, received by personal email, then following the steps in the video posted below on the site We look forward to seeing you!Scientific Council of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
Prof. univ. Dr. Ing. Doina BANCIU, Vice-President, Academy of Romanian Scientists@ EU Cyber Hub Conference Bucharest, organized by Digital Transformation Council, COMUNICAȚII Mobile Magazine and on January 29, 2021
On 15 January, at the age of 81, Professor Emeritus, Dr. Phys. Dan Alexandru IORDACHE, member of the Information Science and Technology Section of AOSR. Professor Emeritus, Dr. Phys. Dan Alexandru IORDACHE has made outstanding contributions to the progress of Romanian and international science and culture, especially in the field of Science and Information Technology, having authored or co-authored more than 480 papers, including books, scientific articles and studies, which have enjoyed wide visibility At the Polytechnic University of Bucharest he taught Physics for over 50 years, being the creator of a school in the field of numerical physics. A professor whose stature is unparalleled in the memory of his former students and colleagues, a world-class scientist, a great man, a true man, who lived beautifully on earth and will live forever in our hearts and souls. God rest his soul! My sincere condolences to the family!
The Academy of Romanian Scientists supports the vaccination campaign against COVID-19 and all efforts to fight the pandemicTheRomanian Academy ofScientists strongly supports, both scientifically and civically, the national vaccination campaign against COVID-19. From a scientific point of view, the AOSR bases its position on the analyses and conclusions expressed within the Medical Sciences Section of its structure, which comprises personalities in the field, university professors, doctors and researchers, with academic and professional prestige at national and international level. From a civic perspective, in view of the unprecedented seriousness of the situation generated by the new coronavirus, AOSR intends to show solidarity with the Romanian state institutions on the front line of the fight against the pandemic and to get directly involved in the joint effort made by them to protect public health through all the measures taken and through the vaccination campaign. Within this scientific, civic and moral framework, the members of the AOSR, leading personalities of Romanian medicine, have already been vaccinated or will be vaccinated in the coming days. In the next interval, in addition to continuing the vaccination process at the institution, The Academy of Romanian Scientists will organize, through the Section of Medical Sciences, a series of academic events (symposia, round tables in online format) on the topic of the pandemic, scientific and administrative measures to combat it, focusing on the need for large-scale vaccination of the population. During these events, special attention will be paid to COVID-19 vaccines through multidisciplinary approaches that will analyse their mechanisms of functioning, effects, benefits and possible risks. The Academy of Romanian Scientists considers such involvement in the national effort to fight the pandemic to be its scientific and moral obligation. Such a duty becomes a priority in the face of the diversity of opinions expressed publicly in relation to the pandemic situation, which does not lack fake news, conspiracy theories, coronasceptic positions, clear attitudes against vaccination and protective measures, which lead to thwarting the fight against the pandemic. The AOSR bases its direct involvement in this national process on its institutional mission enshrined in the Statute and in the Law of functioning, on a history of almost a century, starting with the foundation of the Romanian Academy of Sciences in 1935 by a great physician and Minister of Education, Dr. Constantin Angelescu.
The Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR) through the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu” (ICAI) opened on Thursday, December 3, 2020, the online course
E-learning developer
. The event was opened by Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu, Vice-President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, in the presence of the President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, prof. univ. Dr. Ing. Adrian Badea, as well as guest lecturers: prof. univ. dr. eng. Dumitru Popescu, prof. univ. dr. eng. Răzvan Rughinis, dr. eng. Larisa Ivașcu, PhD, Director of the Engineering and Management Research Centre – Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Lecturer Dr. Daniel Fodorean – Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Baptist Theological Institute, Lecturer Dr. Eng. Mihail Dumitrache, University of Bucharest. Participants highlighted the importance of this course and the need to adapt the education system to the current conditions due to the health crisis. It also emerged from the interventions of the guests that the development of E-learning based education is an ongoing process, which will intensify in the coming years. The first edition of the course was attended by academics, doctoral students, teachers, librarians and computer scientists from Bucharest, Timisoara, Cluj, Brasov and rural areas. In their interventions, the trainees reiterated their interest in this course and their expectations after completing it. The course will end on 21 December 2020.
Ioan Scurtu80years of life in the service of history We are going through a strange period in our activity. We can no longer gather our close friends to celebrate a colleague’s birthday or anniversary. Even if we cannot physically meet, we are left with our thoughts and feelings that go out to our loved ones. For those who feel Romanian, for those who are thinking of Professor Ioan Scurtu, the 27th of November has a double meaning. On this day we think with sadness of the shocking death of the great historian Nicolae Iorga and with joy of the birth of historian Ioan Scurtu…..more
Important announcement!
The AOSR Autumn Scientific Conference will be held, in video-conference format, in the last week of November this year, by sections or groups of sections, as follows: 1. Exact sciences: mathematics, physics, geonomy, 2. Chemistry 3. Life sciences: biology, agriculture, medicine 4. Technical sciences: technical, computer science 5. Socio-human sciences: economics, philosophy, law, theology. 6. Historical-political and military sciences The Presidents of the sections will communicate by 19 November this year the section programme and how to access the online platform on which the section will be held.
Autumn conference programme and abstracts
On 23 November 2020, the Academy of Romanian Scientists was invited by the “Ion Heliade-Rădulescu” County Library of Dâmbovița to present the book
Education through E-learning
, authors Doina Banciu, Ben Oni Ardelean, Larisa Ivascu, Daniel Fodorean in the framework of the events of “Library Days”. The event was attended on behalf of the Academy by prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, vice-president of AOSR, attended the event, on which occasion was announced the launch of the course “E-learning Developer” organized by the E-learning Department of the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu”. The event was attended online by over 75 participants, including the Vice-Mayor of Targoviste, the Secretary of the County Council of Dâmbovița, the Rector of the University “Valahia” Targoviste, professors from the University of Bucharest, directors of libraries in the country, teachers and librarians. His Eminence Nifon, honorary member of AOSR, delivered a message to the event and highlighted its importance.
ACADEMY OF ROMANIANSCIENTISTSin collaboration with INSTITUTE OF STUDIES, RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION of TITU MAIORESCUUNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST& EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FORMULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH& GĂEȘTI CITY HOSPITAL organizes BOOK LAUNCH Ș.L. Dr. Dr. med. HORIA MOCANU, Primary Physician O.R.L. ClinicalExaminationin Otorhinolaryngology – 2nd Edition, Revised and Added&Clinical Examination and Diagnosis in Otorhinolaryngology Conference will be held online on 25 November 2020, 16.00.
The Academy of Romanian Scientists publishers announce the publication of the book: Monastery of a Wood – a unique monastic complex in Romania. Historical Monograph/ Dintr-un Lemn Monastery – A Unique Monastic Complex in Romania. Historical Monograph (Foreword by Prof. Ion I. Solcanu), 444p., in an exceptional design and colour illustration, author Prof. Valentin Ciorbea, corresponding member of A.O.Ș.R. On the relevance of the manuscript, academician Răzvan Theodorescu said: “The volume has a real scientific value, being the result of a comprehensive documentation in libraries and archives where the author has found many unpublished sources. The monograph is in a bilingual edition, which allows not only the Romanian reader or the Romanian-speaking reader, but also the English-speaking reader to know the history of the monastery, its importance and its role as a heritage value.” Prof. Ioan Opriș also appreciates the value of the monograph: “From the founders to the contemporary benefactors – state, ecclesiastical, ministerial, National Bank, public personalities – from the altar servers to its visitors, the author has collected dense pages of facts and events, accomplishing a masterly work worthy of being hastily printed.” His Eminence Emilian (Vlad) Nica Crișanul, professor, Vicar Bishop of the Archdiocese of Arad, underlines in his recommendation for the publication of the book: “The monograph highlights the monastery’s special status as a place of prayer for airmen, sailors and, more recently, the 30th Guards Brigade “Mihai Viteazul,” the monastery having been re-created in the interwar period by General Paul Teodorescu, Minister of Air and Navy.” In his foreword, Prof. Ion I. Solcanu concludes: “Professor Valentin Ciorbea takes the reader through the troubled history of the settlement, which has passed through “ecstasy and agony” repeatedly over the centuries.” Undoubtedly, Professor Valentin Ciorbea’s work is the most complete historical monograph on the Dintr-un Lemn Monastery, one of the most important monuments of Romanian medieval art.”
On Friday, 25 September 2020, the Central University Library “Carol I”, together with the Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOȘR) and the National Commission of Librarians (CNB), organized the debate “The role of libraries in the new digital learning paradigm”, in the BCUB Aula, during the 9th edition of the Festival Strada de C`Arte. The event was attended both online and in the hall by personalities from the academic and research world, library directors, professors, people of culture. The debate was followed by the launch of the book “Education through E-learning”, authors Doina Banciu, Ben-Oni Ardelean, Larisa Ivașcu and Daniel Fodorean, published in collaboration with AOȘR Publishing House and Technical Publishing House. The debate was moderated by Prof. Doina Banciu, vice-president of AOȘR, and Prof. Mireille Rădoi, Secretary of the CNB…..moreMaterialvideo
Scientific research under the sign of excellence, awarded by the Academy of Romanian Scientists On 24 September 2020, the Academy of Romanian Scientists awarded its annual prizes for the most important achievements in scientific research. In this edition, following a rigorous selection, the awards for 2018 were presented. The award ceremony took place in the hall of the “Carol I” Central University Library, in the presence of a small audience, made up of award winners and representatives of the AOSR, in compliance with the safety and protection conditions imposed by the state of alert. As in previous editions, the awards had a strictly honorary value, without involving a monetary component, representing an act of recognition and highlighting the value in science andresearch…..moreVideo material
Spot Magic FM:
The Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR), the Central University Library “Carol I” and the National Commission of Libraries are organizing on Friday 25 September 2020, between 11:00-13:00, in the Council Hall of the Central University Library the round table “The role of libraries in the new digital learning paradigm”. Moderators: Prof. univ. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu and Conf. univ. Dr. Mireille Rădoi. Parliamentarians, representatives of central authorities, library directors, academics and other specialists in the field, as well as representatives of professional associations are invited to participate in the event. The event will be followed by the launch of the book “Education through E-learning“, authors: Doina Banciu, Ben-Oni Ardelean, Larisa Ivașcu, Daniel Fodorean.Special guests:Prof. univ. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, President of AOSR,Prof. univ. Dr. Sorin Cîmpeanu,Prof. univ. Dr. Romiță Iucu.The event will take place both online and in person, subject to restrictions.
We would like to mention the most recent publication of a book printed by the Publishing House of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and the Technical Publishing House: “Education through E-learning”, with a prestigious team of authors: Doina Banciu, Ben-Oni Ardelean, Larisa Ivașcu, Daniel Fodorean. The paper is structured in three parts: the first part presents theoretical aspects of the e-learning process, the second part presents a practical example of the implementation of digital learning, practiced in different countries, as a result of a study carried out in an international cooperation project, and the third part deals with a topic without which the e-learning process cannot take place, namely, the necessary technical resources and digital data collections as a support for information, documentation, training, education. The facilities of some of the most used platforms for e-learning and digital dialogue in Romania are briefly described. The book is intended to be a guide for those involved in the educational process (teachers, tutors, instructors, pupils, students), as well as for other people who, in today’s conditions, need to inform themselves, communicate and work without having to travel to the community.
The AOSR Awards for 2018 will be presented on 24 September 2020, at 11:00 a.m., in the Aula of the Central University Library “Carol I”, to a restricted audience (max. 50 people), respecting the rules of physical distance.
AOSR Awards 2018
What will the school year look like? What about university? Prof. dr. doc. Alexandru-Vladimir Ciurea, Member A.O.Ș.R. To both questions in the title – what will the school year and the university year look like – the answer, so far, is an unacceptable one: we don’t know! The coronavirus pandemic has already roiled the end of the 2019-2020 school year, and it is clear that we must “negotiate” a way of life with this virus. Therefore, one of the priorities on the agenda of the authorities should be the organisation of the new school and university year. Any short-circuiting of the education process will have serious effects in the future. Of course, we must start from two premises: the virus exists and school cannot be interrupted! From here on, every chapter, every aspect that determines the continuation of the learning process and compliance with its quality standards must be analysed.….more
Symposium “Slove Muscelene” Câmpulung Muscel 16-17 July 2020 Theme: The role of the Digital Library in the E-learning system Under the patronage of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR), the “Ion Barbu” Municipal Library – Câmpulung Muscel and the Digilib Muscel Association organized the 12th edition of the symposium “Slove muscelene” with the theme “The role of the Digital Library in the E-learning system”. The event took place online on Thursday 16 July 2020 from 10:00 to 13:00. The event was attended by 36 guests, directors of County Libraries (Alba, Braila, Dâmbovița, Mehedinți, Sibiu), representatives of B.J. Brasov, Cluj-Napoca and Rm. Vâlcea, representatives of some University Libraries, academics (Univ. Politehnica Timișoara, University of Bucharest and Univ. Politehnica of Bucharest), researchers in the field of computer science (ICI Bucharest), representatives of companies in the field of ITC. The symposium was attended online by the President of AOSR, Prof. dr. Adrian Badea, who delivered a message on behalf of the institution, as well as Mr. Mărgărit Blidaru – Deputy Mayor of Câmpulung Muscel, who welcomed the initiative of the organizers…..more
The 7th issue of the magazine “Mission”, for the year 2020, 261 pp. The yearbook is the periodical of the “General Paul Teodorescu” Research Centre for the Cooperation of the Orthodox Church and the Romanian Army, based at the Dintr-un Lemn Monastery. Founding Director, Prof. Valentin Ciorbea, AOȘR corepondent member. The journal is published under the auspices of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and the Archdiocese of Ramnc. 33 researchers, historians, military specialists, university and university teachers, priests sign studies and articles on a variety of topics that increase knowledge on various subjects. The articles are richly illustrated. Issues 1-7 of the journal in pdf format can be consulted on the website of the Academy of Romanian Scientists:
At the initiative of the Romanian Academy, through the Romanian Committee of History and Philosophy of Science, and as president of the CRIFST Constanta Branch, I organized with the support of the “Ovidius” University of Constanta, the 13th edition of the Introductory Course in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, in Constanta, between 2-13 March 2020. As a full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Biological Sciences Section, Prof. Univ. Alexandru Bologa also associated this prestigious scientific and cultural forum in the organization of the educational event. Following a graduation paper, the 21 graduates, from different professions, mostly pre-university and university teachers, engineers, doctors and lawyers, are awarded a Certificate of Graduation, and the lectures of the 20 lecturers from higher education and research held during the course, as well as the graduation papers, will be published in two volumes under the aegis of CRIFST, AOȘR and UOC.
A pandemic of hostility and destruction Dr Alexandru Vlad Ciurea, full member of the AOSR The easiest thing is to destroy something, anything: a statue, a symbol, a car (if it is a police car, the “healthier” the destruction), a shop, etc. If, after the shop windows are smashed, the merchandise can be stolen, the more “serious” the destruction. The scale of the hostility-laden events is growing and spreading across the “civilised world”. The killing of George Floyd by a more than zealous policeman was the spark that ignited the world’s discontent. George Floyd became an icon, even though his life was a model for no one. Far be it from me to dispute in any way the injustice that can be seen with the naked eye in the action of the policeman who killed this man. And far be it from me to disapprove of demonstrations protesting police brutality. Racism is a plague, the world owes it to itself to draw attention to and campaign against discrimination of any kind. But I find the violence, the fanaticism of some demonstrators and, above all, the desire to erase from history any memory of times or characters whose deeds, committed many hundreds of years ago, do not fit the worldview of today’s people, far too exaggerated. And we take revenge on monuments and statues. Why?…..more
Project to develop a home test kit for SARS-CoV-2 infectionAn interdisciplinary team led by Dr. Ciprian Iliescu – Honorary Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists – and formed by specialists from the Institute of Microtechnology (IMT Bucharest), the Faculty of Biology (University of Bucharest) and the University Emergency Hospital Bucharest, is developing a project aimed at increasing the capacity for early diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Romania. The project, selected for funding following the SOLUTIONS-2020 competition, has a strong social impact, aiming among other things to introduce a home testing kit and a regular testing kit for staff in public institutions, schools or hospitals. The proposed kits, based on the isothermal amplification of viral RNA (LAMP) and the use of saliva as a biological test sample, are a translation of methods used in the clinic into miniaturised point-of-care systems. The project also relies on the expertise of collaborators from prestigious institutions such as CNRS Paris/Orsay, Harvard Medical School, National University of Singapore and KAUST. The team aims to create a technology platform for the development of Point of Care systems and a start-up to create a micro-production test capability.
AOSR priorities: scientific research and development, innovation, academic education and youth promotion The General Assembly of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR) on 26 May 2020 was a double first, as it was held online, via videoconference, while also launching a secure electronic voting system for the academic world, a national first. The analysis of the AOSR mandate 2016-2020 indicates numerous scientific research projects in 2019: the National Scientific Spring Conference, the National Scientific Autumn Conference, the AOSR Debates, the monthly conference series “The Valences of Femininity”, the awarding of the 2017 Academy of Romanian Scientists Prizes, numerous studies, researches and scientific communications of AOSR members, presented within the Academy and at relevant national and international events.….more
The Academy of Romanian Scientists strongly condemns the lies, denigration and manipulation directed against it and the Romanian academic movement Recently, some denigrating articles against the Academy of Romanian Scientists have appeared in the media. Clearly designed to denigrate, slander and discredit, they convey false or truncated information, which has the effect of misleading and manipulating public opinion. In addition to the contempt for the truth, the texts stand out for their low, degrading approach, objectified by terms unworthy of the intellectual level, rather typical of the tabloid press. The articles in question exert their slander not only against the Academy of Romanian Scientists, but against the entire academic movement in Romania, which includes, above all, the Romanian Academy and the branch academies. One of them launches a series of deeply unfounded, unfair and slanderous “value” judgments against the Romanian Academy. In view of these materials, the Scientific Presidium of the Academy of Romanian Scientists makes a series of specific clarifications to correctly inform the public opinion…. more
Scientific research, academic education, innovation, development, support to young people – priorities of the Academy of Romanian Scientists for the period 2020-2024 On 26 May 2020, at the end of the 2016-2020 mandate, the Given the state of alert generated by the pandemic, the event was held online, in videoconference system. The agenda included: presentation of the Scientific Report of the AOSR for 2019, the Financial Report for 2019, presentation by the candidate for President of the Management Plan, discussion, secret ballot for the election of the AOSR Presidium and new full, honorary and corresponding members. The scientific activity of the AOSR in 2019 included scientific research projects, the National Scientific Spring Conference 2019, the National Scientific Autumn Conference 2019, the AOSR Debates, the monthly conference series “The Values of Femininity”, the awarding of the Academy of Romanian Scientists’ Prizes for 2017, studies, research and scientific communications carried out by AOSR members and presented either at the institution’s events or at other national and international events. AOSR’s research and development programme in 2019 consisted of 23 research projects carried out by the sections, which resulted in more than 40 ISI-listed articles or articles indexed in other international scientific databases…..more Result of the vote on 26 May 2020
Important announcement!
The AOSR Spring Scientific Conference will take place, in the form of a video conference, during the first week of June.c , by Sections or groups of Sections The Sections of the Conference will be: PHYSICAL MATHEMATICS, GEONOMY, BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, MEDICINE, ENGINEERING SCIENCES, INFORMATICS, AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, PHILOSOPHY, HISTORY, ECONOMICS, MILITARY SCIENCES The Chairs of the Sections will communicate by 25 May this year the programme of the Section and how to access the online platform on which the Section will be held. .
The post-pandemic world – challenges and solutions.
Prof. Dr. Grigore Tinică full member of AOSR
Although, by his nature, he is a rather discreet and modest person, even excessively weighted with public appearances, I don’t think there is anyone in our country’s medical elite who has not heard of Prof. Dr. Grigore Tinică. Not to mention the thousands of patients he has been there for. And because a recent survey by a public opinion polling company showed that more than 90% of Romanians are interested in the opinions of doctors regarding the management of the pandemic, I convinced him, as manager of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. Dr. George I.M. Georgescu Iasi, but also in view of his vast experience as a cardiovascular surgeon, to answer a series of questions about the present, but especially about the medical system and post-pandemic society.….more
PRODUCTICA ConferenceInnovativetechnologies, products and services/Innovativetechnologies, products and services29– 30 MAY 2020 On-line, Microsoft TeamsPLENARYCONFERENCES / CONFERENCES IN FULL 29 May 2020 ; 11.0011:00 – 11:15 Conference Opening 11:15 -14:00 Scientific papers presented in plenary session On-line platform: Adrian-Alexandru BADEA – President of Anton HADĂR – Vice President of the UPB Senate, Technical Sciences Section Miron ZAPCIU – UPB, Scientific Director SC INCERTRANS Ion CHIUȚĂ – President of SCIENTICA Foundation – AOSR.……. more
The Academy of Romanian Scientists, through the Constantin Angelescu Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research, ICAI, is part of the consortium that submitted to UEFISCDI the project “Advanced Techniques and Performance Enhancement in Early Detection of SARS-CoV-2“/SARSDetect, with project identification code PN-III-P2-2.1-SOL-2020In the consortium formed, ICAI is a partner together with POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” of Bucharest, Central Military Emergency Hospital Dr. Carol Davila, National Institute of Infectious Diseases Prof. Dr. Matei Balș and Softrust Vision Analytics.
Position of the Academy of Romanian Scientists in the latest SCIMAGO-ELSEVIER ranking§or=Government
Even if the restrictions are lifted, we must be cautious!
Professor Dr Alexandru Vlad Ciurea, full member of AOSR We have a time horizon, we have a better health situation, the lifting of the state of emergency is relatively close.If we are not prudent, we risk returning to the current complicated situation! But the good news is not enough to start getting back to normal (as “normal” as it gets). Lifting the restrictions shifts the responsibility of living with the virus onto all of us. This means that it is up to us to respect the rules established during the state of emergency.The authorities will certainly make recommendations for the period after the lifting of the state of emergency. But recommendations are a double-edged sword. Because they are not accompanied by penalties – nor can they be! -, some of us may ignore them. Something that can affect us all. As we cannot and do not want to become policemen, only compliance with the recommendations can get us out of the crisis after 15 May.We need to be rational and strong.Let me give you an example. Parks will be reopened, but one of the recommendations will undoubtedly be to respect the physical distance between people. And another may be related to wearing the mask. Children will not go to school or kindergarten. This creates the conditions for overcrowding of parks and playgrounds. Failure to keep the recommended physical distance or lack of masks can be epidemiologically risky. But they can also be risky from another perspective. Conflicts can arise between parents whose children play too close together. Who are vying for a swing or a spot in the sandbox. Against the background of the stress created by the time we stayed at home, when some became unemployed or lost their jobs, when incomes fell, rates remained unpaid, it only takes a spark…. And we can “light up” in a way that in normal times we would not have done…..more
Comparative study of the COVID-19 epidemic in Romania and Sweden
D.S. Delion (Vice President AOȘR) The global situation of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is reported by the World Health Organization advice-for-public and nationally by the National Institute of Public Health Data with the highest degree of certainty refer to the number of deaths due to COVID-19 infection and are reported daily. …. more
Dear Colleagues, Taking into account the Corona virus pandemic and the declaration of a state of emergency, starting March 16, for a period of two weeks, I propose that the headquarters and branch offices no longer work with the public and no longer organize any public event. Colleagues over 65 are asked to try, as far as possible, to isolate themselves at home and to keep outdoor travel to a minimum. I am convinced that through our prayers, the Good Lord will help us to overcome this trial. I embrace you with friendship and wish you good health! Adrian Badea
President of Academy of Romanian Scientists
Dear members,
In view of the evolution of the CORONAVIRUS infection, following consultation with the members of the Scientific Council, the Presidium of the AOSR decided to postpone the General Assembly until a date to be determined in the light of the evolution of the epidemic.
Please note that the Presidium’s mandate is valid until 26 May 2020 (4 years since the last elections).
AOSR Presidium
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Dear members, we announce the following:
- Elections for the Section/Branch President will take place from 15-29 February for Sections, 01-15 March for Branches. Please fix the date of your meeting by 5 February and let us know so that we can delegate a member of the Presidium to attend. For the elections of a precinct or branch president, candidates must submit their candidatures at least 10 days before the elections, accompanied by a brief presentation of the institutional programme.
- Each section and branch will have a President, a Vice-President and a Scientific Secretary. Proposals for Vice-Chair and Scientific Secretary may be made by the candidate for President.
- For the election of the Presidium of the AOSR, nominations shall be submitted 14 days before the General Assembly.
- Candidates for the position of President of the AOSR will draw up a management plan to be submitted with their application. Candidates for the position of Vice-Chair and Scientific Secretary, proposed by the candidate for the position of Chair, shall submit a CV showing their contribution to the functioning of the AOSR.
- Also at the section meeting, the files submitted to the AOSR secretariat by the candidates will be discussed.
- The General Assembly of the Academy of Romanian Scientists will take place on March 27, this year, in the Carol I Central University Library, at 9:00 am. Academy attire will be worn.
Registration form
ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS – A PROUD SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY UNDER THE SIGN OF VALUE AND DEVELOPMENT THROUGH KNOWLEDGEThe year 2019 was rich in activities and outstanding achievements in the fields of education, science, research and culture for the Academy of Romanian Scientists. The institution has held a series of national and international events, conferences, symposia, debates, exceptional cultural events, published books, awarded quality and performance in scientific research. In 2019, AOSR paid tribute to Dr. Constantin Angelescu, a prestigious figure of Romanian education and science during the interwar period, Minister of Public Instruction, surgeon, creator of the medical school, founder of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, on the 150th anniversary of his birth. At the level of the sections and branches, the institution has developed its research programmes and projects, through which it maintains a high level of visibility and scientific appreciation. Among the many events of 2019, we have chosen some of the most significant ones, with a highly favourable impact on participants……more
The Academy of Romanian Scientists New York branch organizes the Symposium dedicated to the Union of the Romanian Principalities, the XXVIIth edition 161 years after the great historical event Sunday 19 January 2020 at 3:30 PM after St. Liturgy at the Church “Sf. Peter and Paul” (St. George’s Episcopal Church) in Astoria, 27th Ave. corner of 14th Street Subway Q or N at Astoria Boulevard station, Bus Q 18 PROGRAM Opening Protocol Pr. Prof. Dr. Theodor Damian, President of the Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality Eng. Cristian F. Pascu, President of the Romanian Christian Society “Dorul” (founded 1903), New York Wake up Romanian by Andrei Mureșanu Moderator: Prof. Mariana Terra Dr. Marian NENCESCU Writer, journalist, editor, researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Romanian Academy Cuza Voda in life and in legend: “A great man seen by a small man” Prof. Dr. Doru Tsaganea, Professor of Mathematics at the Metropolitan College of New York The Unification of the Romanian Principalities in the context of the struggle of the European peoples for the creation of nation states Prof. Valentina Ciaprazi Writer, Professor of French Language and Literature, LaGuardia College, New York The role of Napoleon III in the achievement of the Union of 24 January 1859 Pr. Prof. Dr. Theodor Damian Writer; Professor of Philosophy and Ethics at the Metropolitan College of New York; President of the American Branch of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and of the Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality, New York Testimonies of the involvement of the Romanian Orthodox Church in the struggle of the Romanians for national unity Poetry recital dedicated to the event of the Hour of Unification
From 10 Jan 2020, the magazine
will appear under the aegis of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. The launch of the first issue will take place at the headquarters of the prestigious institution, Friday 17 January at 10 am, Str. Ilfov, nr.3, sector 5, Bucharest.
The Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu” received the Diploma of Excellence for the Project dedicated to the protection of digital systems in Public Administration at the Mobile Communications Gala 2019 – Digital Transformation. Other companies such as BRD Bank, ANCOM, Orange, Ericsson, S&T, Integral Publishing were also awarded at the same gala.
The show that took place on 17 December 2019, near the beautifully decorated Christmas tree, in the headquarters of the Academy of Romanian Scientists – a building with an admirable architecture, which allowed a unique parade, starting with the spiral staircase, which gave the impression that the girls came straight from Romanian fairy tales, was a success, widely applauded by those present.
The Publishing House of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, in partnership with the daily newspaper Ziua de Constanța, launches on Saturday, 23 November 2019, at 2:00 pm, in the “Remus Opreanu” hall of the Prefecture of Constanța County, within the events dedicated to Dobrogea Day and the 141st anniversary of the Union of the province between the Danube and the Black Sea with Romania, the volume Dobrogea in Romanian diplomatic documents 1878-1884, by prof. univ.. dr. Valentin Ciorbea, corresponding member of A.O.Ș.R. and Dr. Florin Stan.
INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL DEFENCE FRAMEWORK OF THE UNITED ROMANIA IN 1919In the series of events dedicated to the Centenary of the Great Union, started in 2018, the Academy of Romanian Scientists has launched in the academic agora and in the national public space, for reflection and analysis, a new theme of major interest for Romanian history and consciousness, related to the period immediately following the fulfillment of the national ideal of the Union. Under the title INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL FRAMEWORK OF THE DEFENCE OF THE ENTIRE ROMANIA IN 1919, AOSR organized an academic debate focused on the political and military processes and developments after the historic act of 1 December 1918. The event took place on 13 November, starting at 11.00 a.m., in the Conference Room of the AOSR “Dr. Constantin I. Angelescu” (headquarters of the institution, 3 Ilfov Street, sector 5, Bucharest)…..more
The 65th anniversary of the founding of the Department of Machine Building Technology of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics was celebrated with the simultaneous organization of three (3) conferences, from 10-11 October 2019: ICAMaT – The10th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies ICNcT – The20th International Conference of Nonconventional Technologies POLCOM – The3rd International Conference on Design and Technologies for Polymeric and Composite Products …more
On Thursday 10 October 2019, the Conference “SMART AGRICULTURE – PART OF THE DIGITAL EUROPE SYSTEM”, organized by the CENTRAL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY “CAROL I” BUCHAREST, THE INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH “CONSTANTIN ANGELESCU” and THE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND VETERINARY MEDICINE OF THE BANAT OF TIMIȘOARA. The conference was attended by researchers in the fields of agriculture and information technology, academics from universities, specialists from libraries and other institutions. The attendance was attended by AOSR President Prof. univ. dr. eng. Adrian Badea, as well as the President of the Senate of the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Prof. Alexandru Șonea….more
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE SRDE 2019 “CURRENT ISSUES OF THE EU POLITICAL LEGAL SPACE” 5th EDITION BUCHAREST, 18 OCTOBER 2019 The Romanian Society of European Law announces the organization, in partnership with Universul Juridic Publishing House, of the fifth edition of the International Conference “Current Issues of the EU Political-Legal Space”. The event will take place on Friday, 18 October 2019, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest – Petre Antonescu Hall (ground floor), Bd. Mihail Kogălniceanu nr. 36-46, sector 5, Bucharest. SRDE 2019 Conference Program
Autumn Scientific Conference of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
Real convergence Romania – European Union
PRESS RELEASE The Autumn Scientific Conference of the Academy of Romanian Scientists was held in Brasov from 20-21 September 2019, an event of high academic standing, on a topic of major importance for Romanian society: “Real Convergence Romania – European Union”. The event was organised by AOSR with the special support of the Brasov Branch of the institution and in collaboration with academic, university and cultural institutions and economic organisations. The theme of convergence between Romania and the EU was approached from the perspective of several fields: exact sciences, engineering sciences, agricultural sciences, chemistry, biology, medicine, history, philosophy, psychology, theology, economic sciences, legal sciences, sociological sciences, military sciences. The conference took place in the generous setting of the “Transilvania” University of Brasov, one of Romania’s emblematic universities. ….morePROGRAMand PAPERS – CONFERENCE BRASOV 2019
On Friday, September 27, took place at the headquarters of the Iasi Branch of the Academy of Romanian Scientists an extraordinary public meeting to honour Prof. emeritus, dhc. dr. eng. ANGHEL STANCIU, on his 70th birthday. Video
At the invitation of the City Hall of Braila and the Braila County Library, ICAI and the Technical Publishing House, which was taken over by AOSR, participated in a book fair that took place in Braila from 25-28 September 2019. Representative works published by both AOSR Publishing House and Technical Publishing House were exhibited. The exhibits enjoyed the public’s attention
CONSTANTIN I. ANGELESCU, HONOURED 150 YEARS AFTER HIS BIRTHBY THE ACADEMY OF SCIENTISTS OF ROMANIAOn the occasion of the one and a half century anniversary of the birth of Constantin I. Angelescu (10 June 1869), The Academy of Romanian Scientists organized a Conference dedicated to the illustrious Romanian scientist, university professor and politician. Conference “Constantin I. Angelescu – a prestigious personality of Romanian science, education and civilization. 150 years since his birth” took place in the new headquarters of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (3 Ilfov Street, sector 5, Bucharest), which was inaugurated on this occasion, on 10 June 2019, starting at 12.00. The event was attended by ministers, academics, university professors and researchers, scientists and cultural figures, writers, representatives of the media, and more.
Occupational Safety and Health Education debated in Sibiu On 5-7 June 2019, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu organised the workshop entitled Safety and Health Education in the Workplace and Early Career Guidance for Young People, as part of MSE 2019 (Manufacturing Science and Education). This workshop was organised under the high patronage of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, through the Commission for Occupational Safety and Health. The opening speech was given by Dr. jr. Mihail-Adrian Oprescu – State Inspector General, Labour Inspectorate Bucharest, Dr. eng. Niculae Voinoiu – Director, Labour Inspectorate Bucharest, Dr. Eng. Doru Costin Darabont, Director General – INCDPM “Alexandru Darabont” Bucharest, Dr. Eng. George Artur Găman – General Director of INSEMEX Petroșani, prof. univ. dr. eng. Sorin Mihai Radu – Rector of the University of Petroșani, Ec. Bianca Buta, HR Manager – SC Marquardt Schaltsysteme SCS, Prof. univ. dr. eng. Marco Ragazzi – University of Trento, Italy, prof. dr. eng. Janusz Grabara – Czestochwa University of Technology, Poland and Prof. Dr. Ing. Lucian-Ionel CIOCA, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, organizer of the workshop. The central theme of the workshop was the education of young people in the workplace, developing a culture of prevention and protection to reduce the risks of occupational injury and illness.
UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENTISTS OF ROMANIA, USA BRANCH AND THE ROMANIAN CHRISTIAN SOCIETY “DORUL”, THE SYMPOSIUM“RECOGNITION OF THE GREAT UNION OF 1918 IN THE CHANCELLERIES OF THE TIME AND THE PERFORMANCE OF 100 ROMANIANS WHO CHANGED WORLD HISTORY “Academy of Romanian Scientists USA Branch and The Romanian Christian Society “Dorul”, New York organized Symposium Recognition of the Great Union of 1918 in the Chancelleries of the time and The 100 Romanians who changed world history, an event that took place on 18 June 2019, starting at 18.00, in the hall of the Romanian Orthodox Church “Sf. Andrei” (90-34 139th Street, Jamaica, Queens), New York 11435. At the beginning of the event, the Our Father prayer was said , the Romanian national anthem, Deșteaptă-te române, and the US national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner, were sung. The opening address was given by Eng. Cristian F. Pascu, President of the Romanian Christian Society “Dorul”, who introduced the guests from Romania, and Fr. Prof. univ. Dr. Theodor Damian, President of the American Branch of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. A Welcoming Word was also delivered by Fr. Ioan Preoteasa, parish priest of the Romanian Orthodox Church “Sf. Andrei”, host of the event….more
ACADEMY OF SCIENTISTS ARCHIEPISCOPE OF ROMANIA Research Center for the Cooperation of the Orthodox Church with the Romanian Army “General Paul Teodorescu” based in the Monastery of Dintr-un Lemn Organizes on 28 and 29 June 2019National Symposium CHURCH AND ARMY. TRADITIONS OF COOPERATION. 8th edition, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Dintr-un Lemn Monastery as a Holy Place of Worship, Prayer and Remembrance for Airmen and Sailors. 28 June 2019 – Archdiocese of Râmnic, 10 am: -Scientific session – Launch of the periodical “MISIUNEA” no. 6, 2019 29 June 2019 – Wooden Monastery, 5 pm: -Archbishop’s Mass and ceremony performed by soldiers of the 30th Guard Brigade “Mihai Viteazul”. -Dedication of the commemorative plaque. – Signing of the Hrisov given to mark the historic moment. Representatives of the Defence Staff, the Chiefs of Staff of the Air Force and Navy, the Commander of the 30th Guard Brigade “Mihai Viteazul”, officers and public personalities will participate.
On 3 June 2019, at the Royal Palace in Bucharest, the National Coalition for the Modernization of Romania (CNMR) awarded the CNMR International Ambassador Award for Science and Innovation to His Excellency, Mr Gérard Albert Mourou. He is the 2018 Nobel Prize winner in physics and has revolutionised the field of electrical and laser engineering with his unique method of generating ultra-short, high-intensity (petawatt) optical pulses. This scientific breakthrough is at the basis of the success of the Magurele Laser (ELI-NP – Extreme Light Infrastructure), which is why Mr Gérard Mourou has been awarded the informal title of “Father of the Magurele Laser” Professor Adrian Badea, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR) and Vice-President of the CNMR, presented Professor Gérard Mourou with a diploma of excellence and the AOSR gold medal. More than 500 researchers, CNMR members, representatives of public administration (local and central) and of the diplomatic environment accredited in Bucharest attended the event.
On the occasion of the one and a half century anniversary of the birth of Professor Constantin I. Angelescu, the Academy of Romanian Scientists organizes a Conference dedicated to the illustrious Romanian scientist and politician. Conference “Constantin I. Angelescu – a prestigious personality of Romanian science, education and civilization. 150 years since his birth”will take place in the new headquarters of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (p. Ilfov, no. 3, sector 5, Bucharest), which will be inaugurated on this occasion on 10 June 2019, starting at 12 noon. The event aims to evoke the personality of Constantin I. Angelescu (born in Craiova on 12 June 1869 and passed away on 14 September 1948), a surgeon who studied in Paris, university professor, politician, honorary member of the Romanian Academy, a leading figure of Romanian science, academic and public life in the first half of the 20th century. As a politician, Dr. Angelescu was a member of parliament, senator, minister of public works (1914-1916), minister of public instruction in two terms (1922-1928, 1933-1937), prime minister of Romania for a short period. Constantin I. Angelescu’s most important contribution as a politician was as Minister of Public Instruction…..more At this event, the costume of the Academy will be worn.
organised by
Romanian Association of Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy under the patronage of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
organized by the Romanian Association of Gemmotheraphy and Homeopathy under the honourable auspices of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
CLUJ-NAPOCA, 24-26 MAY 2019 “IULIU HAȚIEGANU” UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE AND PHARMACY “IULIU HAȚIEGANU” Amphitheater “Iuliu Hațieganu” Cluj-Napoca, May 24th- 26th, 2019 “IULIU HAȚIEGANU” University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațieganu” Amphitheater
CONFERINȚĂ ANIVERSARĂ ARGHĂ – 10 years of activity ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE R.A.G.H. – 10 years of activity….more
On 17 April 2019, at the Academy of Romanian Scientists, in the “Human Rights” Hall, an event with special scientific and cultural significance took place in the framework of the celebration of a century since the Great Union and its international recognition. The event consisted of the launch of two papers in the field of history and diplomacy and a debate around them. The two works are:
The Treaties of Trianon and Paris of 1920, the documents that confirmed the achievement of Greater Romania
(Publishing House of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, 2018) and
Romania’s foreign policy and diplomacy during a century since the founding of the Great Romania,
vol. I and vol. II (Romanian Academy Publishing House, 2018). The papers were written by Prof. Dr. Ion M. Anghel, Ambassador, honorary member of the AOSR, the first as author, the second as author and coordinator. Ambassador Ion M. Anghel was joined by Ambassador Constantin Vlad, a diplomat, university professor and author of several reference works in the field, full member of the AOSR. The event was coordinated and moderated by Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists….more
PRESS RELEASE THE ACADEMYOF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS AWARDED EXCELLENCE IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH On 5 April 2019, in the hall of the Central University Library “Carol I”, the Awards Gala of the Academy of Romanian Scientists took place. The AOSR Awards Gala is an event that has become a tradition in the Romanian academic space, dedicated to excellence in research, rewarding the most important contributions to the progress of science and knowledge. Held in a landmark institution of Romanian culture, science and civilization, in the sumptuous setting of the Library’s Aula, with a strong symbolic meaning, the Gala celebrated research by awarding the most valuable scientific works in fundamental fields. The prizes awarded are honorary, without a financial component, and constitute academic recognition of merit and value, a symbolic way of consecrating excellence. The event was attended by a select audience of academics, researchers, scientists and cultural figures, public figures from the country and abroad. The ceremony was hosted by Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists….more
Friday, 5 April 2019, 9:30 am, General Assembly of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and AOSR Awards Gala for 2017 On 5 April 2019, the General Assembly of the Academy of Romanian Scientists will take place in the Aula of the Central University Library. The meeting will present the 2018 activity report, the 2019 budget, the 2018 balance sheet, the 2019 scientific activity programmes and the validation of the new AOSR members. The General Assembly will be followed by the 2017 AOSR Awards Gala. AOSR Awards 2017Listof membership proposals approved by the Presidium and the Honorary Council The Academy’s suit will be worn at this ceremony.
Programme and abstract volume of the AOSR conference 4-6 April 2019
The Academy of Romanian Scientists and the Interdisciplinary Institute for Advanced Research, together with the Smart Alliance Innovation Technology Cluster have the honour to invite you to an extremely important event for Romanian SMEs, through which we want to inform SMEs about financial and non-financial solutions to support their activity and development and to take part in the construction of large-scale projects. The speakers will be two of the most prolific specialists in the cluster business ecosystem – Daniel COȘNIȚĂ, president of the “Romanian Cluster Association” and Flaviu IORGULESCU, expert in innovation and internationalization. The event will take place on 28 January at the Academy’s headquarters in Splaiul Independentei, 54, Human Rights Hall.
Symposium dedicated to the Union of the Romanian Principalities XXVI edition 160 years since the great historical event Sunday 20 January 2019 at 3:30 PM after Sf. Liturgy at the Church “Sf. Ap. Peter and Paul” (St. George’s Episcopal Church) in Astoria, 27th Ave. corner of 14th Street Subway Q or N at Astoria Boulevard station, Bus Q 18
On Mihai Eminescu’s Day and on the National Culture Day, at the Academy of Romanian Scientists, an exceptional cultural event took place: the Extraordinary Recital “Mr and Brother Eminescu!”, conceived and performed by the actor and university professor CONSTANTIN CHIRIAC. The event took place on 15 January, starting at 18.00, in the AOSR Hall, in front of an audience of academic, scientific and cultural elites and political personalities. The event was hosted by Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists…..more
ACADEMY OF SCHOLARS OF ROMANIA USA BRANCH THE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX METROPOLITAN OF THE TWO AMERICAS THE ROMAN INSTITUTE OF ORTHODOX THEOLOGY AND SPIRITUALITY, NEW YORK THE DORUL ROMANIAN CHRISTIAN SOCIETY, NEW YORK (FOUNDED 1903) 26th Annual “Mihai Eminescu” Symposium (169th anniversary of the poet’s birth) Part OneDiscourseof Identity in Eminescu: Patriotism and Nationalism Yesterday and Today in the Romanian ConsciousnessSaturday, January 12, 2019, 10:00 AMatBoon Restaurant (Queens Blvd. and 40th Street)Part Two Homage to Eminescu: Culture and Creation Sunday, January 13, 2019, 3:30 PMTheChurch of St. Ap. Peter and Paul”, Astoria, New York at St. George Episcopal Church, 14-20 27th Ave. corner of 14th Street (Bus Q 18 at 14th Street, Subway Nla Astoria Blvd.) Time schedule
JUBILEE SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCECentenary of the Great UnionWith international participationSUBJECTMatter and antimatter intelligence14 – 15 December 20189.00 am – 18.30VenueHall of the Academy of Scientists of RomaniaSplaiul Independenței no. 54Scientific Conference Chair: Prof. Dr. Ing. Adrian Badea, AOSR PresidentChairman of the Scientific Committee: General Prof. Univ. Dr. Dumitru Constantin Dulcan
The Romanian Society for Apheresis (AMRP) under the patronage of the Faculty of Medicine of Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest, in partnership with the Academy of Romanian Scientists, invites you on 24.11.2018, the Integrative Medicine Conference on “Human Microbiome, Pediatric and Adult Pathology”Program: 08:00-17:30 Venue: the Academy of Romanian Scientists. Splaiul Independentei nr. 54, sector 5, Bucharest
The Publishing House of the Academy of Romanian Scientists launches on Friday, 16 November 2018, at 2 pm, in the hall of the “Ioan N. Roman” County Library of Constanta the book “Localities of Constanta County 140 years after the union of Dobrogea with Romania”. The work is the result of a project carried out by AOSR together with the County Council of Constanta and the “Ioan N. Roman” County Library of Constanta. The volume is prefaced by prof. Valentin Ciorbea
On 8-10 November 2018, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu and the Ardelean Academy Foundation organized under the patronage of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, the workshop entitled Safety and health at work: premises for increasing labour productivity. The opening speech was given by: dr. eng. Niculae VOINOIU – Director of Labour Inspection Bucharest, Prof. Emilian Marius NOVAC – Inspector General, ISJ Sibiu, Ec. Bianca BUTA, Human Resources Manager – S.C. Marquardt Schaltsysteme S.C.S., Dr. eng. Remus FURTUNĂ – Chief Inspector, ITM Sibiu, Prof. Giusseppe BOTHAR – Director of Slimnic Secondary School and prof. univ. dr. eng. Lucian-Ionel CIOCA – President of the Commission for Occupational Safety and Health of the Academy of Romanian Scientists.
Friday, 23 November 2018, 11:00, in the Human Rights Hall, ground floor (AOSR headquarters), will take place the conference Romanian Contributions to the Philosophy of History in the Period of Consolidation of the Great Union by Prof. IOAN N. ROȘCA. The conference will be followed by the launch of the book HISTORY IN THE LIGHT OF THE MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY PHILOSOPHICAL SPIRIT by Prof. Ioan N. ROȘCA and the presentation of the activity of the AOSR Section of Philosophy, Theology, Psychology, Journalism
On 8 November 2018, starting at 10.00 am, in the Marble Hall of the National Military Circle, the National Debate “SCHOOL, CHURCH, ARMY – INSTITUTIONS WITH A FUNDAMENTAL ROLE IN THE COMPLETION OF THE GREAT UNION” took place. The event was organized by the Academy of Romanian Scientists as part of the institution’s celebration of a century since the end of the First World War and the Centenary of the Great Union. The Debate was attended by representatives of state institutions, members of the clergy and the academic body, scientists and cultural people, scientific researchers, university and pre-university teachers, etc.
Regional Department of Defence Resource Management Studies (DRESMARA) – NATO Partnership Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the Military Sciences Section of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, the Faculty of National Security/War University in Warsaw, Poland, the Faculty of Military Leadership/Defence University in Brno, Czech Republic, the Military Academy of the Armed Forces “Alexandru cel Bun” in Chisinau, Moldova and the University “Transilvania” in Brasov, as well as in partnership with the “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy in Sibiu, , the “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, the NATO HUMINT Centre of Excellence in Oradea and the non-governmental organisations “Political Research Group” and “Global Agora” will organise the 13th International Scientific Conference “Defence Resource Management in the 21st Century” (CoDRM).
AOSR Publishing House launches on Monday, November 12, 2018, at 3 pm, at the “Jean Bart” Theatre, within the activities dedicated to the Centenary of the Great Union and the 140th anniversary of the union of Dobrogea with Romania the book: 140 years since the union of Dobrogea with Romania. Historical studies.The work is prefaced by prof.univ.dr. Valentin Ciorbea
THE ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS, USA BRANCH THE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MITHROPOLY OF THE TWO AMERICAS THE ROMANIAN INSTITUTE OF ORTHODOX THEOLOGY AND SPIRITUALITY, NEW YORK organizes the November Symposium dedicated to the Centenary of the Great UnitySunday, November 11, 2018 at 3 PM after St. Liturgy, at the Church “Sf. Ap. Peter and Paul” (St. George’s Episcopal Church) in Astoria, 27th Ave. corner of 14th Street Subway Q or N to Astoria Boulevard Station, Bus Q 18 11 November 1918, 11:00 AM: End of World War I15 November 1918: the Bucuvina Congress decides unanimously:“We the General Congress of Bukovina embodying the supreme power of the countryand being vested alone with law-making power in the name of National sovereignty,We resolve the unconditional and forever union of Bukovina with its old borders up to Ceremuș, Colacin and Nistru, with the Kingdom of Romania,”
The International Conference “EDUCATION AND CREATIVITY FOR A KNOWLEDGE-BASED SOCIETY” (12th Edition), organized by the University “Titu Maiorescu” of Bucharest, will take place from 15 to 17 November 2018 , in partnership with the Academy of Romanian Scientists. The conference is an international scientific event of multidisciplinary character, whose general objective is to promote scientific excellence among faculty, researchers, specialists, doctoral students, master students and students. The scientific event takes place:
Law; Economics; Computer Science; Psychology; Human-Machine Interaction; Medicine; Dentistry; Pharmacy; Communication, International Relations, Language, Culture and Civilisation.
The Romanian Society of European Law announces the organization, in partnership with Faculty of Public Administration of SNSPA, with CH BECK Publishing and with ATC TRAINING, the 4thInternational Conference “Current problems of the EU’s political and legal space“. The event will take place, Thursday 25 October 2018, at Athenee Palace Hilton, Regina Maria Hall, Episcopiei Street 1-3, sector 1, Bucharest.
Romanian contributions to the development of the philosophy of law in Romania in the last 100 years
Conference held by Prof. Mihai Bădescu, MT AOȘR on October 26, 2018, from 11.00 am at the AOȘR headquarters, 54 Independence Square, in the AOSR Hall.
The University of Petroșani, in partnership with INCD-INSEMEX Petroșani, hosted the 8th edition of the International Multidisciplinary Symposium UNIVERSITARIA SIMPRO 2018 from 11 to 13 October 2018, a traditional scientific event held this year under the auspices of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR), the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR) and the Romanian General Association of Engineers (AGIR). Dedicated to the Centenary of the Great Union and held under the generic theme “Challenges and opportunities forsustainable developmentthrough quality and innovation in engineering and research management “. “The symposium brought together, in 9 specialized sections, a total of 218 scientific papers by renowned personalities of the academic and research environment from abroad (Belgium, France, South Africa, Israel, USA, Bosnia, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Indonesia, Malaysia, Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine, etc.), as well as from the main university centers in the country.….more
The Clinical Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology “Prof. Dr. PANAIT SÂRBU” organizes under the high patronage of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, during 25-27 October 2018, the traditional scientific event Days of the Clinical Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology “Prof. Dr. Panait Sârbu”.
The International Society of Pelviperineology together with the Romanian Society of Urogynaecology is organising under the high patronage of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, the Congress of the International Society of Pelviperineology “ISPP 2018” from 4 to 6 October 2018 .
NATIONAL CONFERENCE “Premises and Legal Consequences of the Great Union” Craiova, 5-7 October 2018 University of Craiova, Faculty of Law
The Romanian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ROMAI), Technical University of Moldova, Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova, “Gh. Mihoc – C. Iacob” Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (Bucharest), Academy of Romanian Scientists, Tiraspol University of Moldova, announce the organization of the 26th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics – CAIM 2018. The Conference will be held at the Technical University of Moldova, Chișinău between 20 and 23 of September, 2018.
On 20-22 September 2018, the National Scientific Conference of the Academy of Romanian Scientists “Scientific Research in theService of Sustainable Development” was held in Targoviste, an elite academic event organized in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Targoviste, Valahia University and the Institute for Multidisciplinary Scientific and Technological Research – ICSTM. The event was attended by members of the academic body, university teachers, scientific researchers, people of culture, PhD students. The conference is part of the programme of scientific events of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, a complex programme in which two fundamental events stand out: the spring conference and the autumn conference. Given that we are in a special year, 2018, the Conference in Targoviste was held under the auspices of the Centenary of the Great Union, some of the scientific contributions being thematically related to this cardinal event of Romanian history and development……more
Conference programme and abstract volume
“A CENTURY OFCREATIVITY – WOMEN VALENCES“Type of event: conference Event edition: first edition ( Classification : National conference with international participation Field of evaluation: According to the guide on “Financing scientific events of ANCS”, the theme of the scientific event “CENTENNIAL OF CREATIVITY – VALENCES OF FEMINITY” falls within the priorities supported by the National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation and is included in the following areas:
- environment
- Health
- Agriculture, security and food security
- Socio-economic sciences and humanities
DATE AND VENUE:Date: 26 – 28.09.2018; Duration: 3 days Location: Bucharest, Splaiul Independenței no. 54, Aula of the Academy of Romanian Scientists; Conference programme
Sunday 5 August 2018 CENTENNIAL EVENT NEW YORK BRANCH The one century anniversary of the creation in Paris of the Romanian National Council which was to proclaim the formation of the National Council of Romanian Unity, a body recognized in the autumn of 1918 by the French, American, English and Italian governments as the international exponent of the interests of the Romanian people. Will speak Pr. Prof. Theodor Damian and Prof. Dr. Doru Tsaganea We look forward to seeing you Church address: St. George Episcopal Church, 27 Ave./ 14 Street (subway N at Astoria Boulevard stop, bus Q18, stop at 14 street)
The book “THE DUTY, THE HONOR AND THE JOY OF BEING ROMANIAN AT THE CENTENARY OF THE GREAT UNION” written by Prof. Dr. DHC Ioan Bogdan, full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, comes to the CENTENARY with the contribution of all the values of the nation to the Union, starting with Burebista and Decebal, who made the first Union and continuing with Mihai Viteazul, Alexandru Ioan Cuza and the creators of the Great Union of 1918. Coupons
EMINESCU, HONORED AT THE ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS The Academy of Romanian Scientists celebrated the National Poet during the Homage Session “Eminescu – The Full Man of Romanian Culture”, held on 28 June 2018, in the institution’s Hall. The 8th edition of the Homage Session, organized by the Section of Philosophy, Theology, Psychology and Journalism of the AOSR, had the theme: “The Eminescu Idea – the golden key that opens the gates of Romanian identity”. This year’s event was placed under the auspices of the Centenary of the Great Union, a situation reflected at the thematic level in the lectures and papers presented. The academic presidium of the Session was composed of Gen. (r) Prof. Vasile Cândea, Honorary President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, prof. univ.dr. ing. Adrian Badea, President of AOSRand Prof. Angela Botez, Chair of the Department of Philosophy, Theology, Psychology and Journalism, the host and moderator of the meeting. The session was attended by an audience of academics, researchers, scientists and scholars, writers, PhD students, students, etc.
ACADEMY OF SCIENTISTS ARCHIEPISCOPE OF ROMANIA Research Centre for the Cooperation between the Orthodox Church and the Romanian Army“General Paul Teodorescu” based at the Dintr-un Lemn Monastery Organizes on 28-29 June 2018, within the framework of scientific events dedicated to the celebration of the Centenary of the Great Union National SymposiumCHURCH AND ARMY. TRADITIONS OF COOPERATION. 7th edition 28 June 2018 – Archbishopric of Râmnic, 10.30 a.m.: Tribute to General Paul Teodorescu (1888-1981), full member of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, Military Genius section, since 20 December 1936 Scientific session Launch of the magazine “MISIUNEA”, no. 5, 2018 29 June 2019 – Dintr-un Lemn Monastery, 9.00 a.m.: Archpriestly and memorial service for General Paul Teodorescu. Representatives of the General Staff, the General Staff of the Naval Forces, the General Staff of the Air Force, the 32nd Guards Brigade “Mihai Viteazul” and the National University of Defence “Carol I” will participate.
On Thursday, 28 June 2018, at 11:00 a.m., in the AULA AOȘR, will be held AVIIIth Homage Session Eminescu- the full man of Romanian culture Idea Eminescu – the golden key that opens the gates of Romanian identity organized by AOȘR, Section of Philosophy, Psychology and Theology and Journalism
As part of the conference program of the Academy of Romanian Scientists dedicated to the Centenary of the Great Union, the Section of Philosophy, Psychology, Theology and Journalism invites you on Tuesday 26 June 2018 at 11.30 am to the conference FILMS AND HEROES OF THE GREAT UNION held by prof. dr. habil. IOAN LAZĂR in the Human Rights Hall at the AOȘR headquarters.
Conference: “Bucharest Polymer Conference 1st Edition – BPC 2018” 6 – 8 June 2018, The Center for Advanced Research on New Materials, Products and Innovative Processes (CAMPUS) of University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest 1st floor
In the framework of the conference program of the Academy of Romanian Scientists dedicated to the Centenary of the Great Union, we invite you to take part in the conference entitled HENRI STAHL – MEMORIALIST OF THE PRE-MERGING PERIOD OF THE GREAT UNION held by Dr. SEBASTIAN DUICU and Dr. IOANA GABRIELA DUICU, on June 7, 2018 at 12.00 at the AOȘR headquarters. 54 Independence Square, in the Human Rights Hall.
On 25-26 May 2018, the Academy of Romanian Scientists, in collaboration with the University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, the City Hall of Mioveni and S.C. INCERTRANS S.A. organized the scientific communications session “1918-2018: Romanian contributions in the field of engineering”. Time schedule
Ceremony Speech Optical fibre Sensors for Industrial Applications Prof. PhD. KENNETH V. THOMAS GRATTAN, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and George Daniels Chair of Scientific Instrumentation City, University of London, United Kingdom Honorary Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists On May 31, 2018, 11:00, Human Rights Hall, ground floor, 54 Splaiul Independenței Reception Speech Optical fibre Sensors for Industrial Applications Prof. Dr. KENNETH V. THOMAS GRATTAN, Honorary Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Thursday, 31 May 2018, 11 am, Human Rights Hall, ground floor,5 Independence Square
The Piatra Neamt branch of the Academy of Romanian Scientists organized on 16 May 2018, at the “G. T. Kirileanu” in Piatra Neamt, the 6th edition of the symposium “Science, Knowledge, Creativity“. In front of an audience of intellectuals from various professions, four lectures were presented, as shown in the poster below. Two of them brought back to public memory two personalities of Romanian science – the agronomist Ion Ionescu de la Brad (200th anniversary of his birth) and the surgeon Ion Chiricuță (100th anniversary of his birth), and the other two dealt with subjects of wider interest – about the universe and about cultures The interest of the audience was real, as evidenced by the questions put to the presenters and some comments. The symposium proceedings were recorded and broadcast by two local television stations.
On 15 May 2018, at the “Carol I” National Defence University, a Round Table on “The Romanian Army and the Great Union of 1918” took place. The event, which is part of the series of scientific events dedicated to the celebration of the Centenary of the Great Union, was organized by the Academy of Romanian Scientists, through the Military Sciences Section and the “Carol I” National Defence University. The event was attended by representatives of state institutions, members of the academic body, scientific researchers, specialists in the field, as well as participants from abroad. The moderator of the round table was General (r) Prof. Teodor Frunzeti, President of the Military Sciences Section of the Romanian Academy of Scientists……more
On 14 May 2018, in the “Human Rights” Hall of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, took place Conference “EU membership and sovereignty. The case of Romania”, supported by Ambassador Constantin Vlad, full-founding member of AOSR. The conference, organized within the Department of Philosophy, Psychology, Theology and Journalism, is part of the Programme of events of the Academy of Romanian Scientists dedicated to the Centenary of the Great Union. The host and moderator of the event was Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. In the presidium, Prof. Angela Botez, President of the AOSR Section of Philosophy, Psychology, Theology and Journalism was also present……more
The Academy of Romanian Scientists, New York Branch organizes
Sunday 13 May 2018 6th Sunday after St. Easter Theme St. Gospels: the healing of the man blind from birth Liturgical meditation theme: “Lord, let me see” Sunday School theme: Jesus the light of the world (Prof. Irina Anitului) SPECIAL EVENT IN THE CENTENNIAL YEAR Celebration of Romania’s Independence Day, Monarchy Day and Mother’s Day according to American tradition In the program: – His Excellency Cătălin Radu Dancu, Consul General of Romania in New York will welcome the triple event – Pr. Prof. Dr. Th. Dr. Damian and Prof. Dr. Doru Tsaganea, Dr. Napeoln Savescu and Prof. Mariana Terra will evoke the two historical events with special emphasis on the role of King Ferdinand in the great act of the Reintegration of Romania – Prof. Irina Anitului, children and young people of the Sunday School will recite poems dedicated to the three events, from classical and contemporary Romanian poets. They will also have a dialogue about mother, remember famous quotes and sing songs appropriate to the moment. – Official dinner Programme
PROF. UNIV. DR. ING. ECATERINA ANDRONESCU, HONORED AT THE ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS On Monday, 23 April 2018, on the Day of St. George the Great, the Bearer of Victory, the Academy of Romanian Scientists dedicated a tribute session to Prof. Dr. Eng. Ecaterina Andronescu, on the occasion of her birthday. The event was attended by the leadership and members of AOSR, Prof. Dr. Eng. Petre Andea, Secretary of State in the Ministry of National Education, academics from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and other universities in the country, scientific researchers, students. The session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Ing. Adrian Badea, President of AOSR, General (r) prof. univ. dr. Vasile Cândea, Honorary President of AOSR, dr. eng. Ion Basgan, Vice President of AOSR, Prof. Dr. Doru-Sabin Delion, Vice President of AOSR, and Mrs. Ecaterina Andronescu, founding full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and President of the Chemical Sciences Section of AOSR.…more
UNDER THE AIM OF THE ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS,A DEBATE AS A HISTORY LESSON FORROMANIA TODAY AND TOMORROW On 30 March 2018, at the Palace of Parliament, in the Avram Iancu Hall, took place The debate “The Union of Bessarabia with Romania – an act of historical justice, a fundamental step towards the achievement of the Great Union”, organized by the Academy of Romanian Scientists. The event was attended by representatives of political, diplomatic and academic elites from Romania and the Republic of Moldova, university and pre-university teachers, students and pupils, representatives of civil society….more
EXCELLENCE IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH,AWARDED BY THE ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS On March 29, 2018, in the hall of the Central University Library “Carol I”, the ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS AWARDS GALA took place for2016. During the event, prizes were awarded to the most valuable scientific works carried out by members of the AOSR in fundamental areas of science and research, structured by the Sections of the institution. As in previous editions, the awards were exclusively honorary, without a monetary component, constituting anacademic way ofrecognizing and praising excellence in scientific research. The AOSR Awards Gala took place in front of a select audience of academics, researchers, academics, students, media representatives and otherinterested parties.
THE ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS, U.S. BRANCH THE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MITHROPOLY OF THE TWO AMERICAS THE ROMANIAN INSTITUTE OF ORTHODOX THEOLOGY AND SPIRITUALITY, NEW YORK Invites you on Sunday, April 22, 2018 to a round table on the subject of the Peace Treaty of Bucharest (April 24, 1918) on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of its partial signing Guest speaker. Dr. Doru Tsaganea Moderator: Pr. Theodor Damian We look forward to seeing you The event will take place at the Church of St. Ap. Peter and Paul, in the social hall after St. Mass at St. George’s Episcopal Church 14-02 27th Ave. (corner of 14th Street), Astoria; NY 11102 Subway Q or N to Astoria Boulevard station, or Bus Q 18, stop at 14th Street
Literary Circle “Mihai Eminescu” and Lumina Lina magazine from New York (Director Theodor Damian and editor-in-chief M. N. Rusu) invite you Friday, April 20, 2018, 7:00 PM to the launch of the book Macedonians (Aromanians) First Europeans by Dima Lascu (New York) Theodor Damian, Valentina Ciaprazi, Mariana Terra, and the author will present the book. The event will take place at Boon Restaurant (formerly Bucharest) 40th Street and Queens Blvd, Sunnyside, New York.
Thursday, 29 March 2018, 9:00 am, “Carol I” Central University Library General Assembly of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and AOSR Awards Gala According to the resolution of the AOSR General Assembly, on 29 MarchThe General Assembly of the Academy of Romanian Scientists will take place on the date of the foundation of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, declared AOSR Day. The meeting will present the 2017 activity report, the 2018 budget, the 2017 balance sheet, the 2018 scientific activity programmes and the validation of the new AOSR members. The General Assembly will be followed by the 2016 AOSR Awards Gala. The costume of the Academy will be worn at this festivity. On Friday, March 30, 2018, the Spring Scientific Session of the Academy of Romanian Scientists will take place Registration can be done by sending the registration form or
AOSR Session Programme 30 March 2018
NATIONAL DEBATEUNIONOF BASARABIA WITH ROMANIA – ANACT OF HISTORICAL JUSTICE, A FUNDAMENTAL STEP TOWARDS THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE GREAT UNIONPalace ofParliament, “Avram Iancu” Hall, 30 March 2018, 10.00 am As part of the “Centenary” Programme, dedicated to the celebration of a century since the end of the First World War and the fulfilment of the centuries-old dream of the Romanians, The Great Union of 1 December 1918 , The Academy of Romanian Scientists organizes National Debate “The Union of Bessarabia with Romania – an act of historical justice, a fundamental step towards the achievement of the Great Union”. ….more
ROMANIAN SCIENCE ACADEMYalong withROMANIAN SOCIETY OF NUTRITION EDUCATION S.R.E.N.organises the conferenceNUTRITION FOR SILHOUETTE within THE VALENCES OF FEMINITY IN THE MODERN CONTEXT OF LIFE SCIENCES: from heredity to responsibility to generations, to health, family and society The conference will take place on 28 March 2018, at 16.00, at the Academy of Romanian Scientists – Human Rights Hall, Splaiul Independenței no. 54, sector 5, Bucharest.…more
The Academy of Romanian Scientists, Iasi Branch, organizes the Extraordinary Meeting for the Homage to the Lord Acad. Gh. Marinescu on his 90th birthday. On the same day, a conference on the theme
Invitation to get to know nature
by Prof. emeritus Dr. Gheorghe Mustață, on his 80th birthday. The meeting will take place on Friday, March 9, 2018, at 11:00 am at the Iași Branch of the Academy of Romanian Scientists in str. Prof. Dr. Docent Dimitrie Mangeron nr. 1, (Faculty of Construction and Installations – Installations)
Marquardt hosted the National AVE Conference – “Asta Voglio Eu!” (“I want this!”) Educational program for safety at the workplace and early professional counselling of pupils in the primary education cycle
On Thursday, March 1, 2018, at 12:30, we invite you to in the Aula of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, to the launch of the book signed by Anghel Andreescu and Gabriel Ola SCHENGEN SPACE MYTH OR REALITY
Apollonia University in collaboration with the Academy of Romanian Scientists International Congress Preparing the Future Promoting Excellence 1-4 March 2018 Iasi
Time schedule
ROMANIAN SCIENCE ACADEMY together withASSOCIATION FOR EPIGENETICS AND METABOLOMICS organizes the conferenceTHE VALENCES OF FEMINITY IN THE MODERN CONTEXT OF LIFE SCIENCES: from heredity to responsibility to generations, to health, family and society The conference will take place on 28 February 2018, at 16.00, at the Academy of Romanian Scientists – Human Rights Hall, Splaiul Independenței no. 54, sector 5, Bucharest.
The International Conference “Applied Modelling in Economics, Finance and Social Sciences (AMEFSS 2018)” will take place on 1-6 July 2018 in Tryavna, Gabrovo region, Bulgaria. The conference is organised byUniversity “Sf. Kliment Ohridski” in Sofia (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration), “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv, “Bishop Konstantin Preslavsky” University of Shumen (Dobrich College), in collaboration with theRomanian Academyof Scientists. Details :
ROMANIAN SCIENCE ACADEMYorganizes the series of monthly conferences The Valences of FemininityLadies with achievements in the fields are invited to the conferencescience, research, creation, art, innovation, lifestyle, business, personal developmentThe opening of the series of conferences will take place on January 31, 2018, at 16:00, at the headquarters of the Academy of Romanian Scientists – Hall “Human Rights”, Splaiul Independenței no. 54, sector 5, Bucharest.
ACADEMY OF SCIENTISTS OF ROMANIA together with ANA ASLAN FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL is organising the 101st anniversary of the birth of ANEI ASLAN…..more
UNDER THE AIM OF THE ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS THE DAYOFTHE NATIONAL POET AND NATIONAL CULTURE, CELEBRATED IN BUCHAREST AND NEW YORK On 15 January, the Academy of Romanian Scientists celebrates, together with the entire Romanian nation, the Day of Mihai Eminescu and the Day of National Culture. The birthday of the genius of Romanian poetry, also one of the greatest poets of universal literature, is a fundamental date in terms of importance in the calendar of Romanian culture, civilization and existence Press release
On January 8, 2018, at the Academy of Romanian Scientists , organized by the Department of Philosophy, Psychology and Theology, took place Conference “The 14 points of the American President Woodrow Wilson, an emblematic document for the 20th century. Impact in the era and significance in our contemporaneity “, supported by Ambassador Constantin Vlad , personality of Romanian diplomacy, founding founding member of AOSR. The event took place in the Human Rights Hall, in front of an audience of members of the academic body, diplomats, experts in international relations, diplomacy and political science, scientific researchers. The host of the event was prof. Univ. Dr. Angela Botez , President of the Department of Philosophy, Psychology and Theology of the Academy of Romanian Scientists.
Press release
XXV Annual “Mihai Eminescu” Symposium (168th anniversary of the poet’s birth) Part I National Identity in Eminescu’s Vision and Current Trends of Denationalization through Post-Cultural Globalism Saturday, January 13, 2018, 10:00 AM at Boon Restaurant (formerly Bucharest) (Queens Blvd. and 40th Street) Symposium Program
Symposium dedicated to the Union of the Romanian Principalities XXV edition Sunday 21 January 2018 at 3:30 PM after St. Liturgy at the Church “Sf. Peter and Paul” (St. George’s Episcopal Church) in Astoria, 27th Ave. corner of 14th Street Subway Q or N at Astoria Boulevard station, Bus Q 18 Symposium Program
THE ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS AND THE MIHAI EMINESCU SPIRITUAL FOUNDATION present the cultural symposium “EMINESCU IDENTITY PRECURSOR OF THE GREAT UNION“12 January 2018, 14.00-20.00, Academy of Romanian Scientists, Splaiul Independeței no. 54, sector 5.
Symposium Programme
AOSR Academy Publishing House launches on December 19, 2017, National Minorities Day, within the events organized by the Turkish Democratic Union of Romania, the album Muslim Community in Romania in Illustrations (1898-1940), edited by Gabriel-Octavian Nicolae and Valentin Ciorbea. Speech before His Excellency Mr. Osman Koray Ertas, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Bucharest, H. Ahmed Dastan, TIKA coordinator in Bucharest and Osman Fedbi, President of the Turkish Democratic Union.
Literary Circle “Mihai Eminescu” and the magazine Lumina Lina from New York (Director Theodor Damian and editor-in-chief M. N. Rusu) Friday 15 December 2017, 7:00 PMAt the book launch of Miss Liberty’s Masked Ball on the Queensboro Mircea M. Ionescuthe play Night Taxi Driver in New York by the same author will be heard They will talk: Theodor Damian, M. N. Rusu, Grigore Culian, Valentina Ciaprazi, Mariana Terra, and the author The event will take place at Boon Restaurant (formerly Bucharest) 40 Street and Queens Blvd., Sunnyside, New York
The Academy of Romanian Scientists celebrated Ambassador Ion M. Anghel ‘s 90th birthday. The special session took place on 12.12.2017, in the Human Rights Hall of the AOSR, in the presence of an audience of academics, politicians, diplomats, scientific and cultural personalities. By Gen. (r) Prof. Dr. Vasile Cândea, Honorary President of AOSR, and Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, President of the AOSR, the institution’s management presented, during the event, its high appreciation for the celebrated member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. Press release
On 9 December 2017, at the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Mr. Director General Doru Darabont from the “Alexandru Darabont” National Research and Development Institute for Labour Protection in Bucharest gave a lecture on Auditing in occupational safety and health. The event was attended by students, specialists in the field of SHS, as well as teachers. The event provided an opportunity for participants to discuss the importance of auditing in the field of SHE, as well as the need for safe workplaces. The debate was organised under the auspices of the Academy of Romanian Scientists through the Commission for Occupational Safety and Health. Press release
CONFERENCE GREEN BLOOD FROM WHEAT – HEALTHY LIVER – Prof. emeritus Dr. Ionel MIRON Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists A.O.Ș.R. Headquarters, Iasi Branch Friday – 8 December 2017 – 11:00 (Faculty of Construction and Installations – Installations building, amphitheatre A1)
On Monday, 11 December 2017, between 11-12, at the Central Library of the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest [3rd floor, room 3.2] will take place the presentations of the research topics of the Technical Sciences Section: Daniel-Petru GHENCEA, scientific coordinators Miron ZAPCIU, Anton HADAR
Modeling-simulation and prediction
experimental data specific to manufacturing systems using hybrid techniques based on artificial intelligence
TUFAN Alexandru, scientific coordinator: Miron ZAPCIU
Integrated automation of programmable logic based drive systems and configuration of specific parameters
The Academy of Romanian Scientists organizes on Wednesday, 29 November 2017, from 9:30 am, in the “Human Rights” Hall, the symposium The Great Union of 1918 in historical perspective
On Wednesday, 29 November 2017, at 12:00, in the “Human Rights” room, Prof. Dr. Onuc Cozar, full member, will deliver the Reception Speech entitled Structural investigations on molecular compounds and oxide glasses of biomedical interest
At the headquarters of Marquardt Schaltsysteme SCS took place on 24.11.2017 an International Workshop attended by several local, national and international institutions as well as specialists in the field of occupational safety and health such as: the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu represented by Mr. Lucian-Ionel Cioca; the “Alexandru Darabont” National Research and Development Institute for Labour Protection in Bucharest represented by Mr. Doru Darabont; the group of Italian specialists in the field of occupational safety and health from GEOSICUR and ASL Viterbo (Italian institutions with training and control attributions in the field of occupational safety and health) represented by Messrs: Emanuele Principali, Gianluca Maria Fociani, Mauro Sottana, Luigi Rotundo, Paolo Foti, Francisco Taconi; Mr. Francisc Torok; Slimnic Secondary School represented by Mr. Giusseppe Bothar; Sibiu Territorial Labour Inspectorate represented by Mr. Remus Furtună; as well as Marquardt company represented by Mrs. Bianca Buta and Mr. Claudiu Petru. The workshop activities were held under the auspices of theRomanian Academy of Sciencesthrough the Commission for Occupational Safety and Health.
On 22 November 2017, in the Marble Hall of the National Military Circle, the debate Good governance, a way to increase resilience to hybrid threats , was held under the auspices of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. The debate was attended by representatives of the Presidential Administration, the Government and the Romanian Parliament, political leaders and decision-makers, specialists in the field of military science, experts in governance and defence policy, members of the academic world, scientific researchers, representatives of civil society, academics and students. The meeting thus brought together qualified participants with expertise in the fields under discussion, authorities and decision-makers, which created the necessary conditions for an event with a pronounced specialist character. The debate was organised by the Academy of Romanian Scientists through the Military Sciences Section.
Press release
International Symposium “Safety and Health at Work” – SESAM 2017 The National Research and Development Institute for Mining Safety and Explosion Protection – INSEMEX Petroșani organized the eighth edition of the International Symposium on Safety and Health at Work – SESAM, a scientific event that took place at the “InterContinental” hotel in Bucharest, on October 19, 2017, with the support and collaboration of the University of Petroșani, the Labour Inspectorate, under the auspices of the Ministry of Research and Innovation and under the patronage of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. The official opening of the symposium was addressed by the Minister of Research and Innovation – Prof. dr. eng. Puiu Lucian Georgescu, Director General of INSEMEX – Dr. Eng. George Artur Găman, Rector of the University of Petroșani – Prof. dr. eng. Sorin Mihai Radu, Mihail Mândru – Head of Control Department, SSM of the Labour Inspectorate, Vice President of the Academy of Scientists – AOSR – Dr. Doru Sabin Delion, Director General of INCD for Labour Protection Bucharest – Dr. eng. Doru Costin Darabont, Prof. dr. eng. Gheorghe Manolea – University of Craiova
14thInternational Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis16– 17 November 2017, Bucharest, RomaniaThe14th International Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2017) will be held at Politehnica University of Bucharest from 16-17 November 2017. The Workshop is hosted by the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, of the Politehnica University The annual Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis has been organized since 2003 to bring together academics and engineers from diverse fields of automation. This workshop will provide the opportunity for worldwide researchers and practitioners to share together the latest developments and new trends in control and diagnosis. Both theoretical and applied papers are welcomed for submission to this event. Keynote speeches are to be conducted by well-known experts in control and diagnosis.
On Wednesday, 8 November 2017, at 12:00 noon, in the “Human Rights” Room, AOSR Headquarters, will be held the conference:“CATALONIA- A challenge for Europe”,to be delivered by Ambassador Vlad CONSTANTIN, founding full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, member of the Honorary Council of AOSR.Press release
The Academy of Romanian Scientists organized the AOSR Autumn Scientific Session 2017 in Timisoara on October 12-14. The event, hosted by the Library and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electroenergetics of the University Politehnica Timișoara, was held in a collaboration that brought together academic institutions and Public Administration authorities: Romanian Academy – Timișoara Branch, Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR) – Timișoara Branch, Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (ASAS) – Timișoara Branch, Academy of Medical Sciences (ASM) – Timișoara Branch, Timișș County Council, Timișoara City Hall, Politehnica University Timișoara, West University Vasile Goldiș – Arad, Ion Vidu National College of Art. Such a partnership, together with the participants and the papers presented during the Session, attest the value and importance of the event, which has become an emblematic event of the national and international academic and scientific research space. The 2017 edition of the Autumn Scientific Session of the Academy of Romanian Scientists was situated under a heading that was both important and challenging: Scientific research in support of sustainable development . Press release
The eighth edition of the International Energy-Environment Conference – ICES 2017 took place on 19-21 October 2017 at the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest with the central theme “Energy Saved Today is Asset for Future”.This year’s conference was organised by the Academy of Romanian Scientists, the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and the Shanghai Academy of Science and Technology, in collaboration with the Romanian National Committee for the World Energy Council, the Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iasi and the University of Ljubljana. The conference was technically sponsored byIEEE Power & Energy Society (PES).It is worth noting the very large participation of Romanian and foreign specialists in this conference (over 180 participants), including 38 foreign specialists from 18 countries.We can also state that the 110 papers presented in the plenary session of the conference covered current and pressing issues for our country and the European Union in the fields of energy production, transport, distribution and efficient use of energy, renewable energy sources and environmental protection.
Participation of the members of the Technical Sciences Section at the International Warsaw Invention ShowXI-InternationalWarsaw Invention Show – I.W.I.S. 9-11 October 2017 Mr. Anton HADĂR and Mr. Miron ZAPCIU entered the following invention in IWIS 2017: HYDRODYNAMIC LAYER USED IN THE SUPREFINING OF PIECES BY RECTIFICATIONThe inventionwas awarded the Gold Medaland received a special prize from the Taiwan International Invention Award Winners Association.
5 October – World Education DayACADEMIAOF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS: EDUCATION IS THE CHANCE TO DEVELOP AND ESTABLISH ROMANIA IN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE WORLD Initiated by UNESCO on 5 October 1994, World Teacher’s Day/Journée Mondiale des Enseignants (World Teachers’ Day) symbolically enshrines, at international level, the 1966 UNESCO and International Labour Organisation Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers and a subsequent document, the 1997 Recommendation concerning Higher Education. The event is addressed within the broader framework created by the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (September 2015), which promotes a number of principles and goals such as ensuring equal access to quality education, creating opportunities for lifelong learning (lifelong learning), supporting teachers through professional training programmes towards the ideal of quality education and optimal working conditions, motivating them through salaries appropriate to the importance of the work they do – educating and training young generations. Press release
We are very pleased to inform you that under the sponsorship of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, US Branch, of the Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality in New York, and of the Metropolitan College of New York, the 25th Ecumenical Theological and Interdisciplinary Symposium will be held in New York on Saturday, December 2rd, 2017 at 10:00 AM at the Metropolitan College of New York (details will follow). You are cordially invited to participate. The selected topic of the event is: Nation and Identity: Reconciling the Traditional Sense of Belonging with the Globalist Tendencies of Post-Culturalism. We hope that such a subject could be ecumenically, theologically, philosophically and aesthetically attractive to all of us. Program the 25th Symposium Dec. 2017
Organized by:– Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH) – – Academy of Romanian Scientists Equilibrium and non-equilibrium quantum statistics, including fractional statistics – Open quantum systems and decay processes – Nuclear structure and decay processes – Clustering features in atomic and nuclear systems – Quantum transport – – Nanotubes and quantum dots – Spin systems and their dynamics – Fundamental symmetries in mesoscopic systems – – Phases and phase-transitions in mesoscopic systems – Exactly solvable models – Self-consistent many-body theories – Giant versus Pygmy resonances in nuclei – Matter in strong electromagnetic fields
On 8 September in the Conference Hall of our Academy we are hosting, from 11-13, the public launch of the new edition – updated after seven years with the latest data in the field – of the scientific and field applications volume “KOGAION, Multidisciplinary Research at the Dacian Sanctuaries in the Orastia Mountains“, by TIMOTEI URSU and printed in an elegant publication, a real instructive manual, by University Publishing House Bucharest
More than 150 historians of medicine from Europe, USA, Canada gathered in Bucharest for three days at the Palace of the Faculty of Medicine in Cotroceni for the biennial conference of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health (EAHMH) in Bucharest from 30 August to 2 September 2017, with the theme: “The body politic – the role of states in the history of medicine and health”.
On 12 July 2017, under the auspices of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, the debate “The role of small and medium-sized enterprises in the development of the Romanian economy” took place in the Carol I Hall of the Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry . The event – the second event of the
The “AOSR Debates” project
– focused on a topic of major importance for the Romanian economy and society: SMEs. The debate, moderated by Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, President of the Academy of Romanian ScientistsThe conference brought together a select participation of representatives of the Romanian Government and Parliament, central government, business and banks, economic, finance, education and research officials, policy and decision makers, academics, researchers, experts in economic policy and strategy, civil society, academics, etc. Press Release
“Slove Muscelene” Symposium,Câmpulung Muscel, 21-22 July 2017 Theme: “Open Data versus Information Security”, 9th edition
Professor Adrian Badea, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, was the guest of the “Ambasador Romania” show on 1 July 2017. The show is a media space for free, open and transparent dialogue, under the sign of truth, even when the truths told are uncomfortable. “Ambasador Romania” is produced and moderated on Realitatea TV by Alexandru Cumpănașu, a journalist known for his trenchant and courageous approach to the most sensitive and difficult domestic and international issues, of a political, strategic, diplomatic, economic, social, cultural, identity etc. nature, in the complex and tense context of the contemporary world. The show “Ambasador Romania”, by the prominent personalities invited, by the topics discussed, by the open dialogue and by the opinions expressed in it, represents a unique experience in the Romanian journalistic space, a true media brand. Alexandru Cumpănașu is, at the same time, President of the The National Coalition for the Modernisation of Romania, which includes an impressive number of institutions, organisations, trade unions, employers, associations, etc., united under the common objective of contributing to the development and European affirmation of Romania. Professor Adrian Badea participated in the show “Ambassador Romania” as a President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, but also of Vice President of the National Coalition for the Modernisation of Romania, of which AOSR is a member, since university professor, scientist and researcher with a widely recognized academic prestige in Romania and abroad. PRESS RELEASE
During 2017, the Academy of Romanian Scientists is organizing a series of debates on topics of broad interest for both public administration and civil society in Romania. The second debate organised by AOSR is dedicated to “The role of SMEs in the development of the Romanian economy”.Representatives from the Romanian Parliament, central government, SMEs, education, academia and business are invited to attend the event. The debate will take place Wednesday, 12 July 2017, 10 am, in the “Carol I” Hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest, str. Ion Ghica nr. 4. The main topics of discussion will focus on the following issues:
- government policies and programmes in support of SMEs;
- research and innovation in support of SME development;
- education to promote entrepreneurship;
- a well-trained workforce – an essential factor for economic development.
- difficulties and challenges of the Romanian business environment. Expectations and requirements;
- economic diplomacy – an essential activity to promote the Romanian economy;
- financing solutions for SMEs.
The Academy of Romanian Scientists together with “Titu Maiorescu” University – Faculty of Medicine and Institute for Research, Development and Innovation and the Romanian Medical Association for Plasmapheresis organize the symposium Innovative Approaches in Health. Venue Aula of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Splaiul Independenței no. 54, sector 5, Bucharest, 15 July 2017, 09.00 – 18.00
On 7-9 June 2017, the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu organized under the patronage of the Academy of Romanian Scientists the international workshop entitled Safety and Health at Work: present and perspectives! The workshop discussed specific issues in the field of OSH and future directions for action. In addition to professors and researchers from Romania, professors from Italy, Poland and Serbia were present. Press release
Intellectuals, Intellectuality, Intellectualism. The welcoming speech of Mr.Prof.univ.dr. Vasile Burlui.
EMINESCU, AMOMAGED BY THEACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS The Academy of Romanian Scientists dedicated a special event to Eminescu this year, on the occasion of the 128th anniversary of the national poet’s death. On 21 June 2017, in the Aula of the institution, the Homage Session “Eminescu, the full man of Romanian culture”, 7th edition, was held, an emblematic academic event for the field of eminescology, organized by the Section of Philosophy, Theology, Psychology and Journalism of AOSR. Press release
On his 85th birthday, Wednesday, May 24, 2017, General (r) Prof. Dr. Vasile Cândea was honored by the Academy of Romanian Scientists.PRESS RELEASE
CONCLUSIONS OF THE DEBATE ON IDENTITY AND NATIONAL AFFIRMATION IN THE WORLD OF GLOBALIZATION Debate “Identity and National Affirmation in the World of Globalization“, organized by the Academy of Romanian Scientists, part of the “AOSR Debates” Project, had as central themes:
Education – a strategic factor in the formation of young people’s national identity;
Culture – support of knowledge, understanding and development of national values; Romania’s place in the EU and in the world. The event brought together parliamentarians, secretaries of state (Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Culture and National Identity, Ministry of Communications and Information Society), academics, scientific researchers, people of culture, directors of prestigious national colleges, teachers from pre-university education, representatives of civil society. The conclusions of this debate are attached. CONCLUSIONS
Friday 19 May 2017, 12:00, Reception speech by Prof. Dr. Stoica Godeanu, full member of AOSR – Biological Sciences Section, with the title: Theoretical and applied ecology. The Laudatio will be delivered by the President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Prof. dr. eng. Adrian Badea, and the reply to the speech will be presented by Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Mustață Saturday 20 May 2017, 10:00 will take place the symposium “Biotechnology and Ecotechnology” Symposium Programme
FR-RO Summer schoolFranco-Romanian summer schoolAdvanced Systems Control & New Information Technologies – CA’NTI
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ” Contemporary Challenges for the Society in the Context of the Recent Economic and Social Changes ” – 2nd Edition
2 0 1 7 8TH EDITION
On 3 May 2017, at 11 a.m., at the AOSR headquarters, Human Rights Hall, Prof. Dr. Doru URSUȚIU, from Transilvania University of Brasov, associate member of AOSR, presented the communication “From noises and fluctuations to virtual instrumentation and remote control”, a communication focused on his professional development, in which he highlighted with his characteristic passion the exceptional works, internationally appreciated, carried out in the Creativity Laboratory he runs.
On 24-25 April this year, the working meeting between the Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR) and the Shanghai Academy of Science and Technology (SAST) took place. The AOSR delegation included: prof. dr.eng. Adrian BADEA, President of AOSR, prof. univ. Ecaterina ANDRONESCU, President of AOSR Chemical Sciences Section and AOSR members: prof. univ. dr. Aurel PAPARI, George DARIE, prof.univ.dr.eng. Horia NECULA, prof.univ.dr. Andra SECELEANU. The SAST delegation consisted of YU CHEN, Vice President of SAST, Prof. FEI LICHENG, Director of Shanghai Nanotechnology Promotion Centre, Prof. LILY LI, Deputy Director of Shanghai Industrial Institute of Technology. During the discussions, in accordance with the Cooperation Protocol concluded between the two academies, the following were discussed:
- Preparation of the 8th International Energy-Environment Conference organized on 18-19 October 2017 by AOSR, SAST and Politehnica University Bucharest;
- Identify themes for scientific cooperation in the fields of nanomaterials, intelligent systems and robotics.
On Tuesday, April 25, at 15:30, the round table “China and Romania Economic Bubbles of Emergent Economy” will take place at AOSR headquarters.
The National Conference CONSTANTIN RĂDULESCU-MOTRU IN THE ROMANIAN CULTURE OF THE 20th CENTURY, 1st edition, which will take place on 27-28 April 2017 in Craiova in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Law, Calea București nr. 107D, Craiova. Conference Programme
Scientific Session of the National Committee for Food Security and Strategy
Registration Form
The work will take placeșwill take place at the AOSR headquarters, from Str. Independen Squareței, Nr. 54, Sector 5, București– Human Rights Hall – Friday 26.05.2017, between 10.00 – 14.00
Scientific Session ” Collaborative Innovation in Engineering“
Registration Form
Friday 26.05.2017, from 10.00-18.00Cultural – Educational Centre Mioveni
AOSR Awards Gala On Thursday 23 March 2017, at 11 am, the AOSR Awards Gala took place in the Aula of the Central University Library. Press release
AOSR debates
On Wednesday, 22 March 2017, at 10 a.m., at the Palace of Parliament, Avram Iancu Hall, the debate “Identity and national affirmation in the world of globalization” was held , which is part of the project of the series of debates of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR). The main topics of discussion are oriented towards the following issues:
- Education – a strategic factor in the formation of young people’s national identity;
- Culture – support of knowledge, understanding and development of national values;
- Romania’s place in the EU and the world.
On 27 March this year, during a ceremony at the University of Haute-Alsace in Mulhouse, France, Prof. Dr. Marcel Popa, corresponding member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, chemical sciences section, was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa.
THE 3RD ROMANIAN-GERMAN ONCOLOGY CONFERENCE – C.O.R.G. 2017 Multimodality Oncology Friday 31 March 2017, 11.30 am The conference will take place at the Academy of Romanian Scientists – address: Bucharest, sector 5, Splaiul Independentei nr. 54 – Hall “Human Rights”.
NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ” Francis I. Rainer Days” 2017 dedicated to the personality of Acad. Vladimir TREBICI – 101 years since birth TOPIC: Anthropology and demography
BUCURESTI 27-29.04.2017
During the festive International Apollonia University Congress in Iasi, the title of Doctor Honoris Causa was awarded to Prof. Dr. Irinel POPESCU, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, president of the Academy of Medical Sciences and founding member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists.
At the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, at the proposal of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, the title of Professor Honoris Causa was awarded to Prof. Mihail Megan, full member of the AOSR.
National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion – INSEMEX Petroșani organizes the International Symposium on Occupational Health and Safety – SESAM 2017, 8th edition. The International Symposium SESAM 2017 will take place in Bucharest, at “InterContinental” Hotel, on October 19th 2017, being organised with the support and cooperation of the University of Petroșani, of the Labour Inspection, under the auspices of the Ministry of Research and Innovation, under the high patronage of the Academy of Romanian Scientists – AOSR.
On Wednesday 10 May 2017, 9:00 am, the Information Seminar “Women´s Excellence in Scientific Research and Project Management EXCELENTFEM/ Women´s Excellence in Scientific Research and Project Management EXCELENTFEM.On Thursday 11 May 2017, 9:00 am, the Collaborative Workshop “Lines of research excellence and women’s access to programs, EXCELENTFEM Project” is organized.Programme of the two events
1 March 2017, Reception speech by Prof. Dr. Stefan Antohe, full member of AOSR – Physical Sciences Section, with the title: The study effects of ionizing radiation on the structural, morphological, electrical and optical properties of thin films ofA2 –B6 semiconductor compounds, and of second generation photovoltaic cells based on such materials. The Laudatio was delivered by the President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Prof. dr. eng. Adrian Badea, and the reply to the speech was presented by Prof. Dr. Mărgărit Pavelescu.
2-5 March 2017
President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, prof. univ. dr. eng. Adrian Badea, received the title of Honorary Member in the rank of Commander of the Military Order of Romania. The award ceremony took place on 27 January 2017, starting at 13.00, in the Hall of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, in front of a select audience, consisting of political personalities, representatives of the academic and scientific world, leading names of Romanian education, science and culture.
Press release
On 15 February 2017, the
Organized by The Faculty of Social, Political and Humanistic Sciences of Titu Maiorescu University, in partnership with the Academy of Romanian Scientists, on the 177th anniversary of the birth of the founder of modern Romanian civilization, the Symposium is the first event in the TITU MAIORESCU 100″ Programme (1917-2017).
Education Tribune
On 1 February 2017, at the Academy of Romanian Scientists, took place the Conference “The Founders of French Journalism”, held by Victor Botez, PhD in Philosophy, Honorary Member of AOSR, Member of the Union of Professional Journalists of Romania. The conference took place in the Human Rights Hall of the institution and was attended by an audience of academics, academics, researchers, students.
Press release