The Academy of Romanian Scientists is a national forum for scientific consecration, which brings together representative personalities of science. The main purposes of the AOSR are the promotion, development, support, protection of science in all direct, indirect or adjacent forms, actions and methods. The main objectives of AOSR are:
National promotion of interdisciplinary research in natural sciences, engineering and application, medical disciplines, etc. Annual organization of two interdisciplinary national conferences.
Initiating international contacts, by creating links with academic, research and higher education bodies abroad, with Romanian scientists from outside the country, as well as foreigners.
Ensuring an adequate framework for the meeting of scientists from different fields, thus contributing, through information, to the creation of interdisciplinary teams to solve complex issues.
Promoting young researchers, supporting their participation in scientific events, in the country and abroad. A research grant competition for young people will be organized annually.
Realization, on a contractual basis, through specialized structures, of scientific research works, participation in governmental and non-governmental scientific research programs, preparation of reviews, references and bibliographic summaries.
Awarding annual prizes to the best books published in various fields of science and culture.