The Academy of Romanian Scientists celebrates National Flag Day


The Academy of Romanian Scientists celebrates, together with the entire Romanian nation, from the country and abroad, the National Flag Day , June 26 , a day with deep meanings for the history, present and future of Romania.

Established by Law no. 96 of May 20, 1998, June 26 refers to June 14/26, 1848, which marks the victory of the Revolution of 1848 and the establishment of the Provisional Government in Bucharest. On this occasion, Decree no. 1 for the establishment of the national flag, the Tricolor – red, yellow and blue – as a symbol of all Romanians. The date of June 26, enshrined in law, highlights the historical importance of a day located at the beginning of the construction process of Modern Romania , together with the Revolution of 1848, the European framework for the birth of nation-states. In a broader perspective on history, the National Flag Day is a framework to pay homage to the country’s history and the efforts of the Romanian people in the direction of political and social emancipation, assertion of national identity and consciousness, unity, freedom, independence and national dignity. It is a continuous process , marked by struggles, sacrifices and sacrifices, carried out under the folds of the Tricolor . During this process, the Romanian flag became the symbol of the Romanian people’s aspiration to assert themselves on the stage of history, to independence, progress and development, the sign of national identity in the concert of the nations of Europe and the world.

The Academy of Romanian Scientists considers that the celebration of the National Flag is a way to commemorate the blood sacrifice of the forerunners , to pay homage to the political visionary of the elites , animated by the spirit of identity consciousness and enlightened patriotism, the people’s struggle to achieve great ideals . Today, in a disconcerting, often chaotic present, torn by contradictions and confusions, in a period of great trials for Europe and for the world, the Romanian society and, especially, the young generations need, more than ever, firm landmarks . of evolution. One such landmark , which symbolically expresses the history, identity, aspirations and meaning of becoming the Romanian nation, is the Tricolor Flag . Viewed from this perspective, the National Flag Day reveals its special importance for the Romanian consciousness and identity in the European and global space for the present country, for its evolution in the continuity of a history of struggle, affirmation and development.

On the occasion of the National Flag Day , the president of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, prof. Univ. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea , stated: “National Flag Day is an important day for Romania and the Romanian nation. We are glad that this day was instituted at the initiative of a member of our Academy, Col. Dr. Eng. Adrian Constantin, President of the Romanian Military Order. The Flag Day is a moment of commemoration of the heroes who sacrificed themselves for the country, of the homage of those who built Modern Romania under the tricolor folds. At the same time, however, it is a framework for reflection on our identity, our self-awareness and our people, who we are today and who we will be tomorrow in Europe and in the world. The history of the Romanian flag, associated with an often tragic history, forces us to preserve and assert our national identity in the concert of European identities, to build with vision, dignity and patriotism Romania of the future. It is a moral duty of us, of all of us, to the forerunners and to the young people of today, who represent the future of the country and whom we must educate in the spirit of these founding values. The Academy of Romanian Scientists celebrates the National Flag Day with deep gratitude for a past of sacrifices and glories and with a deep sense of responsibility for building Romania’s European future.

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
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Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România este continuatorul și unicul legatar al Academiei de Știinte din România (1935 – 1948) și al Asociației Oamenilor de Știință din România înființată prin HCM nr. 1012/30 mai 1956, care în 1996 și-a schimbat titulatura în Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România. În anul 2007 a fost adoptată Legea nr. 31-15 ianuarie 2007 privind reorganizarea și funcţionarea AOSR. Printre membrii de onoare ai ASR s-au numărat următorii laureați ai premiului Nobel (conform Buletinului nr 11 din 1943 al ASR): Louis de Broglie, Jean Perrin (fizicieni francezi), Max Born, Werner-Karl Heisenberg (fizicieni germani), Paul Sabatier (chimist francez), Hans Fischer , Friedrich Bergius (chimisti germani), Paul Karrer (chimist elveţian) şi George Emil Palade (medic român ), membru al AOSR. Conform evaluării instituționale Scimago/ ELSEVIER , bazată pe vizibilitatea științifică internațională a membrilor săi, AOSR ocupă locul 22/Romania și 775/lume în clasamentul instituțiilor de cercetare și învățământ superior.