“Digital Transformation of Cultural and Educational Institutions” | International Symposium “Slove Muscelene” | 14th edition, 14-15 July 2022


Article published on the website www.comunic.ro

The Academy of Romanian Scientists, through the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu” (ICAI), together with the institutional partners “Carol I” Central University Library, the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics ICI Bucharest, the National Museum of Romanian Literature, the “George Barițiu” County Library of Brasov, the “Carol I” University Foundation and the DigiLib Muscel Association organized the 14th edition of the international symposium “Slove muscelene” with theme Digital transformation of institutions in culture and education, of which COMUNICAȚII Mobile Magazine is media partner.

The symposium “Slove muscelene”, initiated and organized by Prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu(Vice President of AOSR and Director General of ICAI) in 2009, has been held, since its debut, in Câmpulung Muscel, with the support of local authorities, and since 2021 in hybrid format, in the Aula of the Central University Library “Carol I” in Bucharest, this year benefiting from the online presence of several personalities from the country and abroad, guests from France, Croatia, Cyprus and Sweden.

Digital Transformation, between technology and human resources management

The official opening of the symposium took place on Thursday, 14 July 2022, at 10.00 am, in the Aula of the Central University Library “Carol I” in Bucharest, in the presence of academics, university professors, researchers, historians, directors of major libraries, who stressed the importance of Digital Transformation and analyzed the means to achieve it in Romania.

Ms Doina Banciu, Vice President of AOSR and Director General of ICAI, in her triple role as host, moderator and organiser, wanted to encourage specialists, researchers and younger people entering the multidisciplinary field of Digital Transformation to pay more attention to the management of human resources in this particularly challenging issue. As the human factor plays an important role in the success of digital transformation processes, public administration authorities, as well as the legislative power, together with academia and the private sector, must define a new social pact that places people at the heart of Digital Transformation. Digital Transformation needs to be understood and applied as a strategic component of human factor transformation management in organisations, first and foremost, and then as a technological, ICT component.

During the debates of the symposium “Slove muscelene” participated physically and online Miss Simona Bucura-Oprescu – MP, Chair of the Committee for Public Administration and Spatial Planning, Romanian Parliament, Mr. Dragoș Cristian Vlad – President, Authority for the Digitization of Romania, Prof. univ. dr. ing Tudor Prisecaru – Secretary of State, Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Academician Florin Gheorghe Filip – Romanian Academy, Prof. univ. dr. ing. Dumitru Popescu – President of the Information Science and Technology Section, Academy of Romanian Scientists, as well as officials from the Prefecture of Argeș, and other leading specialists.

AOSR President, Mr. Adrian Badea appreciated the importance of the initiative of Vice President Doina Banciu, who has dedicated no less than 14 years to a cultural event that started in Câmpulung Muscel and has become today an event with international reverberations, training professionals from several countries passionate about the phenomenon of Digital Transformation. President Badea reinforced the idea that AOSR is at the forefront of these paradigm shifts in the world of science and culture in Romania, as the work of the Academy he coordinates is focused on promoting the latest ideas in these areas of research and innovation. Moreover, AOSR has a special program dedicated to Digital Transformation, and this International Symposium is an integral part of AOSR’s vision of developing in the coming years the acceleration of the digitalization phenomenon in all fields of Romanian society.

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