The Romanian socio-political and scientific environment in which the Association of Scientists was founded

The Romanian socio-political and scientific environment in which the Association of Scientists was founded


Pursuant to the Presidential Decree no. 76 aiming to convert the Romanian Academy into the Academy of the People’s Republic of Romania, published in the Official Gazette No.132 bis / June 9, 1948, the Academy of Sciences of Romania was integrated into the Academy of the People’s Republic of Romania, and all its movable and immovable assets became part of the patrimony of the new Academy
The last known document in the file of the Academy of Sciences of Romania to be found at the National Archives is Decision no. 1432/19 October 1956, through which the Supreme Court of the People’s Republic of Romania dismissed the appeal of the Romanian Academy against the Civil Decision no. 458/1936 lodged on January 18, 1939.


The Romanian socio-political and scientific environment in which the Association of Romanian Scientists was founded

The proclamation of the People’s Republic of Romania on 30 December 1947, the nationalisation of the major industrial, mining, banking, insurance and transportation enterprises on June 11, 1948, and the educational reform at all levels laid the foundation for profound changes in the economic, social and political structure in our country.
After the transformation of the Romanian Academy into the Academy of the People’s Republic of Romania in 1948 (source: the Official Gazette), from 1949 to 1968, the scientific societies and associations of teachers, doctors, engineers and architects adopted new statutes of organisation and functioning. In accordance with article 7 of the Decision of the Central Committee of the Romanian Workers’ Party and the Council of Ministers of 1951 (source: State Publishing House for Scientific Literature), the Ministry of Education was tasked to “take the necessary measures to strengthen scientific societies”.
Between 1952-1972, the activity of scientific societies and associations was financed by the Ministry of Education, and since 1974, in accordance with the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 425/15 May 1973, scientific societies and associations took steps to self-financing their activity from their own funds, from the collection of contributions and the earnings obtained from the sale of publications.