Natalia ROŞOIU – Titular Member, President of the Department,
University Professor at Ovidius University in Constanţa, Scientific Advisor at SC Biotehnos SA Bucharest.
Specialization: Biochemistry
Fields of scientific competence: Ecological marine biochemistry, drugs, medical and pharmaceutical biochemistry
References: CV ,




Alexandru-Şerban BOLOGA – Titular Member
Scientific Director of the National Research and Development Institute Marină Grigore Antipa.
Specialization: Marine algology
Fields of scientific competence: marine bioproductivity, marine macrobenthic algae, estimation of planktonic primary production with the C14 method, marine radioecology; oceanology.
References: CV ,



Norina FORNA – Titular Member
Univ. Prof. dr., dentistry, oral-maxillo-facial surgery, UMF „Gr.T.Popa” Iasi. Dean, Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Gr.T.Popa” Iași, Head of Clinic and Therapy of Extended Partial Dentition and Maxillofacial Prostheses. Doctor of Dental Medicine (1997); primary doctor oro-maxillo-facial surgery; family doctor ● Master’s degree in Composite Prosthetics in Extended Partial Denture [2007]; ● Master in Business Administration Specialization, of the Postgraduate School of Management – Marketing SCOP 2M from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration ● Competence in IMPLANTOLOGY (MSF, AIID); RADIOLOGY ● Certificate of complementary studies in computerized regulatory thermography; ● Certified in CRT (Germany)–2007 ● Superspecialization in implantology,
References: CV

Suzana-Cristina GLAVCE – Titular Member
Director of the Francisc I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology of the Romanian Academy.
Specialization: Anthropology
Fields of scientific competence: Demographic anthropology, auxological anthropology; anthropology of current populations, family anthropology, medical anthropology
References: CV ,



Stoica-Preda GODEANU – Full Member
University Professor at the Ovidius University of Constanţa
Specialization: Zoology.
Fields of scientific competence: General and applied ecology, Limnology, Taxonomy and Environmental protection, biological purification.
References: CV ,



Gogu GHIORGHIŢĂ – Titular Member, President of the Piatra Neamţ AOSR Branch,
University Professor at the University of Bacău.
Specialization: Botany.
Fields of scientific competence: Experimental mutagenesis, in vitro tissue cultures, Study of reproduction and the highlighting of mechanisms for ensuring variability in plants.
References: CV

Cornelia GUJA – Titular Member
Scientific Researcher Dr. Biologist at the Francisc I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology of the Romanian Academy
Specialization: Human Biology.
Fields of scientific competence: Biophysics of the human being, Anthropology of the individual, Systematic investigation of the etheric Aura as a first-order interface using the electrographic method
References: CV ,

Ionel MIRON – Member Titular
Associate Professor, PhD, University of Al. I. Cuza from Iasi.
Specialization: Natural sciences – Chemistry
Fields of scientific competence: Faunal works with taxonomic and ecological approaches; Works for the ecological foundation of aquaculture; Works on the causes that determine the biocenotic change in the ecological succession;
References: CV


Gheorghe MUSTAŢĂ – Titular Member
University Professor Dr. Biology at the University of Al. I. Cuza Iasi.
Specialization: Zoology.
Fields of scientific competence: Biodiversity, Taxonomy and systematics: Ischneumo¬nidae and Cynipidae, pest complexes and their natural enemies, marine biology.



Adrian BAVARU – Honorary Member
University Professor at the Ovidius University of Constanta.
Specialization: Morphology and anatomy of plants.
Fields of scientific competence: Flora and plant associations of Dobrogea, seaweed and algal associations, as well as aquatic vegetation from coastal lakes.
References: CV ,




Dan COGĂLNICEANU – Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy – Honorary Member of AOSR
University Professor at the Ovidius University of Constanta (2005-present), Teaching Staff at the University of Bucharest (1990-2005). PhD supervisor since 2006.
Areas of scientific competence: Specialization in Biochemistry, a doctorate in Ecology, University of Bucharest (1997); management and conservation of wetlands, herpetology, ecology and evolution of amphibians and reptiles, conservation of biodiversity. Member of the scientific committee of the Măcin Mountains National Park (2011-present), the Buila-Vânturariţa Natural Park (2011-2016), and the North-Dobrogean Plateau (2017-present). Member of the editorial board at Transylvanian Review for Systematic Ecological Research (2004-present), Romanian Journal of Biology (2006-present), Ecologia Balkanica (2009-present). Associate Editor at Herpetological Conservation and Biology (2012-present). Important Publications: More than 100 scientific articles, of which 67 are in journals with an impact factor, 7 books and 9 chapters.
References: CV ,

Carmen-Mariana CHIFIRIUC – Corresponding Member
University Professor Dr. Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Bucharest – Faculty of Biology, Department of Botany and Microbiology, Director of the School of Doctoral Studies in Ecology (since 2016) and coordinator of the Life, Environment and Earth Sciences section – Research Institute of the University of Bucharest.
Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc (Balotescu) started her research career in 1997, as a biologist in the Vibrio laboratory of INCDMI „I. Cantacuzino”, from Bucharest. He was a fellow of the International Network of Pasteur Institutes (IP) (IP Bangui- 1999, IP Paris -2000). Doctoral thesis: Parasitism and the immune status of the host. Opportunistic parasites (University of Bucharest, 2005). From 2001 to 2009, he was national data manager for Romania, within the European Antibiotic Resistance Surveillance Network (EARSS). He is coordinator/key member/responsible for 17 internally funded and 5 externally funded research grants and member of the research team of 50 national and international projects. He has published over 200 ISI papers, Hirsch index 30 (Scopus), 27 (WOS), >3500 citations.
Areas of scientific competence: investigation of reservoirs of virulence and resistance to antibiotics in the clinical sector and in the environment; the study of host-infectious agent interrelationships and the roles of the microbiota in different pathologies; the development of rapid microbiological diagnostic methods; development and evaluation of new antimicrobial strategies, with biomedical and ecological applications.
References: CV ,

Alin-Sorin CIOBICA – Corresponding Member
CS II Dr. within the Dept. of Research, Faculty of Biology, University „Al. I. Cuza” Iasi, Romanian Academy Iasi Branch, Biomedical Research Center.
Fields of scientific competence: Behavior, Neuropsychiatry, Biochemistry. 14 years of research in the modulation/generation of behavioral models of neuropsychiatric diseases in animals and the relevance of oxidative stress and changes in human patients in this context. Special achievements: Over 1000 citations (without self-citations – including citations in Nature), h-19, impact factor summed from citations over 2500, 15 International Awards, 8 papers in the red (6) and yellow (2) ISI zones, 91 ISI works in extenso, 5 books, ad hoc reviewer for over 50 international journals.
References: CV ,, er=CqrqKzkAAAAJ&hl=ro&oi=ao 

Dragomir COPREAN – Corresponding Member
Prof. univ. Ph.D. at „Ovidius” Constanţa University, Faculty of Sciences, animal physiology discipline. Specialization: animal biology/physiology
Fields of scientific competence: Study of the ontogenetic evolution of the chicken’s pectoral muscle; Study of the effect of skeletal muscle denervation in vertebrates; Pharmacodynamics studies for some drugs; The study of the therapeutic effect of some plant products; Biotechnological methods for directing production in small ruminants; The study of different stress factors on chicken productivity; Acute and subchronic toxicity study for some pesticides of Romanian production
References: CV

Andrei KOZMA – Corresponding Member
Doctor, dental anthropology.
Areas of scientific competence:Dentistry ● Informatics in medical practice and research ● Statistical-mathematical methods applied in medical research ● Acupuncture and traditional oriental medicine ● specialist in general dentistry ● Clinical epidemiology ● Dental implantology ● 1998 – passes the doctoral exam, main scientific researcher gr.I and member of the Medical Academy; ● 1999 – passes the exam and receives the title of primary doctor in general dentistry. ● 2001-2003 initiation and improvement in Qigong [International Master Lin Kai Ting] ● 2004 – master’s degree in International and Community Law ● 2004, internal and external auditor in the medico-sanitary field ● 2006 – Bicon implantology (attestation diploma). ● 2007 – graduate of the intensive course organized for District Governors. ● 2008 – graduate of the Faculty Development Institute – Malaga, Spain. Professional activity: 1988 and until now – Anthropological Research Center of the Romanian Academy ● 1990 – member of the Balkan Medical Union. ● Coordinator of the activity of the dental research group ● 1995 – circle. scientific at the Anthropological Research Center „Fr.Rainer” of the Romanian Academy ● 1999 – member of the European Anthropology Commission ● 2007 – Scientific Director of the Anthropology Commission of the Romanian Academy.
References: CV

Laura OLARIU – Corresponding Member
Principal Researcher degree II, PhD in Biology-biochemistry. Director of the Research and Development Department at SC BIOTEHNOS SA.
Areas of scientific competence:Biophysical modeling of the behavior of cellular systems ● Cancer biology and flow cytometry ● Flow Cytometry and sorting – methods and applications ● Immunology and pathology ● Advanced management Development and Training Program – Planning and Developing a New Product ● Dermatological aspects of cosmetic science ● Perfection Management of projects for the acquisition of new skills, the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth and the Ministry of Labour, Family and Equal Opportunities ● Quality Management in Higher Education ● Training for use and analysis on BD FACSCanto IITM flow-cytometer, BD International, Heidelberg, Germany ● Principles , Operation and Applications of HPLC – MS” ● 2009 – Cell Culture Seminar, LGC Standards. Main activities: fundamental research, consultancy, applied research, expertise, technological development, innovation. Experience and competence as a coordinator of research activity in biotechnologies associated with related scientific fields of cell biology, immunology, carcinogenesis, cancer biology, applications of biophysical methods, flow cytometry and related methods [director of 12 complex projects and responsible as partner in 15 other large-scale projects, all with research and innovation activities].
References: CV

Camelia PETRESCU – Corresponding Member
Principal Scientific Researcher degree II Doctor of Engineering – Specialization in Technological Physics [thesis “Contributions regarding distributed systems for the acquisition of data obtained from measurements”]
Areas of scientific competence:Electronic and optical microscopy, Holographic interferometry, Computer data processing – computer-assisted granulometry, Informatics; management; marketing. IT system for online processing of visa applications / (MFA and MI beneficiaries). Expert in the Body of Technical Experts from Romania – Energy Auditor specialty for buildings. RENAR expert. Founding member of ROLAB. ISO 9001 and ISO 14000 integrated quality system auditor and evaluator and ISO-17025 laboratory auditor and evaluator. RENAR laboratory auditor expert – Thermography specialist. Energy auditor – constructions and installations. Elaborated books: Biophysics – 2014; Distributed systems for acquisition of measurement data – 2009; Complex, multi-criteria, integrated rehabilitation of urban and housing complexes.
References: CV

Ştefana Maria PETRESCU – Corresponding Member
Director of the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy.
Specialization: Biochemistry
Fields of scientific competence: Molecular cell biology, molecular glycobiology, biochemistry of lectins, molecular medicine, biotechnology.
References: CV ,




Doriana AGOP-FORNA – Associate
Conference Member univ. dr., Primary Physician – Dento-Alveolar Surgery, UMF „Grigore T. Popa”, Iaşi
Fields of scientific competence: Dental Prosthetics, Implantology, Orthodontics, Periodontology, Cariology, Dental Aesthetics, Implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of edentulousness, Risk factors and prediction of risk in periodontal diseases; Correlations periodontal disease – systemic diseases; Epidemiological studies of the prevalence of periodontal disease; Processing and analysis of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF); Measurement of membrane fluidity and intracellular calcium at the level of smooth muscle cells; Changes in oral enzymes in periodontal diseases;
References: CV

Petronela ANCUŢA – Associate Member
Prof. univ. Ph.D. at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology; University of Montreal – CANADA, Fac. of Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Fields of scientific competence: Immunology, Microbiology, Virology;
References: CV , petronella-ancuta

Coralia BLEOTU – Associate Member
Scientific Researcher I Dr. Biologist, Stefan S Nicolau Institute of Virology Bucharest
Areas of scientific competence: the study of stem cell and tumour cell biology; the study of host-infectious agent interaction; immunobiology; the study of methods of isolation, purification and improvement of the viability of pancreatic islets before and after autologous transplantation or from a clinically dead donor; the study of epigenetic phenomena in pancreatic cancer (methylation and RNAi); molecular mechanisms involved in transformation with human papillomaviruses for monitoring some human cancers; Mutations and cancer evolution; The molecular bases of viral infection.
References: CV ,

Dumitru COJOCARU – Associate Member
University Professor. doctor, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biology, University „Al. I. Cuza” Iasi, from 2007 – present: PhD supervisor in the field of Biology, Biochemistry specialization.
Areas of scientific competence:Biochemistry ■ Biocatalysts ■ Organic chemistry and Biochemistry ■ Inorganic biochemistry ■ Enzymology ■ Biochemistry of vitamins and hormones ■ Protein metabolism ■ Nucleic acid metabolism ■ Biochemistry of informational macromolecules ■ Enzyme biotechnologies. Scientific research contracts:
References: CV

Ştefana-Elena JURCOANE – Associate Member
Univ. Professor. dr., vice-dean of the Faculty of Biotechnologies, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Director of the BIOTEHGEN Research Center – coordinator of national and international research projects.
Areas of scientific competence: Biosynthesis technologies. Characterization and purification of microbial proteases with biotechnological applications (doctoral thesis). The experimental works carried out on the basis of a research contract were the basis for the approval and application at the industrial level of 7 biosynthesis technologies: L-lysine-forage use; L-lysine for pharmaceutical use; Technical calcium gluconate; Calcium gluconate for pharmaceutical use; Calcium lactate for pharmaceutical use; Lactic acid for technical use; Glucose oxidase for diagnostic tests (dose of glucose in the blood). Methodology for obtaining neutral and alkaline proteolytic enzymes; isolation, purification and characterization of cellulolytic enzymes from Tricoderma viride and Streptomyces species; isolation and characterization of a new strain of Lactobacillus acidophilus producing bacteriocins; methodology for obtaining amylolytic enzymes and establishing the biotechnological parameters of biosynthesis at the bioreactor level; obtaining a biopreparation based on Bacillus sp strains. producing effective antifungal compounds against Alternaria alternata and other phytopathogenic fungi; obtaining 4 preparations (patented) based on microorganisms.
References: CV

Ticuţa NEGREANU-PIRJOL – Associate Member
University Professor, tenured, „Ovidius” University of Constanta, Faculty of Pharmacy
Fields of scientific competence: General and Inorganic Chemistry, pharmacology, Parapharmaceutical and Technical-Medical Products, Complex combinations of transition metals involved in biological processes; Analytical methodologies for making medicines; Anti-aging therapies; Management of health services;
References: CV ,


                                           – AOSR HONORARY MEMBERS FROM ABROAD –

Prof. Univ. Dr. – University of Iowa Medicine, USA
Google Scholar Citations – 2677
ISI Articles – 102 ISI Citations – 1010
Areas of Scientific Competence: Genetics, Molecular Medicine, Neuroscience, Medical Scientist Biological Sciences, Biochemistry
References: https://genetics.grad



Prof. Univ. Dr. – University of Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Google Scholar Citations – 8186
ISI Articles – 150 ISI Citations – 3094
Areas of Scientific Competence: Autism, Social Anxiety, Social Neurobiology, Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy
References: au/medicine-health/about/our-people/academic-staff/adam-guastella.html


Professor Emeritus, Texas, TX 77446, USA
Professor Emmeritus – Ovidiu University, Constanta, Romania
Research Professor and Director of the Personalized Genomics Laboratory
Tamus Chacellor Research Initiative Center for Computational Systems Biology, Department of electrical and computer engineering
Personal Statement: I am an expert in systems biology and PI/Co-PI/Investigator of university-, NIH-, NSF- and CURE-funded grants on functional and computational genomics. I published in biophysics, biomathematics, electrophysiology, genomics, pharmacology, mathematical ecology and even mathematical politics. Only my peer-reviewed genomics publications include so far: 84 articles, 2 edited books, 12 book chapters, 86 genomic datasets and description of microarray platforms, 7 bioprojects, 7 nucleotides and 24 proteins in the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus. Since immigrating to the USA (2001), I was engaged in several collaborative genomic studies in which the collaborator provided the biological model and my laboratory contributed the genomics experiment, data processing and mathematical modeling. This strategy allowed me to cover projects on a wide diversity of cells and tissues from humans and animal (mouse, rat, rabbit, dog, chicken) models of: pulmonary hypertension, cancer, epilepsy, infantile spasms, multiple sclerosis, cardiac failure, cerebral malaria, glaucoma, Chagas and lyme diseases. My lab determined the transcriptomic alterations caused by exposure to chronic intermittent and constant hypoxia, microgravity, and various carcinogens and infectious germs (Borrelia burdorferi, Trypanosome cruzi, Plasmodium berghei, Enterococcus faecium). I have optimized the experimental protocol and normalization, introduced the „genomic fabric paradigm”, „Principle of transcriptomic stoichiometry” and the „gene master regulator approach”.

Professor on Marine Biology, TURKEY, Istanbul
Faculty of Aquatic Sciences, Istanbul University, Dean between 2006 and 2009. Founder and Director of the Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TÜDAV).
Areas of scientific competence:
Dr. Öztürk has over 100 papers with more than 5200 citations for marine sciences. H index: 36, i index: 99. (See Bayram Öztürk Google Scholar Citation). According to AD Scientific index total citation is 5206. Most of his research in this field of NIS and their interactions. His latest book was published by FAO/GFCM, titled „Non-indigenous species in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea” in 2021. He participated the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition in 2014 and 2015 and was awarded the Japanese Antarctic Medal in 2015. Besides, in 2016, he was also the leader of the first Turkish Antarctic Expedition. A newly discovered endemic Antarctic species, Sagediopsis bayozturkii, was named in his honor.
He has published some papers about Antarctic marine biodiversity as well. He was a visiting professor at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology in 2020. Beside scientific achievement and interest, Dr. Öztürk has been teaching at Istanbul University for a long time about marine ecology, conservation, and fisheries-related issues. He has supervised more than twenty graduate students.
Finally, his main interests are in conservation and discovery of the Black Sea and Mediterranean marine biodiversity. He is passionate, curious, determined, hard-working, an excellent diver, and in good relationship with his colleagues. He is one of the internationally recognized scientists in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basin.

CS Dr. – Research Center on Animal Cognition, CNRS UMR 5169, Center for Integrative Biology, Toulouse 3 University, FRANCE
Google Scholar Citations – 7992
ISI Articles – 72 ISI Citations – 4922
Areas of Scientific Competence: Neurosciences, Neurobiology, Learning&Memory, Hippocampus, Plasticity, Adult Neurogenesis, Alzheimer’s Disease, Cognitive Reserve, Rehabilitation
I earned my Ph.D. in the Sleep Laboratory headed by Prof Jouvet at the University of Lyon France in 1997 and then I received my post-doctoral training with Dr. Joe Tsien in the Department of Molecular Neurobiology at Princeton University, NJ, USA. I was appointed Associate researcher / Lecturer at the University of Paris XI, France in 2000. In 2003 I became full time tenure researcher at CNRS in the Research Center for Animal Cognition, Toulouse, France, where I am now leading the team: Neurogenesis, Brain Plasticity and Cognitive Processes.

Prof. Univ. Dr. Charité – University Medicine Berlin, GERMANY
Director and Chair, Department of Oral Diagnostics, Digital Health and Health Services Research, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (since 2020)
Areas of scientific competence: Deep learning in dentistry; Oral diagnostics and health services research; Health Economics; Implementation Research; Preventive dentistry, ie geriatric dentistry
Most relevant papers:
Interventions for treating cavitated or dentine carious lesions; Artificial Intelligence for Caries Detection: A Randomized Controlled Trial; Data dentistry: How data is changing clinical care and research, e-oral health network and the ITU/WHO focus group AI for Health; Artificial intelligence in dental research; Generalizability of Deep Learning Models for Dental Image Analysis

Clinical professor of Periodontology at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Hong Kong University and Executive Director of the European Research Group on Periodontology (ERGOPerio), CHINA
Honorary professor, Medical University of Vienna and University of Hong Kong.
Prof Tonetti maintains a part-time private practice limited to periodontology and implant surgery with an emphasis on regeneration, minimally invasive surgery and microsurgery. He has been working for years with leading colleagues to provide periodontal care and dental implant treatment to the world elite.
The focus of his recent research activity has concentrated on three areas: (1) improved understanding of periodontal infections and their general health consequences; (2) regeneration and bio-engineering of lost periodontal structures; and (3) replacement of irretrievable teeth with dental implants. The research of his team spans from fundamental discovery to clinical translation.
Prof. Tonetti is widely recognized for his contributions to improved periodontal diagnosis and risk assessment, control of periodontitis, the practice of periodontal regeneration, and design and execution of large clinical trials in periodontology and implant dentistry. His scientific work has been cited 20,000 times and has an H-factor of 79. He has been engaged worldwide in the planning and delivery of advanced educational programs in the fields of periodontology and implant dentistry.

                                                  – PIOUS TRIBUTE TO THOSE WHO HAVE PASSED AWAY –

Marioara GODEANU – Founder Titular Member of AOSR
April 25, 1938, Deva – August 19, 2014, Bucharest
He graduated from the Faculty of Biology, majoring in Zoology, at the University of Bucharest, in 1961, and obtained his doctorate in Biology at the Bucharest Institute of Biological Sciences, in 1973, with the thesis „Aquatic and Marsh Phytocenoses from the Danube Delta in Natural and Managed Conditions”. He was a lecturer in the period 1991-1997, later becoming a university professor. Between the years, he was principal scientific researcher III [1977-1980], principal scientific researcher II [1980-1991], principal scientific researcher I (from 1991). Among the research activities of Mărioara Godeanu are: technologies for cultivation and exploitation of vegetation from the Danube Delta, urban and industrial wastewater treatment technologies, the structure and functioning of natural and polluted ecosystems,

Mircea CIUHRII – Corresponding Member
August 13, 1944, Moara de Piatră, Bălţi county, Rep. Moldova – December 31, 2015, Bucharest
He was the general director of Insect Farm SA.
Specialization: Virology
Fields of scientific competence: Baculoviruses, biology of bacilloviruses and cytoplasmic polyhedrosis viruses, entomotherapy.
References: CV ,
Photo source: Formula AS


Vasile MORARIU – Corresponding Member
September 25, 1943, Cluj-Napoca – April 29, 2016, Cluj-Napoca
He was a researcher at the National Research and Development Institute for Isotopic and Molecular Technologies in Cluj-Napoca, specializing in Electroradiophysics.
Fields of scientific competence: Investigation of biomolecular and cellular processes in weak magnetic fields; Nonlinear dynamics of proteins and protein supramolecular systems, the nature of anomalous water.
References: CV

Alexander RODEWALD – Titular Member, Germany
born on February 18, 1943, Tulcea, Tulcea interwar county – July 26, 2017, Hamburg
Prof. univ. dr. rer. nat., Dr. Doc. med., Director of the Institute of Human Biology at the University of Hamburg, Germany passed away on July 26, 2017 full member of Romanian origin,
Fields of scientific competence: Paleo-Anthropology, Population and Physical Anthropology; Human genetics, molecular genetics, cytogenetics, biochemical genetics, immunogenetics, population genetics; Paleogenetics, Evolutionary Biology.
References: CV

Roger CHARLIER – Honorary Member, Belgium
Born in Antwerp, Belgium on November 10, 1921 – D. September 16, 2018 in Brussels, Belgium
Doctor of Letters and Human Sciences, University Professor Dr., Research Professor Florida Atlantic University. Executive Director, Institute for River and Estuary Systems Development.
Fields of scientific competence: oceanography, geography, geology; Physical and mathematical sciences, Earth Sciences.
References: CV


Aurel ARDELEAN – Titular Member
July 4, 1939, Chişineu Criş, Arad county – Died December 25, 2018, Arad
University professor and Rector at Vasile Goldiş Western University in Arad. Doctor in Biological Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. Scientific supervisor for doctoral theses in the field of Biology. Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences.
Specialization: botany.
Fields of scientific competence: Geobotany, pharmaceutical botany, creation of methods for the production of Cell Cultures and Plant Tissues, Study of cellular constituents in plants, by using vital staining.
References : CV

Ion DEDIU – Titular Member, Rep. Moldova
b. June 24, 1934, Rediul Mare, Dondușeni, Soroca, Romania – November 4, 2019, Chisinau
University professor at the Department of Zoology of the State University of Chisinau, head-founder and professor at the Interuniversity Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, dean of the faculty of Biology and Pedology of the State University of Moldova; Professor at the Technical University of Moldova.
Fields of scientific competence: ecology, biospherology, population ecology, medical management of disasters, environmental protection.
References: CV ,

Alexandru T. BOGDAN – Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy – Honorary Member of AOSR
May 19, 1941, Bucharest – October 10, 2021, Bucharest
Director of the Agroforestry Biodiversity Studies and Research Center David Davidescu.
Specialization: histophysiology of animal reproduction
Fields of scientific competence: biology and biotechnologies applied in genetics, animal breeding and reproduction.
References: CV ,
Photo source

Gheorghe MENCINICOPSCHI – Titular Member
May 1, 1949, Domnești AG – October 19, 2022, Bucharest
Ex-Scientific Director at the Food Research Institute, Bucharest; University professor at USAMV Bucharest
Specialization: Biochemistry
Fields of scientific competence: Bioengineering of microbial enzyme preparations, biotechnologies in food processing.
References: CV Photo source