VIDEO Plenary session of the AOSR 2022 National Scientific Autumn Conference


The National Autumn Scientific Conference of the Academy of Romanian Scientists was held on 4-5 November 2022, in Cluj-Napoca, under the title: “The role of science in solving contemporary crises”.

In the Plenary Session of the Conference , lectures were presented on topics of major interest in current academic research. The plenary agenda included the following speakers: Prof. Vasile PUȘCAȘ, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, “Science and management of contemporary crises”; Col. Dr. Liviu COȘEREANU, Scientific Director of the Elie Carafoli National Institute for Aerospace Research, “Science and technology, factors for stability and development of global resilience and crisis resolution”; Prof. dr. eng. Ecaterina ANDRONESCU, President of the Chemical Sciences Section of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, “Nanochemistry – a hope to stop health crises”; Prof. Dr. Nicolae BURNETE, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, “The future of the car in the energy crisis”; Prof. Dr. Cornel CĂTOIUniversity of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, “Current challenges for agriculture”; Prof. Dr. Andrei MIU, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, “Emotional regulation: a key factor in the relationship between stress and health”.

We invite you to watch the video recordings of the lectures given in the plenary session of the National Autumn Scientific Conference of the Academy of Romanian Scientists – 2022 edition.

You can also watch HERE the video speeches from the opening of the conference, which took place on 4 November in the Aula of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațieganu”, given by prof. univ. emeritus dr. eng. Adrian Badea – President of AOSR, prof. univ. dr. Anca Buzoianu – rector of UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu”, prof. univ. dr. Emil Boc – Mayor of Cluj-Napoca, His Eminence Andrei Andreicuț – Archbishop of Vad, Feleac and Cluj, Metropolitan of Cluj, Maramureș and Sălajului, His Grace Claudiu-Lucian Pop – Greek-Catholic Bishop of Cluj-Gherla, Acad. Doru Pamfil – President of the Cluj-Napoca Branch of the Romanian Academy and President of the Section of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of the Romanian Academy, prof. univ. dr. Marius Bojiță – president of the Cluj-Napoca branch of AOSR.