Slove Muscelene Symposium: Digital transformation – a strategic component of management


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“Carol I” Central University Library together with the Academy of Romanian Scientists, through the “Constantin Angelescu” Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research (ICAI), the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics ICI Bucharest, the National Museum of Romanian Literature, the “George Barițiu” County Library of Brasov, the “Carol I” University Foundation and the DigiLib Muscel Association, organised the 14th edition of the “Slove Muscelene” symposium on 14 and 15 July 2022, on the theme “Digital transformation of cultural and educational institutions”.

The symposium “Slove muscelene”, initiated and organized by Prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu (Vice President of AOSR and Director General of ICAI) since 2009, has been held since its inception in Câmpulung Muscel, with the support of local authorities, and since 2021 in a hybrid format, in the Aula of the Central University Library “Carol I” in Bucharest, doubled this year by the online presence of several personalities from the country and abroad, guests from France, Croatia, Cyprus and Sweden. The cultural-scientific event also means the preservation of the “Slove Muscelene” tradition, started 13 years ago.

The first day took place in the hall of the Central University Library “Carol I”, during which the following spoke on behalf of the organizers: prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, prof. univ. dr. Mireille Rădoi, prof. univ. dr. Ioan Cristescu, prof. univ. dr. eng. Dumitru Popescu – Academy of Romanian Scientists.

Prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, Director General of ICAI, wanted, as host, moderator and organizer, to encourage specialists, researchers, but also young people entering the multidisciplinary area of digital transformation to pay more attention to the human factor of human resource management in this particularly challenging issue. Digital transformation, in his view, must be understood and applied as a strategic component of transformation management.

The event was also honoured by the presence of officials from key ministries, which are particularly concerned by the phenomenon of digital transformation.

The Minister of Culture, Lucian Romașcanu, welcomed the organisers’ initiative through Ioan Matei, Director of the Office of Written Culture and Contemporary Creation – Ministry of Culture, supporting the development of projects that encourage the acceleration of digitisation of public institutions.

The message of the Minister of Education, Sorin – Mihai Cîmpeanu, was delivered by State Secretary Sorin Ion: Adapting education systems to the digital age has become a major issue on the national and European agenda. This is a political initiative of the European Union to support youth training systems in the Member States. […] The 14th edition of the international symposium “Slove Muscelene” deals closely with the technological evolution of the educational system, hosting debates and avant-garde resolutions that place it on the map of prestigious events.

During the symposium’s debates, also intervened prominent representatives of Romanian state institutions, such as: prof. univ. dr. eng. Adrian Badea, President of AOȘR, Simona Bucura-Oprescu – MP, President of the Committee for Public Administration and Territorial Planning, Romanian Parliament, Dragoș Cristian Vlad – President, Authority for the Digitalization of Romania, prof. univ. dr. eng. Tudor Prisecaru – Secretary of State, Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitisation, Academician Florin Gheorghe Filip – Romanian Academy, President of the Information Science and Technology Section.

The event had a special symbolism, starting on the National Day of France, enjoying the presence of Mr Mohamed Ketata, Regional Director of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie – Central and Eastern Europe, who stressed the importance of these scientific and educational approaches, appreciating the large number of participants.

As in previous years, the event was attended by academics, university professors, researchers, historians, representatives of the Argeș prefecture, as well as numerous library directors, members of the National Commission of Libraries (CNB), along with other guests from France, Croatia, Cyprus, Sweden, who evoked the importance of digital transformation of the institutions they represent.

At this edition, Elena Iagăr and Ion Tița-Nicolescu presented an exhibition of traditional Muscelian costumes, entitled “Marama, an element of Muscelian identity”. There was also the book launch of Alexandra Badea’s book “Points de non-retour [Diagonale du vide], [Quais de Seine], [Thiaroye]”, published by L’Arche, Paris.

Cultural and educational institutions play a key role in promoting knowledge through interaction and dialogue. The library is the space, both physical and virtual, where you can realise that the person who sees the world differently is not just an account on a social network, but a real person. This is where books, electronic resources, employees or other users can help you to pass through a critical filter the information you take in every day. You can get acquainted with different views and, at the same time, learn that behind a relevant analysis there must always be a methodological basis, said Mireille Rădoi, Director General of the Central University Library “Carol I”.

The symposium ended on 15 July with the online support of several scientific papers. The session was moderated by Asst. Dr. Marian Oancea, Head of the Research, Development, Digitization Service of the “Carol I” Central University Library and Dr. Eng. Mihai Dumitrache, Head of the Ro-TLD Department. The papers will be published in a volume with a presentation of the Muscel area and its development prospects.