Science, the key to solving today’s world crises – AOSR 2022 National Autumn Scientific Conference


On 4-5 November 2022, the National Autumn Scientific Conference of the Academy of Romanian Scientists took place in Cluj-Napoca, under the title: “The role of science in solving contemporary crises”. The event took place in the premises of the “Iuliu Hațieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, the flagship university of Romanian medicine, in physical and online format. Structured in two sequences, the Plenary Session and the Papers by Sections, with a complex agenda and an elite participation, bringing together prestigious personalities of the academic world, the Conference constituted a high quality framework for scientific dialogue and knowledge transfer in fundamental areas of science and research. The conference was organized and held with the support of the Cluj-Napoca branch of AOSR, headed by Prof. dr. Marius Bojiță.

The opening of the Conference took place on 4 November in the Aula of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațieganu” and was chaired by a number of personalities: prof. univ. emeritus dr. eng. Adrian Badea, President of AOSR, Prof. Dr. Anca Buzoianu, Rector of UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu”, Prof. Dr. Emil Boc, Mayor of Cluj-Napoca, His Grace Andrei Andreicuț, Archbishop of Vad, Feleac and Cluj, Metropolitan of Cluj, Maramureș and Sălajului, His Grace Claudiu-Lucian Pop, Greek-Catholic Bishop of Cluj-Gherla, Acad. Doru Pamfil, President of the Cluj-Napoca Branch of the Romanian Academy and President of the Section of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of the Romanian Academy, Prof. Dr. Marius Bojiță, President of the Cluj-Napoca Branch of AOSR, Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu, Vice President of AOSR, Director General of the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu” of AOSR, Scientific Researcher I Dr. Doru-Sabin Delion, Vice President of AOSR, Prof. Dr. Ing. Petru Andea, Scientific Secretary of AOSR.

During the Opening, President Adrian Badea presented in brief and essential data, from the perspective of history and the present, the Academy of Romanian Scientists, highlighting its mission and objectives. Continuator and sole legatee by law of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, founded in 1935 by the great scientist, physician and Minister of Public Instruction Constantin Angelescu, together with a group of eminent  scientists, an academy which, although it was active only until 1948, when the communist regime abolished all the academies that existed in Romania, managed to gather in its sections  prestigious personalities of Romanian science, creators of scientific schools, but also honorary members from abroad, including 8  Nobel Prize winners.  

After going through a series of metamorphoses and historical servitudes throughout the totalitarian regime, developing its activity in the form of the Association of Romanian Scientists, established by government decision in 1956, relaunched and consolidated after the fall of communism, under the leadership of its second founder, Prof. Vasile Cândea, a pioneer of Romanian cardiovascular surgery, the Academy of Romanian Scientists is today a national forum of scientific consecration, an academic environment of science and knowledge. According to the institutional evaluation based on the international scientific visibility of its members, the Academy of Romanian Scientists ranks 22nd in Romania and 775th in the world in the prestigious Scimago/Elsevier ranking of research and higher education institutions. On Romanian AcademyPresident Badea stressed its undisputed status as Romania’s symbol-institution, as the supreme forum of Romanian culture, science, spirituality and civilization, with a decisive role in the country’s development and the collaborative relationship that should exist  between the two academies, stating that only members of the Romanian Academy are entitled to hold the title of “academician”.

His Eminence Andrei Andreicut praised the profession of doctor with references to the Gospel text, in a substantial theological sermon, an essentially Christian plea for the special importance of this activity of high human vocation. Archbishop Claudiu-Lucian Pop praised the inspired choice of the Conference theme and the topicality of the topic, underlining the essential role of science in the pandemic period and in health in general. He also praised the huge effort made by scientists to solve the crises facing humanity today. Prof. Dr. Emil Boc, Mayor of Cluj-Napoca, praised UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu” as “the citadel of Transylvanian and Romanian medicine”, “the Harvard of Romanian medicine” and said that the knowledge-based economy is centered on universities. Therefore, in the perspective of the mayor, the University, as a resource of intelligence, talent and innovation, must be placed at the centre of the perspectives and developments of Cluj, a citadel of science, because it has science in the DNA of its existence. The Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Anca Dana Buzoianu, said that science and research are today the most important lever to improve the standard of living, health, culture and wealth of a society. Sound economic, social and cultural development is not possible without a high-level, well-structured education system based on rigorous scientific research. The Rector gave a comprehensive portrait of Iuliu Hațieganu, the spiritual patron of the University, an illustrious internist, renowned in particular for his research in the field of tuberculosis, and presented in summary data UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu”, an institution of excellence and performance.

Acad. Doru Pamfil, the president of the Cluj branch of the Romanian Academy appreciated the value of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, “Alma Mater Napocensis”, and stressed that Cluj science is also making progress through the involvement of the Cluj branch of the Romanian Academy, which has the most members of the Academy (35), 11 research institutes, 350 researchers and a doctoral school. The looming food crisis will require urgent, rapid and sustainable solutions that science can provide. In this context, the Conference will only bring the two Academies closer together, said Academ. Pamfil, who proposed that joint meetings be held in the future, also taking into account the fact that some members of the Romanian Academy are also members of the Academy of Romanian Scientists or the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. “I believe that academies can also have a voice for Romanian science”, he concluded. Prof. Marius Bojiță, president of the Cluj-Napoca branch of AOSR and former rector of UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu”, directly involved in the organization of the Conference, addressed special thanks to the two universities, which supported the organization of the event, UMF and the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, the Transylvania Leaders Foundation and the Rotary Club, also involved in supporting the event, and spoke about the Rectors’ Club project together with the Cluj City Hall to make The “Alley of Cluj Universities” as an emblem of Cluj, since universities are the symbol of the Transylvanian metropolis. President Adrian Badea presented Prof. Dr. Marius Bojiță with a Jubilee Diploma and Gold Medal of the AOSR,  as a tribute to all his scientific and academic activity on his 80th birthday. The opening speeches were followed by a cultural moment performed by the Anatholis ensemble and the poet Horia Bădescu under the title “The music of poetry and the poetry of music”.

This was followed by the Plenary Session of the Conference, during which lectures were presented on topics of major interest in current academic research. The plenary agenda included the following speakers: Prof. Vasile PUȘCAȘ, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, “Science and management of contemporary crises”; Col. Dr. Liviu COȘEREANU, Scientific Director of the Elie Carafoli National Institute for Aerospace Research, “Science and technology, factors for stability and development of global resilience and crisis resolution”; Prof. dr. eng. Ecaterina ANDRONESCU, President of the Chemical Sciences Section of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, “Nanochemistry – a hope to stop health crises”; Prof. Dr. Nicolae BURNETE, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, “The future of the car in the energy crisis”; Prof. Dr. Cornel CĂTOIUniversity of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, “Current challenges for agriculture”; Prof. Dr. Andrei MIU, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, “Emotional regulation: a key factor in the relationship between stress and health”. The Opening and Plenary Session speeches and presentations are available on the AOSR Facebook page:

Conference papers by sectionThe conference, held on 5 and 6 November in the amphitheatres of UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu”, covered the scientific fields of the structure of the Academy of Romanian Scientists: Mathematics and Geonomic Sciences Section, Physics Section, Engineering Sciences Section, Information Science and Technology Section, Biology Section, Medicine Section, Agricultural, Veterinary and Environmental Sciences Section, Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences Section, Philosophy, Theology and Psychology Section, History Section, Military Sciences Section. The parallel sessions of the Conference were distinguished both by the large number of papers (194), covering a wide range of topics, by prestigious scientists, members of the academic body and young researchers, and by their quality, originality and novelty in the field of research and scientific knowledge. The large number of participants, the diversity of topics addressed and the quality of the papers presented attest to the status of the Conference as an elite framework for knowledge transfer, the Academy of Scientists proving, with this event, that it is a pole of excellence in science and research. Abstracts of the communications are available on the AOSR website:

At the end of the event, Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, President of AOSR, said: “The Autumn Scientific Conference of our Academy, held symbolically in the heart of Transylvania, in this Citadel of academic education and scientific research of Transylvania, proved to be an event of high academic status, by participation, by the variety and the high quality of the papers. We are glad that we manage to focus the energies of Romanian intelligence and involve science in addressing and solving the crises of the contemporary world, crises that cover vital areas of our existence, at European and global level. It is a great joy that this Conference has proved, from the very beginning, through the participation of the Romanian Academy and other branch Academies, to be a comprehensive forum of the Romanian academic movement, in which education, science and research of the highest level had the first and last word. The hallmark of this event, which proved to be a major scientific success, was academic excellence and synergy. It is under their auspices that we will design our entire institutional development from now on. We thank the Romanian Academy, the Cluj branch of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațieganu”, the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, the officials and all participants for this elite scientific event!”

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists

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VIDEO – Award of the Order “Pro Scientia et Innovatio” in the rank of Commander to Professor Adrian Badea, President of AOSR