Academy of Romanian Scientists, ranked 22nd in Romania and 775th in the world in the prestigious Scimago/Elsevier ranking


THE ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS started 2020 under the auspices of significant scientific and academic success. Following the institutional evaluation, it was ranked 22nd in Romania and 775th in the world in the 2019 ranking by the prestigious SCIMAGO/ELSEVIER group. Only 41 research institutions and universities in Romania out of a total of about 700 (about 6%) meet the performance criteria of the Scimago/Elsevier evaluation. The Academy of Romanian Scientists is, next to the Romanian Academy – the highest forum of Romanian science and culture – which is ranked first, the only academy in the country, among the academies approved by law, present in this elite academic top. The presence of the AOSR in the demanding ranking of excellence, considered a true “country rating” in scientific matters, represents an objective, indisputable recognition of the capacity of the institution and the quality of the work carried out under its aegis. The ranking is available at the link:

2020 is a special year for the ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS: the institution celebrates 85 years since its foundation, on 29 March 1935, as the ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENCES, by Dr. Constantin Angelescu, a prestigious personality of Romanian history in the 20th century, illustrious scientist (surgeon), elite politician and Minister of Education, successor of Spiru Haret, whose 150th birthday was celebrated in 2019. According to Law no. 31 of 15 January 2007 (art. 3, para. 3), the Academy of Romanian Scientists is the “successor and sole legatee” of the Romanian Academy of Sciences. At the same time, 2020 marks the completion of the Centenary of the Great Union, with the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Trianon on 4 June 2020. Within this historical and institutional framework, the ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS will continue its efforts and activities dedicated to scientific research, education and culture, thus putting itself at the service of Romania’s progress and its affirmation as a European country with significant human potential and important resources of intelligence and creativity in the concert of nations.

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
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