Clarifications on the application of the methodology for the reception of new members and promotions – AOSR 2024


Since in 2024 elections will take place at the level of the leadership of the sections, branches and leadership of the A.O.S.R., the calendar dates corresponding to the submission, analysis and approval of the files for honorary member, corresponding member and full member are modified as follows:

  • Applications for the reception/promotion of A.O.S.R. members must be submitted by 22 February 2024, according to the instructions on the website, under “Members”.
  • Applicants submit the documents to the Secretariat General of the AOSR, where they are registered and the existence of all the necessary documents is verified. A file that has not been approved in one of the previous years can be updated and resubmitted if participation in the new intake/promotion session is desired.
  • By 1 March, the Presidium of the AOSR examines the files submitted and, depending on the number of vacancies, forwards the files and the number of places allocated to them to the Presidents of the sections.
  • In the following 30 days, General Assemblies of the sections are held, where the candidates for each allocated seat are discussed, endorsed and approved by secret ballot. General Assemblies of the Sections are held physically at the AOSR headquarters and those of the Branches at their headquarters. The quorum required is 2/3 of the total number of full, corresponding and honorary members. If at the first convocation a quorum is not reached, the General Assembly shall be reconvened and shall be held according to the statutes with the number of members present. For full members, only full members vote, for corresponding and honorary members, full, corresponding and honorary members vote, and for associate members, all members of the section vote: full, corresponding, honorary, associate and honorary. The minutes of the General Assembly of the Section shall be communicated to the Secretariat of the AOSR within 24 hours of the date of the General Assembly of the Section.
  • In order to be admissible, candidates’ applications for full membership must obtain a simple majority of the votes of the full members present.
  • In order for a candidate’s application for  honorary and corresponding membership to be accepted, it must be approved by a simple majority vote of the full, honorary and corresponding  members. This rule is also used when approving honorary members from abroad.
  • Applications for associate and honorary membership are approved by the Scientific Sections and the Scientific Council of the AOSR.

Details  on the methodology and timetable for the elections of the leadership of the branches, sections and Presidium of the Academy of Romanian Scientists

The meetings for the election of Presidents of Precincts will take place from 1-31 March 2024 and the meetings for the election of Presidents of Branches will take place from 1-15 April 2024. The results will be communicated to the Honorary Council of the AOSR.

Candidates for the position of Section or Branch President shall submit a management programme, including briefly the priority objectives of the activity and a CV, 7 days before the date of the meeting. The functions of section and branch chairpersons cannot be combined.

The Honorary Council nominally endorses the persons elected as Branch and Section Presidents. On the basis of this opinion the President of the AOSR appoints them for a 4-year term.

Members elected as Section and Branch Presidents respectively may not stand for election to the Presidium of the AOSR.

Candidates for the position of President of the AOSR shall submit to the AOSR General Secretariat by 17 April 2024 a management plan, the AOSR Presidium team (2 Vice-Presidents and the Scientific Secretary) and their CVs.

Voting for full, corresponding and honorary members, as well as for the new AOSR Presidium, is secret and direct and is conducted according to the AOSR Rules of Procedure.

The General Assembly is held in physical format. The first convocation is for 17 May 2024. If a quorum of 2/3 is not reached, the meeting will be reconvened for 24 May 2024.