AOSR Medical Sciences Section press release on vaccination against COVID-19


The Medical Sciences Section of the Academy of Romanian Scientists considers vaccination as one of the greatest medical discoveries in history, comparable to the discovery of antibiotics, asepsis, antisepsis and anaesthetics. Without vaccinations the human species would today be almost defeated by microbial and viral species. In the current conditions, we ask Romanians to trust us and to help defeat the pandemic through vaccination. It is very important that every citizen applies all the rules indicated by doctors.

We have to accept that there may be, as in any therapeutic procedure, cases of failure, infinitely few in number, which cannot take away the huge benefits of the more than 98% of those who are successfully vaccinated. The changes in our environment force us to prevent further possible attacks by microbial or viral species. Within the Academy of Romanian Scientists, there is only the opinion of saving through vaccination, prevention and all treatments that sanction the effects of these viral attacks on the body functions. We call on the people of Romania to accept the perceptions of doctors, who have a large sample of casualties in this war on the pandemic. Please go for vaccination, trust the doctors, beware of the unknowing who give their opinion!

The AOSR medical section has illustrious physicians who have expressed their opinion, such as: Acad. Bălăceanu-Stolnici, the great neurosurgeon Vlad Ciurea, Professor Sorin Rugină, General Professor Dan Mischianu and Professor Irinel Popescu, and at our annual sessions evidence about this condition was presented by renowned medical specialists: Professor Streinu-Cercel, Irina Dumitru, Camelia Diaconu, Sebastian Ionescu and many others. I call you to stand with the army of white coats and, if you want to know the truth about this scourge, address your questions to our section members with the official contact addresses of the AOSR, an institution that has been serving the sciences in Romania for over 80 years since its foundation and is currently highly rated internationally. Prof. Dr. Sârbu Vasile, President of the AOSR Medical Sciences Section.