The new librarian uses ICT as a strategic tool for the digital transformation of the library for the benefit of digitally literate users


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Cea mai nouă provocare în domeniul bibliologiei şi ştiinţei informării este instituirea “Zilei bibliotecilor din învăţământ” în vederea conştientizării importanţei rolului acestor instituţii educaţionale, adevărate tezaure naţionale de cunoaştere cu impact deosebit la nivel social şi care pot reduce semnificativ rata analfabetismelor autohtone – funcţional, digital, economic -, a declarat prof. univ. dr. ing. Doina Banciu în cadrul conferinţei despre transformarea digitală în biblioteci, organizată pe 15 septembrie 2022 de către BCU “Carol I” cu ocazia festivalului Strada de C’Arte (12-18 septembrie 2022).

The library profession is changing and the ICT component needs to be integrated as a strategic tool into the core functions of the library across the whole chain of operations and execution.

At the same time, prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu presented the European Commission’s vision for the digitisation of the European Union by 2030. This involves increasing communication infrastructure speeds to 5G and later 6G, mainstreaming SME workflows through integrated and secure ICT networks, migrating large organisations to the cloud and digital transformation of public institutions. Prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu pointed out that IT is not enough in a library, it is only a working tool that can generate computerized services for readers.

Furthermore, libraries need to understand that in 7-8 years’ time, readers will have a different profile, they will be digitally literate, and the level of expectation of public services needs to be commensurate.

The library has remained the only knowledge system with potentially permanently accessible information, being the repository of historical knowledge, as well as very current knowledge. Therefore, the issue of preserving documents on different types of media, which do not deteriorate over time, is of utmost importance and interest in the life of libraries.

On the subject of adapting the librarian’s profession to the current requirements of the digital world, Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu proposed the initiation of refresher courses in libraries, a first step after which library institutions will be able to ask the relevant ministry to support them by allocating budgets dedicated to this objective. The money allocated in this way will have an economic and social impact with measurable results.

The theme of digital transformation of libraries involves at least two aspects, on the one hand the interface with external audiences, and on the other hand the internal transformation of the library organisation, with all that this entails: human resources, acquisitions, accounting, interlibrary relations, preservation, etc. The aim is, for example, to reduce the piles of bureaucratic paperwork to be signed, with an obvious economic impact on these institutions, which will lead to an increase in the internal speed of library activity, translated into real public utility.

On Thursday, 15 September 2022, three events were held in the Council Hall of the Central University Library “Carol I”, dedicated to the analysis of the particularities of university libraries compared to public libraries. Representatives of the Ministry of Education and prestigious university libraries launched the initiative of a University Libraries Day and explored ways to harmonise the approaches of these knowledge management institutions.

On this occasion the first issue of the journal of the Central University Library Carol I – De spiritu et anima – was presented.