Round table “Communication – information and disinformation”


The Academy of Romanian Scientists and “Andrei Saguna” University of Constanta have the honour to invite you to the round table on the theme “Communication – information and disinformation” followed by the launch of the book “Fighting disinformation” , author Daniel Dumitru Barbu, double event organized by A.O.S.R. – Section of Philosophy, Theology, Psychology, Communication and “Andrei Saguna” University of Constanta.

The hybrid event will take place in the Aula Magna of the University of Constanta and online (ZOOM, Meeting ID: 826 0749 7446, Passcode: 326876) on Thursday, 24 February 2022, starting at 16.00.

During the round table, moderated by Andra Seceleanu, Constantin Bălăceanu Stolnici, Robert Turcescu, Alecu Racoviceanu, Nicu Gavriluță, Verginia Vedinaș, Florentin Titov Gheorghe will present their points of view and we invite you to join them.

For the smooth running of the event, please confirm your participation by 22.02.2022, specifying the option of physical or online attendance, by email: