Academy of Romanian Scientists, pole of scientific research under the sign of excellence, performance and competitiveness


On May 6, 2022, in the Hall of the Carol I Central University Library, a series of events took place under the auspices of Academy of Romanian Scientists : General Assembly, launch of the new website of the institution, reception of new members and promotions at the level of members of the scientific departments, AOSR Awards Gala for 2020. On the same day, the Spring Scientific Conference of the Academy of Romanian Scientists took place, a reference event in the field of education and academic research.

In the first part of the General Assembly – whose presidium consisted of: prof. Univ. dr. eng. Adrian Badea, president of AOSR, prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, vice-president, scientific researcher I dr. Doru-Sabin Delion, vice-president, prof. univ. dr. eng. Petru Andea, scientific secretary -, were presented the Activity Report of AOSR for 2021, the Activity Report of the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu” for 2021, the AOSR budget for 2022.

President Adrian Badea did a brief presentation of AOSR’s work in 2021, highlighting the institution’s efforts to continue its programs and projects in crisis conditions, a crisis caused by the institution’s budget cut in the previous year by an unjustified and abusive political decision, later rejected by The Constitutional Court as having an unconstitutional character. Through the exemplary solidarity of its members, the dedication and faith of all regarding the value and scientific role of AOSR in the academic life of the country, the Academy of Romanian Scientists overcame the difficulties, continuing its activity in the spirit of its founding mission. Founded in 1935 , under the title The Romanian Academy of Sciences , by a group of personalities of Romanian science, led by Dr. Constantin Angelescu , illustrious figure of medical sciences, brand minister of public instruction, considered the greatest minister of education after Spiru Haret, the Academy of Romanian Scientists is today a prestigious institution of Romanian science and research, recognized as such nationally and internationally in terms of its scientific results and performance. It is an objective argument AOSR ranks 9th among Romanian institutions in the prestigious international SCIMAGO-Elsevier ranking , which evaluates universities and research institutions worldwide.

According to President Adrian Badea, the AOSR agenda for the current year is marked by the density and complexity of the actions : Research program for 2022, national and international scientific conferences, symposia, colloquia and debates, a variety of activities subsumed to science, research and education . Through the Research Program, AOSR funds scientific projects carried out by young researchers , thus continuing its efforts to involve young people and support their creative and innovative potential. Following the recent competition, the winning projects have been designated, to be completed in the period 2022-2023. A major role in the structure of the AOSR, through its orientation towards innovative scientific projects and interdisciplinary approaches, has “Constantin Angelescu” Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research , headed, as general director, by prof. Univ. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu, Vice President of AOSR, who presented the activity of ICAICA for 2021 and the lines of action for 2022.

On the occasion of the General Assembly, the launch of the new website of the Academy of Romanian Scientists took place: , which was presented by Professor Adrian Badea. The new site, based on an innovative design, stands out for its comprehensive structure, dynamism and flexibility, pragmatism and focus on the essentials and, last but not least, a modern aesthetic, bearing the imprint of institutional identity. In the new formula, appropriate to the current standards of communication in the digital age, the site will present in real time the activities carried out by the AOSR sections and branches in the country and abroad (New York branch), the results and performances of the institution, its presence in the center of society and in the media, views expressed by members in the areas of knowledge or public debate on education, science, research and society.

It was a special moment of the event AOSR Awards Gala for 2020. On this occasion, it was awarded Diploma of Excellence of the Academy of Romanian Scientists surgeon Dr. Virgil Răzeșu , a founding member of AOSR, as a “tribute to the rich scientific and academic activity” at the age of 90. During the Gala, the following prizes were awarded: Physical Sciences Section , ȘERBAN ȚIȚEICA Prize, Nicolae MAZILU, Maricel AGOP, Ioan MERCHEȘ for the work The Mathematical Principles of Scale Relativity Physics. The Concept of Interpretation, CRC Press Publishing, 2020; Biological Sciences Section , GEORGE EMIL PALADE Award, Ștefana JURCOANE for the paper Biotechnology Treatise, Vol. yl, Technical Publishing House, 2020; Military Sciences Section , Marshal CONSTANTIN PREZAN Award, Gheorghe BOARU, Benedictos IORGA for the paper Implications of the participation of Romanian military forces in coalition operations, on the evolution and development of the national military communications and informatics system , Sitech Publishing House, Craiova, 2020; General Prize VALENTIN ARSENIE, Pătru PÎRJOL for the work The architecture of the airspace surveillance system. Structural and functional dynamics, “Carol I” University of National Defense Publishing House, Bucharest, 2020; Information Science and Technology Section , CORNELIU PENESCU Award, Călin BUZEA, Viorel-Puiu PĂUN, Lucian EVA, Maricel AGOP, Ionel Daniel COJOCARU, Roxana Irina IANCU, Dragoș Teodor IANCU for the work Radiomica. Fundamentals and applications, Romanian Academy Publishing House, 2020; ŞTEFAN ODOBLEJA Award, Doina BANCIU, Ben-Oni ARDELEAN, Larisa IVAȘCU, Daniel FODOREAN for the work E-learning Education Publishing House of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Technical Publishing House, 2020; Technical Sciences Section , HERMANN OBERTH Prize, Dan ȘERBĂNESCU, Anatoli Paul ULMEANU for his work Selected Topics in Probabilistic Safety Assessment , Springer Publishing, 2020; MARTIN BERCOVICI Prize, Sorin MUȘUROI for the book Advanced Electric Drives – An UPT Selection , Politehnica Publishing House, Timișoara, 2020; Section of Agricultural, Forestry and Veterinary Sciences , VASILE GHEȚIE Award, Marius PENTEA, Călin HULEA, Crina MOȘNEANG, Ioan CRĂCIUN for the paper Atlas of Veterinary Osteology , Mirton Publishing House, Timisoara, 2020, Atlas of veterinary osteology , Brumar Publishing House, Timișoara, 2020; Historical and Archaeological Sciences Section , AUREL SACERDOŢEANU Prize, Lucian ROPA for the work The administrative-territorial organization of Romania during the Communist Regime , Romanian Academy. Transylvanian Studies Center, Cluj-Napoca, 2020; DIMITRIE CANTEMIR Award, Vasile DEMCIUC for the work Cappadocia. History, faith, art and Byzantine civilization, Basilica Publishing House, Bucharest, 2020; Historical and Archaeological Sciences Section , GHEORGHE BUZATU Prize, Alesandru DUȚU for the work Romanian Army from Prut to Stalingrad and back to Prut, Cartdidact SRL Publishing House, Chisinau 2020; ANDREI OŢETEA Award, Narcis Dorin ION, for the work Carol II of Romania. A Controversial King, Vol. N, Magic Print Publishing House, Onești, 2020; GRIGORE GAFENCU Prize, Radu Florian BRUJA for the work Jozef Tiso and Fascist Slovakia , Cetatea de Scaun Publishing House, Târgoviște, 2020; Medical Sciences Section , CAROL DAVILA Award, Acad. Victor VOICU, Irinel POPESCU for coordinating the paper Files from the history of Romanian medicine, Vol. I – II, Romanian Academy Publishing House, 2020; EUGEN PROCA Award, Florentina RADU-IONIȚĂ, Nikolaos PYRSOPOULOS, Mariana JINGA, Ion C. ȚINTOIU, Zhonghua SUN, Ecaterina BONTAȘ for the work Liver Diseases. A Multidisciplinary Textbook, Springer Publishing, 2020; CC ILIESCU Award, Lucia MAZUR-NICORICI, Camelia DIACONU for the work Compendium of rare diseases , Impressum Publishing House, Chisinau, 2020; Section for Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences, NICOLAS GEORGESCU ROEGEN Prize, Nicoleta Luminița GUDĂNESCU NICOLAU , Ion CUCUI, Constantin Aurelian IONESCU , Liliana PASCHIA, Mihaela Denisa COMAN , Sorina Geanina STĂNESCU for the paper Human resources management and accounting , Pro Universitaria Publishing House, 2020; Philosophy, Theology and Psychology Section , ANTON BACALBALȘA Award, Mihai BĂDESCU for the paper General theory of law , Hamangiu Publishing House, 2020.

Between May 6-7, 2022, it took place The National Scientific Conference of the Spring of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, under the title DIGITAL ERA – CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY. Held in hybrid format, Conference – a world-renowned scientific event at national and international level – it has enjoyed great interest in academia, which is reflected in the significant number of papers and their quality. The papers covered the scientific areas of the AOSR structure, noting the novelty and substance of the content, the originality, the innovative spirit and the wide openness to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. The Spring Scientific Conference also proved, with this year’s edition, the status of the Academy of Romanian Scientists as a pole of scientific research under the auspices of excellence, performance and competitiveness . The volume of abstracts of the Conference can be consulted here: .

At the end of the event, prof. Univ. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, President of AOSR , said: “Through the founders of our Academy, through its members, including 9 Nobel Prize winners, through a history of almost a century and through a continuous activity in the field of science, research and education, we are an important institution of the Romanian academic environment, which has made and continues to make significant contributions to scientific progress. The value of AOSR is recognized by prestigious international courts, objectively, based on results evaluated in terms of the highest academic standards: the 9th place among Romanian institutions in the SCIMAGO ranking speaks for itself. We have the potential to climb in this ranking in the next period. The value and determination, the faith in the mission of the institution have helped us to overcome the difficult moments, generated on political criteria, and they also support us in our present and future activity. Through everything it undertakes, the Academy of Romanian Scientists aims to participate in the process of developing the country through knowledge, in achieving Romania Educated, performing and competitive through intelligence at European and global level. “

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