Professor Emeritus, Dr. Phys. Dan Alexandru IORDACHE


On 15 January, at the age of 81, Professor Emeritus Dr. Phys. Dan Alexandru IORDACHE, member of the Information Science and Technology Section, AOSR. Professor Emeritus, Dr. Phys. Dan Alexandru IORDACHE has made outstanding contributions to the progress of Romanian and international science and culture, especially in the field of Information Science and Technology, being author or co-author of more than 480 works, including books, scientific articles and studies, which have enjoyed wide visibility. At the Polytechnic University of Bucharest he taught physics for over 50 years, being the creator of the school in the field of numerical physics.

A professor whose stature is unparalleled in the memory of his former students and colleagues, a world-class scientist, a great man, a true man, who lived beautifully on earth and who will live forever in our hearts and souls. God rest his soul! My sincere condolences to the family!