On April 23, 2010 – the Communications Session took place at the AOSR headquarters
Productica Group, during which the video chat took place for the first time
online with 3 university centers: UPB, Technical University of Timisoara and
Baia Mare North University, so the impact of the session extended to
these centers, eliminating the need for those who travel to Bucharest
they had work to do.
Productica Group and Dacia-Renault
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2010, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Local Council meeting room, MIOVENI City Hall
Miron Zapciu, Ion CHIUŢĂ, Gheorghe DIDIŢĂ, Costel FRANŢESCU,
Dacia Renault representatives
Moderators: Miron Zapciu, Ion Chiuţă
Between May 5-7, 2011, in Mioveni – Argeş, it took place under the aegis
AOSR, The Spring Scientific Session of the “UNIVERSUL” CENTER
OF SCIENCE “- Product Commission – Dacia Renault, with the support of Mioveni City Hall,
at the House of Culture of Mioveni. The session took place under the auspices
Academy of Scientists, in the cycle “The Universe of Science at Home at
Romanians ”. 33 scientific papers were presented in plenary and 6
sections: Modern Manufacturing and Control Systems, Automation Systems and
mechatronics, Optimizations and new technologies for the production of mechanical energy,
Sustainable Development, Nuclear Technology Applications in Industry, Production –
Student scientific research. The papers were published in English in
volume Conference Proceedings of the Academy of Romanian Scientists.
PRODUCTICA Scientific Session, Volume 3, Number 1/2011.
Scientific report of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
On behalf of AOSR, the organizers were: Ion Chiuţă, Miron Zapciu
At the opening of the session, the following spoke: Prof. emeritus Dr. Alain Gérard (1),
univ. prof. dr. Vasile Cândea (2), MBA José Pietri (3), dr. eng. Constantin Stroe
(4), prof. Univ. Dr. Şerban Valeca (5), Deputy Mayor Dr. ec. Aureliu Costache (6),
univ. prof. dr. eng. Ion Chiuţă (7), deputy Ion Burnei (8), prof. univ. Dr. Eng.
Gheorghe Amza (9), CS1 Ph.D. Ilie Turcu (10), univ. Prof. Dr. Eng. Miron
On September 8-10, 2011, the Scientific Session of
of the cycle “The universe of science at home with Romanians”, in the city of Mioveni, with the participation
PRODUCTICS commission.
Between March 20-22, 2012, the Dacia-Renault Production Commission, under the auspices
of the AOSR Technical Sciences Department, organized with the support of Siemens Romania,
Sinutrain Jobshop training, with Mr Matjaž Mlinšek (from
Slovenia), Siemens DT MC SEE, Manager for SEE MC Market Development
Production Machines / Machine Tools, at the IMST Faculty within UPB.
In November 2012, the Workshop “Information Technology Transfer of
innovative ideas ”by Productica Group – Dacia Renault, science department
On January 17, 2013 it took place in the organization of the DaciaRenault Production Commission,
at UPB, the hall of the IMST Faculty, within the Department of Cars and
Production Systems from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, inauguration
official of the OKUMA Training Laboratory. The lab is dedicated
training of students from the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest in
the field of operation, programming and assisted realization of processing technologies
on OKUMA numerically controlled machine tools. A contribution to this project
The AOŞR PRODUCTICS Commission, led by Prof. Dr. Eng.
Miron Zapciu, mc and scientific secretary of the Technical Sciences section of AOŞR.
On May 18, 2013, the Dacia-Renault Production Commission organized two sections
of Student Scientific Circles, within the IMST faculty, UPB: section of
Conception and Management in Production and Lean and Quality Management
in Production. 42 scientific papers in the field of activity were presented
of the Commission
Between October 6-9, 2013, Prof. Dr. Eng. Miron Zapciu presented
the activity of the Dacia-Renault Production Commission during a trip to Ireland,
within the IT – Innovative Trainer project (beneficiary Newry and Morne
Enterprise Agency – UK). The aim was to stimulate collaboration in
the field of innovation and to attract scientific papers to be presented on the occasion
scientific sessions of the AOSR.
Organizing the Spring Scientific Session of the Productica-Dacia Commission
Renault on May 9, 2014, held at POLITEHNICA University of
Bucharest, Splaiul Independenceei no. 313, Central Library, Entrance A, 2nd floor.
In this edition, with international participation, under the name From
Productivity to Innovation in Global Competitiveness, were presented the most
relevant scientific results from universities, research institutes and companies from
country and abroad, being of interest topics from the following thematic areas:
Open Innovation and Business Competitiveness
Industrial Automation and Control Solutions
Productivity Continuous Improvement
Innovative Materials and Devices
Presidium of the Scientific Section – Production
The papers presented were published in the volume Conference Proceedings
of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, PRODUCTICA Scientific Session ISSN
2067-2160, Vol.6, No.1 / 2014
The conference was attended by representatives of various companies
sectors of activity, academic institutions, research institutes, etc. This one
cooperation will initiate valuable suggestions for further action
consolidating practices at the level of companies and at the level of academic institutions
On November 20, 2014, the members of the Productica Group (students, PhD students,
postdoctoral fellows and professors) made a personalized visit to the Technical Center
Titu, which is the last link to complete Renault’s car development chain
in Romania. The Titu Center is the only center of its kind in Eastern Europe
and complements the Renault centers in Aubevoye and Lardy (France). Were
visited HIL jokes. HIL tests use internal Renault, Matlab programs
Simulink and AMESIM.
Between December 8 and 9, 2014, Prof. Dr. Eng. Miron Zapciu introduced
the activity of the Dacia-Renault Production Commission, on the occasion of a trip to
Amsterdam – The Netherlands, within the Erasmus project, no. 554187-EPP-1-2014-1-
IE-EPPKA2-KA, SHIP- SMEs and HEIs in Innovation Partnerships, (Beneficiary
LCEB – Ireland). The aim of the presentation was to stimulate collaboration in
the field of innovation and to attract scientific papers to be presented on the occasion
scientific sessions of AOȘR.
On May 29, 2015, at the UPB Central Library, the Scientific Session of
Spring 2015 of the Production Commission – Dacia Renault, under the auspices of AOSR: Integration
of Research and Innovation in Business Environment. At the festive opening they have
speeches by: Vasile Cândea – President of AOSR, Adrian Badea – Vice President
AOSR, Ion Basgan – AOSR Vice President Pierre Borne – University of Lille,
France, MO-AOSR, Constantin Stroe – ACAROM President, Ion Chiuţă – President
of the AOSR Technical Sciences Section, Anton Hadăr – Vice President of the UPB Senate,
Cristian Doicin – Dean of the IMST faculty, Tiberiu Dobrescu – Director of
MSP Department. During the session, more than 20 papers were presented with
TCM engineering topics and more.