MEGAN Mihail – President of the Section, Full Member
PhD professor at the West University of Timişoara – Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics.
Areas of scientific competence: Mathematical Analysis, Real Analysis, Convex Analysis, Linear Control Systems, Qualitative Theory for Control Systems Structure Theory, Optimal Control, Model Theory.
References: CV
BERINDE Vasile – Full Member
University Professor Dr. Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North Baia Mare University Center
Areas of scientific competence: Nonlinear analysis, computer science
Outstanding achievements: included in the Web list of Science Highly Cited Researchers (2016, 2017), over 180 papers (146 papers reviewed in Mathematical Reviews; 154 papers reviewed in Zentralblatt MATH)
Important Publications: “Iterative approximation of fixed points”, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer, 2007. (> 269 ISI citations); Tripled fixed point theorems for contractive type mappings in partially ordered metric spaces. Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), no. 15; On a general class of multi-valued weakly Picard mappings. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 326 (2007), no. 2; Generalized coupled fixed point theorems for mixed monotone mappings in partially ordered metric spaces. Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), no. 18; Approximating fixed points of weak contractions using the Picard iteration. Nonlinear Anal. Forum 9 (2004), no. 1
DRĂGAN Vasile – Full Member
CS1 PhD, “Simion Stoilow” Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
Areas of scientific competence: Asymptotic stability of some classes of differential equations or with differences in the deterministic and stochastic framework; Differential or differential equations that generate positive evolutions on ordered Banach spaces; Robust control for deterministic and stochastic systems; Numerical methods for calculating optimal orders; H_2 type filtration and H_infinite type filtration; Control and filtering problems for sampling systems; Singular disturbances. Asymptotic developments; Methods of singular perturbations applied in the design of composite controls and performance filters imposed for systems with multiple time scales; Theory of linear quadratic differential games in deterministic and stochastic framework
References: CV FETECĂU Constantin – Full Member
University professor Dr. at Univ. Gheorghe Asachi from Iaşi; PhD supervisor.
Areas of scientific competence: Continuous media mechanics, Fluid mechanics, Rigid heat conductors; Linear Algebra, Analytical and Differential Geometry and Programming, Mathematical Analysis, Special Mathematics for Economists, and Differential Equations. The study of constitutive equations and the motions of particular continuous environments
References : CV
ISAR Aurelian – Full Member, Scientific Secretary of the Section
Scientific researcher I, doctor in physics at the Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering Bucharest, Magurele platform, in the Department of Theoretical Physics.
Areas of scientific competence: quantum dissipation and applications for quantum optics, atomic and nuclear physics, open quantum systems, dissipative tunnel in open quantum systems, quantum deformation of open systems, the transition from quantum physics to classical physics, quantum information theory.
References : CV Liviu – Scientific Secretary of the Section, Full Member
CS I PhD at the Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering Bucharest, Magurele platform, in the Department of Theoretical Physics.
Areas of scientific competence: Theoretical and computational physics, applied mathematics. Building families of new numerical methods for complex problems in physics, chemistry and technical sciences; formulation of fractional perturbation methods for solving the Schrödinger equation; obtaining original numerical formulas for numerical operations (differentiation, integration, solving differential equations, interpolation) on oscillatory functions; formulating a new set of special functions for efficient numerical processing of oscillator functions; the unitary theory of the formalism of exponential fitting; rigorous theory of errors in approximation procedures of oscillatory functions, efficient calculation of Slater integrals in quantum mechanics.
References : CV NICULESCU Constantin – Full Member
PhD professor, University of Craiova; PhD supervisor
Areas of scientific competence: mathematical analysis and its applications, problems of Banach space theory, operator theory, dynamical systems convex analysis: generalization of the concept of absolute continuity; the structure of weakly compact operators (defined on Banach latics, – algebras or other ordered Banach spaces); the structure of ordered Banach spaces and related spaces; Alfsen-Effros theory; recurrence properties of dynamical systems; study of convexity inequalities. Absolute continuity and weak compactness; Absolute continuity in Banach space theory; Weak compactness in Banach lattices; Convexity according to the geometric mean; A new look at Newton’s Inequalities; Non-commutative extensions of classical and multiple recurrence theorems; Convex Functions and their Applications. A Contemporary Approach.
References: CV ,
PETRUŞEL Adrian-Olimpiu – Full Member
Professor, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
Areas of scientific competence: Nonlinear analysis, Differential equations, Fixed point theory and applications, Differential and integral inclusions, Dynamic systems. PhD supervisor since 2004.
References: CV ,
TIBA Dan – AOSR Scientific Secretary, Full Member
Scientific researcher I, doctor, at the “Simion Stoilow” Institute of Mathematics, Romanian Academy, Bucharest.
Areas of scientific competence: analysis of optimal control problems governed by nonlinear partial differential equations, study of abstract properties needed in nonconvex optimization, numerical methods in constrained optimization, research in geometric optimization problems, parametric representations of implicitly defined varieties, numerical methods in geometric optimization, fixed domain type.
References: CV , Aurelian – Corresponding Member
PhD professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Bucharest
Areas of scientific competence : Differential equations, Differential inclusions, Smooth analysis, Optimal control theory, Feasibility theory. The obtained results aimed at: necessary first-order and second-order optimality conditions for optimal control problems defined by different classes of differential inclusions (classical, hyperbolic, semilinear, delayed, discrete); sufficient local controllability conditions for different classes of differential inclusions; results of the existence of viable solutions for different classes of differential inclusions; results of the existence of solutions both for Cauchy problems and for various boundary problems associated with differential inclusion classes; results of a qualitative and topological nature for the solutions of different classes of differential inclusions.
The scientific activity materialized (see the list of publications) in 8 books and monographs (of which 7 as sole author), 181 articles published in peer reviews (of which 161 as sole author; 41 ISI listed) and 62 presentations at international conferences. The scientific visibility of the published results is proven by 114 citations in national and foreign journals of which I am aware so far.
References : CV , GAL Gheorghe-Sorin – Corresponding Member
PhD, University of Oradea – PhD supervisor
Areas of scientific competence: Real and Complex Analysis, Geometric Theory of Variable Functions, Hypercomplex, Fuzzy Mathematics
Google Scholar Citations – 5138, ISI Articles – 144, ISI Citations – 1342
References : CV
LUPU Mircea – Corresponding Member
PhD professor at Transilvania University of Brasov – Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Areas of scientific competence: Partial Derivative Equations, Complex Boundary Problems, Dynamic Systems, Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Theoretical and Analytical Mechanics, Mathematics for Engineers.
References: CV MOROŞANU Gheorghe – Full Member
Professor of Mathematics
PhD supervisor Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca
Areas of scientific competence: differential equations; integral equations; calculation of variations; equations of evolution in infinitely dimensional spaces; equations with differences, including the proximate point algorithm and variants; singular perturbation theory; applied mathematics, semi-groups of linear operators; Real analysis; Functional analysis; Optimal control; Linear algebra and analytical geometry; Linear programming etc.
Outstanding achievements: results about the existence, stability and asymptotic behavior of solutions of nonlinear equations of evolution in Hilbert spaces; nonlinear differential equations with singular perturbations; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for nonlinear elliptic operators. Gheorghe Lazǎr Award of the Romanian Academy (1983)
References: CV , , %C8% 99years MORTICI Cristinel – Corresponding Member
Qualified university professor, doctor of sciences, Wallachia University Târgovişte
Areas of scientific competence: Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, Mathematics, Programming Engineering, Theoretical Computer Science, Operational Research and Management Sciences
References: CV SASU Adina-Luminiţa – Associate Member
Doctoral Professor, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, West University of Timisoara
Areas of scientific expertise: SASU Bogdan – Associate Member
Doctoral Professor, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, West University of Timisoara
Areas of scientific competence: Mathematical analysis, Functional analysis, Asymptotic behaviors of dynamical systems and evolution equations, Qualitative theory of discrete dynamical systems, Control theory.
References: CV
July 8, 1931, Iasi, Romania. Legal status: US Citizen, since 1991
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas 76019-0408, USA
Areas of scientific competence: Mathematics, Probablity and Mathematical Economics, Mathematical Game Theory, Information Systems, Computer Sciences, Linear Programming, Operations Research, Graph Theory, Nonlinear Programming, Macroeconomics models, Trigonometry, Statistics for nursing, Calculus for students in economics, Analytical geometry, Linear optimization, Discrete mathematics, Differential equations, Matrix Algebra, Advanced discrete mathematics, Mathematical analysis, Combinatorial optimization, Applied Complex variables, Linear Algebra, Linear & Nonlinear optimization. Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering.
References: CV, KENNETH V. THOMAS, OBE – Honorary Member, UK, London
Areas of scientific expertise: Measurement and Instrumentation, Fiber Optic Sensors for Physical Measurements, Fiber Optic Sensors for High Temperature Measurement, Applications of Optical Detection Techniques in Industrial Situations.
George Daniels Professor of Scientific Instrumentation and Dean of the City Graduate School , link to award-from-the-royal-society
Professor Grattan graduated in Physics from Queen’s University Belfast with a BSc (First Class Honors) in 1974, followed by a PhD in Laser Physics. His research involved the use of laser-probe techniques for measurements on potential new laser systems. His research interests have expanded to include the use of fiber optic and optical systems in the measurement of a range of physical and chemical parameters. The work has been sponsored by a number of organizations including EPSRC, the EU, private industry and charitable sources, and he holds several patents for instrumentation systems for monitoring in industry using optical techniques. He obtained the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) from City University in 1992 for his sensor work. Professor Grattan is extensively involved with the work of the professional bodies having been Chairman of the Science, Education and Technology of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, the Applied Optics Division of the Institute of Physics and he was President of the Institute of Measurement and Control during the year 2000.
He was elected to the Royal Academy of Engineering, the UK National Academy of Engineering, in 2008.
Professor Ken Grattan awarded OBE for services to the science of measurement.
He was awarded the Calendar Medal of the Institute of Measurement and Control in 1992, and the Honeywell Prize for work published in the Institute’s journal as well as the Sir Harold Hartley Medal in 2012 for distinction in the field of instrumentation and control. He was awarded the Applied Optics Divisional Prize in 2010 for his work on optical sensing.
Professor Ken Grattan FREng has received one of the Royal Society’s 2014 Wolfson Research Merit Awards.
Professor Ken Grattan, has been elected to serve as President of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) for the period 2015-2018.
References: CV , -a-wolfson-research-merit-award-from-the-royal-society
PENG Shi – Honorary Member
University of Adelaide, Australia
Peng Shi received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Newcastle, Australia in 1994; the PhD degree in Mathematics from the University of South Australia in 1998. To recognize his significant contributions to science and engineering, he was awarded the Doctor of Science degree from the University of Glamorgan, Wales in 2006; and the Doctor of Engineering degree from the University of Adelaide, Australia in 2015. He is now a Distinguished Professor at the University of Adelaide, Chair in Systems and Control, and Director, Laboratory of Advanced Unmanned Systems. His research interests include systems and control theory and applications to autonomous and robotic systems, intelligence systems, network systems and cyber-physical systems. He has published over 1000 journal articles in those fields. His work has received 67000+ citations with an h-index 141. He has received many recognitions and awards, including the Highly-Cited Researcher in both fields of engineering and computer science (2014-2020, Thomson Reuters), the Highest Cited Researcher in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2018, THE TIMES), the Lifetime Achiever Leader-Board (2019 and 2020, THE AUSTRALIAN), the Runner-up, Scopus Researcher of the Year (2017, Elsevier), the Outstanding Achievement Award of Excellence in Research (2020, The University of Adelaide), the Chancellor’s Medal (2018 , Victoria University), and many Best Paper awards from international journals and conferences, such as IEEE. He has served on the editorial board of a number of leading international journals as Editor-in-Chief, Editor, Subject Editor, Special Editor and Area Editor including Automatica and IEEE Transactions on (Automatic Control, Cybernetics, Fuzzy Systems, Circuits and Systems) . He is a Member of the Academy of Europe, a Member and President of the International Academy of Systems and Cybernetic Science. He now serves as a Distinguished Lecturer and Vice President of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (USA), the Institution of Engineering and Technology (UK), the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (UK), and the Institution of Engineers, Australia.
SOLOMON Sorin – Honorary Member
Professor at the Racah Institute of Physics of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Areas of Scientific Competence: He was previously a Bantrell Research Fellow at Caltech and held a Career Development Chair at the Weizmann Institute. He coordinated the Lagrange Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Excellence in Complexity in Turin, Italy, and a few EU projects in complexity. He authored more than 200 publications and books including ‘Microscopic Simulation of Financial Markets From Investor Behavior To Market Phenomena.’ Princeton University Press 2000 and “Cracking the ad code” Cambridge University Press 2009.
References: CV , , Hampartzoum Mouradian – Honorary Member
Research Director at the Paris Astronomical Observatory, [Observatoire de Paris – LESIA, France]
Areas of scientific competence: Mathematics-physics, astronomy, sun study, The fine structure of solar prominences, The solar-terrestrial relationship, The solar rotation – A new method for the study of the global rotation rate of solar activity . Armenian astronomer and scientist from Romania, graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Bucharest, PhD at the Sorbonne, member of the most important international astronomy associations. Highlighting the transport of matter from the chromosphere to the corona or the “Mouradian effect” of the optical thickness of spectral lines. The first observation of the evolution of the solar magnetic field of an active region before, during and after a solar explosion; Design and supervision of a computer program for digital recording, analysis and drawing.
References: CV , YAMAMOTO Masahiro – Honorary Member
Research Topics
- coe cient inverse problems by Carleman estimate
- inverse boundary value problems
- determination of shapes
- partial fractional of erential equations
- optimal control
Industrial partners with joint research projects
- Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal
- Kao Corporation
- Nikon Corporation
- Towa Seiki Corporation
References : CV
April 25, 1942 – May 1, 2010Doctoral professor, founder of the Romanian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ROMAI) and its president. He focused his creative energies on spectral problems arising from fluid mechanics, the study of turbulence and chaos, fractal theory, asymptotic approximation theory, synergetics, nonlinear dynamics, numerical analysis, variational calculus, etc. and so on A true scientist, of rare nobility of soul, versatile personality, Adelina Georgescu leaves a significant contribution in the universal patrimony of mathematical sciences and in the mathematics of sciences. Biography
UNGUREANU-SCUTARU Cornelia – Full Member
October 22, 1944 – September 27, 2015
Scientific researcher and doctor at the Institute of Economic Forecasting – National Institute of Economic Research “Costin C. Kiritescu” of the Romanian Academy
He has carried out studies and scientific papers in the fields of: econometrics and macroeconomic modeling; economic forecast models; modeling the inflationary process during the transition period; social costs of the transition: inflation-unemployment; poverty and human development (modeling, measurement and policies); money demand and inflation, the size and determinants of the informal economy in Romania; macroeconomic strategies and policies to prepare for EU membership (costs and benefits of EU membership); cluster analysis (global competitiveness of branches; structural changes in the Romanian transition economy); shaping potential GDP; quarterly model of the Romanian economy. BiographyAcad. SĂNDULESCU Aureliu-Emil – President of the section, founding member
Date and place of birth: 11 February 1932, Bucharest – died 21 April 2019, Bucharest
Prof. univ. dr., Physicist, CS 1
Founding full member of AOSR and Full Member of the Romanian Academy. A leading scientist in physics, academician SANDULESCU focused on theoretical nuclear physics, performing (alone or in collaboration) over 300 scientific papers, which can be grouped into: 1. Microscopic theory of alpha decay , 2. Prediction of new radioactivity, 3. Experimental discovery of radioactivity with neon emissions, 4. Experimental discovery of radioactivity with emissions of Ba, Ce, Zr, Mo etc., by the triple coincidence with g-rays in spontaneous fission without neutron emission 252 Cf, 5. Experimental discovery of cold alpha thermal fission of 252 Cf. Various papers containing scientific results on research directions in theoretical physics: Dynamization of the static model of the atomic nucleus ; The influence of uniparticle effects on nuclear reactions ; Generalization of the Nilson model for non-axial states , Cluster transfer reactions in heavy ion collisions, etc. The prediction of a new type of radioactivity (the emission of heavy clusters) is mentioned in the Encyclopedia Britannica, the phenomenon being assigned a PACS index.
President of the Romanian Physics Society (1992), Vice-President of the Romanian Academy (1994-1998), President of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Atomic Physics (1993-1998). Member of the Romanian Parliament (1998-2000). Doctor Honoris Causa, Joint Institute of Nuclear Physics Dubna, Russia (2003). Member of the Editorial Board of the National Journals of Physics: Studies and Research in Physics and Revue Roumaine de Physique. Member of the European Physical Society since 1970. With the disappearance of academician AURELIU-EMIL SĂNDULESCU , the entire community of physicist scientists is much poorer today. His disciples from all over the world must show themselves worthy of the immense legacy they have inherited, and they have a duty to carry on his dream of a world of values, merits, and dignities gained only through hard work, inspiration, and honest endeavor!
References: CV , Constantin – Associate Member
University professor dr., Ovidius University of Constanţa
October 10, 1956, Bucharest – November 23, 2020, Constanța
Areas of scientific competence: Mathematical Analysis and Functional Analysis, Numerical Analysis and Optimization Techniques, Image Reconstruction Techniques in Computed Tomography, Variational Methods, Multigrid Methods, Approximation and Simulation Methods, Programming Techniques for Scientific Calculations.
References: CV ,