General Objectives


The general objective of the paper is to review the main types of asymmetric conflicts;

  • Military;
  • Nonmilitary;
  • Energy;
  • Politics;
  • Economic;
  • Educational;
  • Cultural;

All these types, of course, during the research it is possible to identify others, have existed since the Middle Ages and have been strongly reflected in the evolution of mankind. The concept of symmetry, characteristic of a historical period, implies as involvement from an actor who has the capacity of force, a superior military capability from a technological and operational point of view. As is well known, any military action involves the application of national and international laws and regulations governing the entire process of conducting the action, starting with the weapons used and the way in which the participants in the action are treated. Thus, various weapons that use poisonous gases or biological agents that are dangerous to human health are prohibited, which would affect not only the armed forces in conflict, but also the non-combatant civilian population in the affected territory. Or it is precisely these procedures and regulations that are known to lead from one or more of the participants to paradigm shifts that lead to a positive or negative asymmetry (terrorism). Even if, as a result of a symmetrical war, victory is achieved by one of the parties, it happens that some groups in the camp of the defeated do not give up the fight. As they have already been defeated in a symmetrical conflict, these groups will change their weapons, tactics and fighting style, without complying with internationally established rules.