Conference “Religious Freedom in the Context of Human Rights”


10:00 Opening of the proceedings
Prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, Vice President of AOSR

– Messages from the Scientific Council of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
Prof. dr. eng. ADRIAN BADEA, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR)
Prof. Dr. NICOLAE DĂNILĂ, President of the AOSR Section of Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences

Prof. George Grigoriță, PhD
Department of Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art, University of Bucharest
Religious freedom in the European context

Prof. Mircea Criste, PhD
Doctoral School of the Faculty of Law of the West University of Timisoara
Spirituality and religion in the rule of law

Ben Oni Ardelean – MEP – subject reserved

Prof. Dr. Verginia Vedinas
Corresponding member of AOSR, Faculty of Law – University of Bucharest
Religious freedom in the context of the administrative framework

Prof. dr. eng. Constantin Bratianu
Full member of AOSR, National School of Political and Administrative Studies – SNSPA Bucharest
The connection between legal rights and culture

Conf. PhD Mireille Rădoi
Director General – “Carol I” Central University Library
Respecting religious freedom for library readers

Conf. PhD Daniel Fodorean
Associate Member of AOSR, Dean of the School of Theology – Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Religious freedom: Defining component elements

– Discussions
– Conclusions and closure of the proceedings