Acad. Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici, honoured by the Academy of Romanian Scientists on his 100th birthday


The Academy of Romanian Scientists honors him on acad. Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici on his 100th birthday. University professor, PhD in Neuropsychiatry and Geriatrics, neurologist, honorary member of the Romanian Academy, founding member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences, he is a prominent personality of Romanian education, science and culture.  

Born on July 6, 1923, in Bucharest, descendant of the old noble family of Bălăcenilor, which played a significant role in the history of the Romanian Country, he attended the high school “I. C. Brătianu” in Pitesti, graduated from the University of Medicine in Bucharest in 1947, and in 1968 he obtained a PhD in Medical Sciences. Specialising in neuropsychiatry and geriatrics, he has developed a complex career, during which he has combined the medical profession with university professorship in an exemplary manner. He was a specialist neurologist at Colentina Hospital and at Dr. Cantacuzino Hospital, primary neurologist at Gheorghe Marinescu Hospital in Bucharest, primary geriatrician, head of department and general director at the National Institute of Gerontology, head of the Methodological Service of Neurology and Neurosurgery. At the same time, he was a preparator and assistant at the Department of Anatomy and the Department of Neurology of the Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute, substitute professor at the Department of General Cybernetics of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Bucharest, professor of neuropsychology and anatomy of the nervous system, professor of history of culture and science, associate professor at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (England), Pontifical University of Porto Alegre (Brazil), Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo of Santander (Spain), Catalan Medical Academy of Barcelona (Spain), College of Medicine of Paris (France). In summary, his areas of expertise are: neuropsychology, anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, neurogeriatrics, practical geriatrics, postmodernist neuropsychology, general cybernetics, neurocybernetics, human personality, general and behavioural genetics, anthropogenesis and genesis of culture, history of culture and science. As a physician and scientist, he is a pioneer in the field of neuroscibernetics and a continuator of the school of geriatrics founded by Acad. Prof. Dr. Ana Aslan, who introduced geriatrics as a specialty in the Romanian health system.

Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici has a prodigious scientific and cultural work, which includes books, monographs, studies both in specialized fields and in broader areas of science, culture and civilization. Among them: Elements of anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, 1948; Elements of Neurocybernetics, 1967; Human personality – a cybernetic interpretation, 1972; Neurogeriatrics, 1984; Anatomists in search of the soul, 1981; Dialogues on the seen and unseen, 1995; Treatise on Practical Geriatrics, 1998; Postmodernist Neuropsychology, 2000; Central structures of the nervous system, 2001; The Three Arrows – a study of national history, 1995; The Saga of the Barons du Mont – 900 years of European political and military history, 1995; The Saga of the Bălăcenilor, 2001; Introduction to the Study of Jewish and Christian Kabbalah, 1996; Kabbalah, Between Gnosis and Magic, 2004;Anthropogenesis and the Genesis of Culture, 2006; An Introduction to Anthropogenesis, 2006; General and Behavioral Genetics, 2008.

For his activity and merits proved during a long career, Professor Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici received important awards and distinctions: the Order of the Star of Romania in the rank of Knight; decorated with the Patriarchal Cross and the Moldavian Cross; the Maltese Merit in the rank of Officer; laureate of the Grand Prize of the French Society of High Syntheses; Doctor Honoris Causa of several universities in the country.

Today, at the venerable age of 100, Professor Bălăceanu-Stolnici remains involved and active in several fields, holding a number of positions: Testamentary Ephor of the Brancovenetian Settlements (Domnița Bălașa Church), Member of the National Assembly and of the National Council of the Romanian Orthodox Church, President of the Romanian Athenaeum Society, Honorary Director of the Institute of Anthropology “Francisc Rainer” of the Romanian Academy, Honorary President of the Ecological University of Bucharest, President of the Order of Malta Families in Romania, President of the International Anti-Drug and Human Rights Centre (C.I.A.D.O.) Romania.

Professor Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici has covered a large part of the history of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st century, has known important inter-war and post-war personalities, has carried out a brilliant activity in the fields of education, science, culture and civilization, making a valuable contribution to their development through spirit, creation and knowledge. Heir and representative of an old Romanian aristocratic family, his lordship is, by genealogy, merits and conduct, a “Boer of the Romanian world”, a prestigious promoter of authentic spiritual and moral values in a society that is in dire need of models and landmarks. Trained in the medical sciences, physician and professor, he has constantly expanded his curiosity and research in cutting-edge fields of science and in the vast areas of culture and civilization, demonstrating a comprehensive and fruitful spirit in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge. An encyclopedic personality of Renaissance humanist nature, at the impressive age of 100, Professor Bălăceanu-Stolnici remains the same active, curious and investigative spirit, committed to fundamental research and, at the same time, open to knowledge in the Age of Technology and Artificial Intelligence.

On the occasion of his venerable one-century birthday, the Academy of Romanian Scientists awarded Academician Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici, an illustrious member of the AOSR, the Diploma of Excellence for his Opera Omnia and the Jubilee Medal. The rationale for awarding the Diploma of Excellence is as follows: “for all his scientific, academic, professional, educational, cultural and social activity, carried out under the highest quality standards and under the auspices of the values of humanism, for OPERA OMNIA and his exceptional contribution to the development of the field of medical sciences, for a life dedicated to the edification through education, science and knowledge of the young generations and Romanian society, on the occasion of his 100th birthday”.

The entire academic community of the AOSR wishes the illustrious contemporary: Happy Birthday, good health and further success in the work he continues to do, tirelessly, enthusiastically and creatively!

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Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România este continuatorul și unicul legatar al Academiei de Știinte din România (1935 – 1948) și al Asociației Oamenilor de Știință din România înființată prin HCM nr. 1012/30 mai 1956, care în 1996 și-a schimbat titulatura în Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România. În anul 2007 a fost adoptată Legea nr. 31-15 ianuarie 2007 privind reorganizarea și funcţionarea AOSR. Printre membrii de onoare ai ASR s-au numărat următorii laureați ai premiului Nobel (conform Buletinului nr 11 din 1943 al ASR): Louis de Broglie, Jean Perrin (fizicieni francezi), Max Born, Werner-Karl Heisenberg (fizicieni germani), Paul Sabatier (chimist francez), Hans Fischer , Friedrich Bergius (chimisti germani), Paul Karrer (chimist elveţian) şi George Emil Palade (medic român ), membru al AOSR. Conform evaluării instituționale Scimago/ ELSEVIER , bazată pe vizibilitatea științifică internațională a membrilor săi, AOSR ocupă locul 22/Romania și 775/lume în clasamentul instituțiilor de cercetare și învățământ superior.