A tribute to Mrs. Prof. dr. eng. Maria-Georgeta NICHITA


Full Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
Vice President of AOSR Timisoara Branch (1989-2001 and 2006-2008)
Scientific Secretary AOSR Timisoara Branch (2001-2006)

Born on 13 January 1932 in Pucioasa, Dâmbovița County, she attended the Faculty of Agriculture at the Agronomic Institute in Timișoara, graduating in 1956. In 1968 he obtained a PhD in Agronomy, specializing in the feeding of domestic animals, with his thesis Contributions to the study of carotene supply in the feeding of dairy cows, at the Agronomic Institute of Bucharest. In 1975 he graduated from the Faculty of Letters – English.

His professional activity included the following milestones: 14 April 1956 – 1 January 1960 – internship in production; 1960-2005, teaching staff at the Agronomic Institute of Timisoara (IAT), where he held the following positions: head of laboratory 1960-1962; assistant 1962-1968; head of work 1968-1972; lecturer 1972-1980; professor 1980-1990; pro-rector IAT 1980-1986; rector IAT 1989-1990; consultant professor and PhD supervisor 1990-2005; vice-president AOSR – Timișoara branch (1989-2001 and 2006-2008); scientific secretary (2001-2006).
The research activity was focused on the following topics: nutritional physiology and optimization of the structure of the feed base for animal nutrition: valorization of non-protein nitrogenous substances, agricultural by-products and those from the food industry in animal feed; optimization of animal nutrition, study of the frequency and intensity of chemical and microbiological pollutants in feed and their impact on the quality of animal products and the health of animal and human consumers: Comparative experimentation of technologies to prevent and mitigate feed pollution, influence of mineral supplementation in animal feed correlated with quantitative and qualitative production of specific yields; development of new feed products for ruminant nutrition (TUM-30; Carbamin; Ureomix; partial natural milk replacers with soy hydrolysate for calf feed), etc. Between 1978 and 1990, he coordinated the scientific activity of several teachers and researchers from the Agronomic Institute of Timisoara, within the framework of 5 research contracts of national interest.

After his retirement, he continued his own research and coordinated the research of doctoral students, which resulted in the award of the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree.

He obtained several patents: No 66000/1976, Feed concentrate for ruminants; 82734/1983 Methods for obtaining a milk replacer with vegetable hydrolysate; 90916/1986 prestarter feed used in intensive fish farming; composition and process for its production, and he had feed innovations: Complex feed mixture with urea for bulls; Carbamin mineral supplement for cereal paste, both approved and generalized in production.

He has published 115 scientific papers (of which 103 first-author) communicated in scientific sessions, symposia, national and international congresses and published in specialized journals, in the country and abroad; 5 monographs totalling 512 pages on specialized topics and 41 specialized articles, published in local and central press.

Among the books published, we mention: Nutrition, a fundamental factor in the profitability of livestock production, Ed. Facla, 1984; Superior valorisation of agricultural and industrial by-products in animal feed, Ed. Ceres, 1976; Quantity and Quality in Animal Nutrition, Ed. Ceres, 1984; Basics of nutrition and veterinary control of feed, Ed. Didactics and Pedagogics, 1978 and ed. revised 1984.
His research and professional activity has been recognized by several awards: the Traian Săvulescu Prize of the Romanian Academy, awarded in 1987; first prize at the Salon of Inventions and Innovations, Timisoara, 1988 Methane biofermentation, energy and eco-cybernetic biotechnology for the treatment and recycling of manure from livestock complexes. Distinguished University Professor – M.E.I., 1987; three First Prizes at Invention and Innovation Fairs; three Diplomas of Honor – First Place for Scientific and Professional Activity (1986-88); World Who’s Hall of Fame (1998), The First Five Hundred at the New Millennium (1998), Gold Star Award International Woman of the Millennium (1999) – International Biographical Centre, Cambridge; Platinium Record for Exceptional – American Biographical Institute, North Carolina, 2000.
May he rest in peace!

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Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România este continuatorul și unicul legatar al Academiei de Știinte din România (1935 – 1948) și al Asociației Oamenilor de Știință din România înființată prin HCM nr. 1012/30 mai 1956, care în 1996 și-a schimbat titulatura în Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România. În anul 2007 a fost adoptată Legea nr. 31-15 ianuarie 2007 privind reorganizarea și funcţionarea AOSR. Printre membrii de onoare ai ASR s-au numărat următorii laureați ai premiului Nobel (conform Buletinului nr 11 din 1943 al ASR): Louis de Broglie, Jean Perrin (fizicieni francezi), Max Born, Werner-Karl Heisenberg (fizicieni germani), Paul Sabatier (chimist francez), Hans Fischer , Friedrich Bergius (chimisti germani), Paul Karrer (chimist elveţian) şi George Emil Palade (medic român ), membru al AOSR. Conform evaluării instituționale Scimago/ ELSEVIER , bazată pe vizibilitatea științifică internațională a membrilor săi, AOSR ocupă locul 22/Romania și 775/lume în clasamentul instituțiilor de cercetare și învățământ superior.