The Romanian Scientific Environment in Which the Academy of Sciences of Romania Was Founded

The Romanian Scientific Environment in Which the Academy of Sciences of Romania Was Founded

Unleashing creative energies, the Union of 1918, and the Romanian State’s policy, despite obstructions and disappointments, boosted the solidarity of the provinces and the participation in the cultural life of all citizens, regardless of ethnicity, language and religion. The rapid modernisation of the country entailed the upsurge of the role of education, science, culture and art. Romania’s active participation in international life, and the free circulation of values secured the active presence of Romanian scientists at the major international congresses and conferences, resulting in patents and the translation of certain works in widely spoken languages, so that they could thus become part of the intellectual heritage of Europe and the world.

The young Greater Romania needed the contribution of science and technology, but the funds required for setting up an adequate material basis (laboratories, equipment, libraries, etc.) were allotted sparingly because, on the one hand, the material resources available were limited by the deleterious consequences of war and, on the other hand, the specific needs of science were not yet properly understood. In his “Memories” the great chemist Petru Poni gives a vivid illustration of the situation generated by the hardships endured after 1918 in promoting science:

“We lacked everything. We had neither collections, nor equipment, nor the most elementary material of experimentation, nor books or journals to learn at least what others, more fortunate than us, were doing in other countries.” – Figures of Romanian Chemists

The Romanian Academy and the National Research Council
The Romanian Academy, through the activity of its members, but also through the catalytic effect exhibited in Romania’s scientific life, imposed itself as the highest national forum of scientific and cultural consecration of our country. On June 1, 1920, the Romanian Academy approved the request of the Scientific Section to join the International Research Committee in Brussels, and on May 29, 1937, was voted the creation of the National Research Council, as
“leading and consultative organ of the state in all matters in which the word of pure or applied science has to be listened to following the example of similar institutions in the countries of Western Europe and overseas.” – History of the Romanian Academy in Data

The “Scientific Monograph” Collection
On March 11, 1938, the Romanian Academy announced the creation of the “Scientific Monograph” collection, specifying that “each volume shall be a whole, providing the classical training elements for actual research, and a maximum of four volumes shall appear every year.” – History of the Romanian Academy in Data

Contribution of the Royal Foundations
The Royal Foundations (“Prince Carol”- 1921, “King Ferdinand the First”- 1925, “Carol II Foundation for Literature and Art”- 1933) contributed to Romania’s cultural and scientific development. The Royal Foundations’ involvement in the scientific life of the country is attested by the publication of the “Royal Foundations’ Journal” (1934-1938) which offered a manifold perspective on cultural fields – economics, sociology, science and linguistics, philosophy and aesthetics, music and literary history – , as well as by the foundation of the “Encyclopaedic Library”, a collection of publications  edited by the “Carol II Foundation for Literature and Art”, which sought to diffuse knowledge and information. (source: History and Museography Materials)